At some street dancing, Kai was waiting at the back stage.

KAI: I am going to win this.

                Kai goes to the stage and many girls were screaming and start dancing. After a few hours, it is time to announce the winner.

HOST: and the winner for this Solo Dance Competition is …. KAI!! Chukahamnida!

                The girls are starting to scream.

KAI: kamsamnida  *bows*

                Kai ride on his motorcycle. He found his father again drinking.

YUNHO: you went to a competition again?! Dancing will not take you anywhere *drinks*

                Kai just ignore his father. Kai was been dancing all over his life, his mother died in a cancer and his father was a taxi driver, always drinking after work. At the school, Jae Mi was talking to Hyu Shik.

JAE MI: Kai won again last night!

HYU SHIK: you should stop over reacting. It hurts me. You are always hitting me.

JAE MI: mianhae, I was just happy

HYU SHIK: I wonder why don’t audition himself?

JAE MI: well, he is not that obsess to his talent.

                Recess time, Kai and his friends were at the canteen and Hyu Shik and Jae Mi follow.

HYU SHIK: you should stalk him fully, follow him on his house.

JAE MI: mwo!? I can’t do that.

LAY: I heard that you won the competition.

KAI: yup.

CHANYEOL: why don’t you audition in an entertainment company?

KAI: well, I was been accepted but, how about my studies? I’m worried.

LAY: how’s your father?

KAI: always the same.

JAE MI: what does he mean by that?

HYU SHIK: his father is always drunk after work. He is poor, Jae Mi

JAE MI: poor!? How can you say?

HYU SHIK: I’m his neighbour.

JAE MI: how come you didn’t tell me?

HYU SHIK: you didn’t ask for it.

JAE MI: he is popular among girls yet they didn’t know Kai’s state.

HYU SHIK: donate. You are rich so you could.

                The  recess time is over. The two girls are still chatting.

JAE MI: I made up my mind. I will stalk him this afternoon and you will be going with me!

HYU SHIK: mwo!? Why me!?

JAE MI: you told me that I should stalk him. You planned and I will do it.

HYU SHIK: aish…. Araseo!

                At the classroom

KAI: do you know a place which is affordable?

LAY: none…

CHANYEOL: I think I knew a place… I took Mil Ku in her apartment and I asked for the rental fee and it is really cheap, 50 dollars.

KAI: take me!

CHANYEOL: araseo

LAY: are you going to separate to your father?

KAI: ne, he can live on his own and I will accept the company’s contract.

CHEN: you are going to train!?

KAI: ne…

                Afternoon, the boys go to Mil Ku’s apartment while the two girls follow them.

SEHUN: wait a minute, this is where Seojae lives and Tao and his friends.

SUHO: excuse me, boys, what are you looking for?

KAI: I’m looking for the owner of this apartment.

SUHO: across the street at the rooftop.

KAI: kamsamnida *bows*

                They go across the street.

SHINDONG: what was it?

KAI: I am looking for a room, what else?

SHINDONG: araseo, I will take you a tour.

                They go to the apartment.

SHINDONG: this is Suho, the guard and there were many occupants in the last floor, one in the first floor and none in the second floor. There are no ghosts here. The elevator is working and no failure since the beginning.

                Seojae was with her driver Minho and they stop because the boys were blocking the way.

MINHO: *coughs*

SHINDONG: Ms. Seojae! Sorry for the trouble.

                The boys make way for the two.

KAI: who is that?

SEHUN: it’s her driver.

SHINDONG: so, what floor did you choose?

KAI: second floor last room .

SHINDONG: just sign this lease. When will you transfer?

KAI: at weekend.

CHANYEOL: good timing I’m going to help Mil Ku painting her wall.

CHEN: you are really serious with her.

                The boys left.

JAE MI: he is going to live here.

HYU SHIK: maybe he is irritated to his father.

                They go home.

JAE MI: eomma!


JAE MI: can I live in an apartment?

VICTORIA: *coughs* WHAT?! Wae?

JAE MI: I had this kind of infatuation to this guy.


JAE MI: well, father told me that you transferred to his school just to meet him and flirt.

VICTORIA: araseo, when will you transfer?

JAE MI: this Friday

VICTORIA: pack your bags.

JAE MI: kamsamnida, umma!  *HUGS*

                Meanwhile, at Kai’s residence, Yunho is drinking again while Kai is studying in his room.

