No Luck?

There was dead silence throughout the dorm because the only members remaining were Kai and Kyungsoo
 Kyungsoo didn't notice the things around him as he was focusing on their same old schedule for the day which was actually just a thick piece of paper that had  messy writing, that was on the fridge as usual being held up by 3 magnets that weren't very strong.
"Kai. Kai? KAI?!" Kyungsoo called. Kai responded quite quickly and almost came sprinting in but still tried to remain cool. 
As Kai approached he let his hand rest against the fridge, using it to lean, putting his weight onto the fridge. This caused Kyungsoo to almost be trapped between the wall and Kai.
"What is it?" Kai responded, still with an attempt to act cool.
"When are the others going to get back? I mean I can't believe that all the other members went out to eat while I was bathing! They could have waited like you. I'm hungry!!! Kyungsoo cried, talking so fast that Kai could barely catch up.
"And-" Kyungsoo then stopped himself after drawing his attention to  Kai's lips which he was biting. Kyungsoo was able to tell that Kai really wanted to shut him up with a kiss. But since Kyungsoo was embarrassed whenever jongin was intimate and they are alone in the dorm together, the atmosphere was even more awkward for him.
"Well even if we're left here hungry, we're together..." Kai began while taking a step forward, trying to ignore his failed attempt earlier, hoping Kyungsoo hadn't noticed.
 Then Kai slowly started to lean in for a second attempt, unable to resist and Kyungsoo having no choice began to lean against the wall. But once Kai was about to put his other hand on Kyungsoo's face, Kyungsoo escaped between the fridge and  Kai by dunking under Kai's arm.
Kyungsoo then looked up at Kai cutely with his big eyes and Kai did the same back, unable to get mad at him for rejecting because of his aegyo.
Kyungsoo then began to stutter "I-I..."
Kai's eyes full of anticipation.
"I-I am hungry!!" 
He then skipped of into his room, hearing a squeak from his door closing.
Kai marched into his room after him.
A smirk passed Kai's face just as he let go of the door knob from closing the tall brown bedroom door.
5 minutes of silence passed through the dorm as Kyungsoo was looking out his window for the others to return with food and Kai stuck in his room with a idea flowing through his head.
As the silence continued Kyungsoo began to forget about his hunger in sympathy and worry of Kai, feeling bad for the situation earlier.
A couple moments into the thought Kyungsoo heard something hard fall and hit the floor with a loud thump and at that second heard screams of pain that belonged to Kai.
Kyungsoo then barged into Kai's room filled with worries and fright, but then soon became confused from not seeing anything other then a big book on the floor.
Kai then grabbed Kyungsoo around the waist and mouth with his hands and laid him on the soft single bed, as he shut the door behind him with his left foot. 
Kai was practically on top of him as Kyungsoo began to stare at Kai again, eyes twitching with anger and confusion, while his body was filled with delight not able to resist.
"I-I thought y-you were hurt!!!" Kyungsoo yelled as he wasn't sure what to say, just trying to say something so he didn't seem stupid.
"Well if I was hurt you could have just got "Exo's healing unicorn Lay" to cure me." Kai replied over exaggerating with a smirk on his face knowing that Kyungsoo would laugh.
And as Kai thought, Kyungsoo did, unable to resist Kai's cute jokes Kyungsoo began bursting of laughter getting oddly more and more comfortable.
Kai then began to think about how this was the perfect moment.
As Kai began to lean in, slowly moving his hand from Kyungsoo's mouth, around his head, slowly planting his thumb along Kyungsoo's cheekbone, Kyungsoo already closed his eyes in preperation for what was going to happen. Kyungsoo's body oddly feeling combfortable.
But then"Ring Dong!!!".
A silent laughter began to fill the air and a silent voice calling "Hyung! Hyung!".
Kyungsoo's eyes then opened in a flash and was just about to get out of position trying to escape the awkward situation they were in.
Kai then pushed him back down and said "We don't have to open the door just yet..." And began to lean in closer to Kyungsoo as he was speaking. 
But Kyungsoo was too embarrassed  to even consider not opening the door and so decided to just go on top of Kai himself then using that chance to make a run to the door.
Kai was disappointed since it only took a matter of seconds for the dorm to be filled with a dozen people!
After everyone enjoyed their meals, well almost everyone because Tao was still chugging down the left overs as usual,  most of the members began   to grow thirsty. 
Since Kyungsoo hadn't gone out at for the whole day he decided to volunteer and buy the drinks.
Suho then said he would join him since he is the leader and all.
As Suho got up from his chair, Kai stopped him and said "No!!! I will go don't worry. G-g-get some rest I need fresh air too you know!
Kai then grabbed Kyungsoo's wrist and left with him.
The 2 had finished buying the drinks and were walking towards the dorm in complete silence, because they were in the process of remembering the situation they were in before the other members arrived
Once they arrived both Kai and Kyungsoo looked up the apartment to where their dorm was.
The lights were off....
Kai looked over at Kyungsoo the second he noticed the lights.
Kyungsoo slowly turned his head to meet Kai's eyes again, slowly realizing the situation.
A smirk went across Kai's face.
~The End~ 
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Chapter 1: DAEBAK my goeungjanghan author-nim!!! Gahh!! LOL XD i love it!