KAI: eomma, please help me understand my father… Why does he always drink?

                At the school, all the guys were busy reading manga while the girls are busy looking at the mirror and chatting.

NO YOUNG: I wonder why are the boys busy reading the Rapunzel Manga?

GYO SEOK: you should at least read it. It is a good story on it.

NO YOUNG: I hate reading.

GYO SEOK: there are pictures so you won’t be bored.

                Seojae was sketching again.

CHANYEOL: I wonder why I felt something is missing after I read this manga?

TAO: because the creator is still alive, she sketches her current living and  what she wants were been sketched on her first manga; that’s the life she wants, she just add something unimaginable so it will suit our tastes.

CHEN:  I wonder how you get it?

TAO: you should listen to the speech of the Manager of the SMTOWN publication. “It is based on the manga artist’s life”

LUHAN: you are really smart.

                Seojae just smirks on what Tao said.

SEHUN: the female protagonist… her face is my ideal type. The one who sketched this knows my taste!

LAY: where is Kai?

CHANYEOL:  I don’t know

KYUNGSOO: Seojae-ah, did you read the…..

                Kyungsoo didn’t found Seojae on her seat.

KYUNGSOO: have you seen Seojae?

KRIS: she left, maybe going to the comfort room.

                Meanwhile, Kai was in the rooftop holding his father’s picture and start tearing it apart.

KAI: you’re no father to me

SEOJAE: Take the first step in faith. You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.

KAI: what?

SEOJAE: in faith there is enough light for those who want to believe and enough shadows to blind those who don’t.

KAI: What are you saying?

SEOJAE: your father… have faith on him.

KAI: there is no chance that I will trust him, be loyal, believe or whatever.

SEOJAE: it’s because you don’t try to.

                Kai looks curiously.

SEOJAE: the class will start you should go.

                Jae Mi is secretly listening to them.

JAE MI: what is their relationship?

                Afternoon, Jae Mi was with Shindong.

JAE MI: do you remember a group of boys who happened to visit here a few days ago to rent?


JAE MI: what floor did he chose?

SHINDONG: 2nd floor last room.

JAE MI: ah… I want to rent the room right next to him!

SHINDONG: stalker?

JAE MI: 99%

SHINDONG: then, what does the remaining percent represents?

JAE MI: I don’t know, maybe I’ll soon find it out.

SHINDONG: when will you transfer?

JAE MI: Friday!

SHINDONG: Teenagers nowadays are really into love more than studies *sigh*

                Meanwhile, Chanyeol was waiting at the gate, Mil Ku comes.

MIL KU: you are always visiting me

CHANYEOL: It’s because I’m courting you.

MIL KU: waiting for a “YES” from me will take years.

CHANYEOL: then, I’ll wait

MIL KU: *rolls eyes* whatever

                Jae Mi goes inside of the apartment and see the 2nd floor.

JAE MI: hmm… the apartment looks scary…

SEOJAE: stalking him…

                Jae Mi turns.

JAE MI: you… you are the one who talked to Kai at the rooftop.

SEOJAE: yes… I ask you, are you really stalking him?

JAE MI: ne, 99% *sighs*

SEOJAE: one percent is for the facts about Kai you didn’t know.

JAE MI: hmmm??

SEOJAE: what is his real name?

JAE MI: Kai..

SEOJAE: wrong, it’s Kim Jong In and about his state in his life you don’t know that too, right?

JAE MI: I knew about it

SEOJAE: it’s because your friend told it to you already.

JAE MI: how did you know all about this?

SEOJAE: Because I observed.

JAE MI: you are the student in Class A that rarely speaks to people yet how can you talk me?

SEOJAE: It’s because I can feel what you are feeling and was dying to get it. I’m just helping you. Actions speaks louder than words but to your state, that phrase can’t be used. Annyeong *bows*

JAE MI: there is something on that girl. I wonder if I could talk to her for some time and learn things.

                Jae Mi goes out and bump onto someone.

JAE MI: mianhae…

                The girl runs and Chanyeol was curious.

CHANYEOL: I think I saw that girl somewhere here. *thinks* Never mind

                Chanyeol left the apartment. Meanwhile, at some conference.

REPORTER: Your MV was released a few days ago and many of your fans were curious about the girl. Yesung had a kissing scene with it.

KYUHYUN: well, I can only tell you little detail about this girl. She is only a high school student.

REPORTER: is she one of the trainees?

KYUHYUN: anio, our manager just found her and it is hard to convince the girl to be the guest.

RYEOWOOK: in fact, Yesung wished for the kissing scene since she likes that girl.

REPORTER: is that true?

YESUNG: ne, she was just different from the other girls. She knows all.

REPORTER: is there any chance that you will date her?

YESUNG: anio, I can feel that she will not accept it.

                Seojae was watching the conference on the tv.

SEOJAE: I didn’t know everything.

                Late at night, Yesung came.

SEOJAE: I didn’t know everything, Yesung

                Yesung was surprised.

YESUNG: you scared me!

                Seojae immediately leave Yesung behind.

YESUNG: what is her problem?

                The next day at the school

JAE MI: did you know Seojae from Class A?

HYU SHIK: ne, smart but not that friendly.

JAE MI: she knows me well yet we do not always meet each other.

HYU SHIK: maybe she stalks you

JAE MI: maybe… I talked to the owner of the apartment and I went to see the room, then she suddenly spoke to me.

HYU SHIK: what words?

JAE MI: I can’t remember the whole but, I felt that time that she is really kind to me. She told me something about Kai, that I didn’t knew, especially Kai’s real name and the remaining one percent for being a stalker was complete.

HYU SHIK: you are talking weird

JAE MI: facts about him was missing, that remaining one percent.

HYU SHIK: whatever. *rolls eyes*

                Afternoon, the boys were playing basketball.

CHEN: I wonder *shoots* where we will be going to our field trip?

CHANYEOL: well, I’m going, Sehun will not.

                A man came to them.

MINHO: Excuse me, have you seen Ms. Seojae?

LUHAN: no, sir.

MINHO: *bows*

                The guy left the boys.

KAI: what did he said?

LUHAN: he is looking for Seojae.

LAY: I think I saw her with No Young.

                Sehun runs. Meanwhile at the pool, No Young and her friends were threatening Seojae.

NO YOUNG: Seojae, you are popular among the students and teachers today. I don’t like student who goes overboard.

KYU JAE: Let’s go, No Young

NO YOUNG: I’m not yet finished with her…

                No Young pushed Seojae.

KYU JAE: No Young, let’s just go shopping.

NO YOUNG: do you still have feelings for her?

KYU JAE: it’s not like that..

NO YOUNG: then, shut up there

                Kyu Jae just left the two.

NO YOUNG: stay out of my way, Seojae-ah.

SEOJAE: We all have dreams. But in order to make dreams come into reality, it takes an awful lot of determination, dedication, self-discipline, and effort.

NO YOUNG: what!?

SEOJAE: Anatole France once said, “To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe.”

NO YOUNG: whatever. You belong in the water! *push*

                No Young and Gyo Seok left Seojae.

NO YOUNG: Kyu Jae!!

KYU JAE: *turns* ne?

NO YOUNG: let’s go shopping!

KYU JAE: where is Seojae?

NO YOUNG: swimming…

KYU JAE: what!?

                Kyu Jae drops her bag and runs. Meanwhile, Sehun reach the pool.

SEHUN: Seojae!!

                He dives and rescues her. Kyu Jae reaches the pool and saw Sehun rescuing Seojae.

SEHUN: Kyu Jae, get her…

                Kyu Jae helped Sehun. Seojae is unconscious and Sehun did the CPR but it doesn’t work so, he used the resuscitation and Seojae wakes up.

KYU JAE: I should go…

                Kyu Jae runs. Sehun carries Seojae and goes outside.

CHEN: Sehun?

MINHO: Ms. Seojae!!

                They all go inside the car.

LUHAN: what happened?!

SEHUN: she was drowned

                Meanwhile at the car, Sehun notice that Seojae is freezing so he hold her hand and blows so it will add some warm. They soon reach the apartment.

YESUNG: why are they wet?

                Seojae was the first one to take a bath.

MINHO: you are brave enough

SEHUN: for what?

MINHO: to rescue Ms. Seojae.

                Minho makes hot chocolate for them.

MINHO: Only very brave mouse makes nest in cat’s ear.

SEHUN: what?

MINHO: it will be hard for you making Seojae fall in love to you. You give up on her, right?

SEHUN: ne, But I can’t stop the tempt to save her

MINHO: there are many men who wanted to win her heart. Most of them turns out bad and the remaining are still in the normal state… you are next..

SEHUN: next for what?

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