Seojae wakes up. Her head hurts.

SEOJAE: aigoo… what happened? *rubs head*

                She tries to unlock the door but it won’t open.

SEOJAE: anyone there!!?

                She is still rocking the door.

SEOJAE: help!

                She started to burst tears. She remembered the time when she was locked up and heard a lot of firing. Flashback, Seojae was being placed in a closet and heard a lot of firing outside. Her father is screaming for help. She loves her father. She can’t see anything. All dark. She was been locked up for one night. It is really starving for her. She can’t recover from that incident, now, she is losing her consciousness.

TAO: Seojae-ah!

                Tao heard breathing inside the closet. He immediately open it and Seojae hug him so tight.

SEOJAE: please don’t shoot him!

                Tao saw that Seojae si really scared and her face is really wet with her tears.

TAO: Seojae, we are at the school.

                Tao comforts her and call the rest.

KRIS: where did you find her?

TAO: she was locked up in the closet and was emotionally challenged.

GUARD: the door in the closet was jammed and there are times that it is really hard to open it. Sorry for the inconvenience *bows*

                Tao carries Seojae on the back.

TAO: are you okay, Seojae?

SEOJAE: a little bit

TAO: I’ve never seen you like that before, scared.

SEOJAE: I don’t want to be locked up.

BAEKHYUN: how did you ended up in that closet?

SEOJAE: someone hit me

               Seojae sleeps on Tao’s back. They soon reach the apartment. Baekhyun was the last to carry Seojae. The elevator is not working, so they have to take the stairs.

BAEKHYUN: aigoo! The elevator is not working and I have to take her up on the rooftop!

KRIS: you have to sacrifice Baekhyun.

                After a few minutes, they all reach the third floor. 

DO: take her up and I will prepare food for us.

BAEKHYUN: araseo.

                Baekhyun goes up and opens the room. He lay her  down on the bed and left a kiss.

BAEKHYUN: good night *leaves*

                Meanwhile at the Sehun’s room

LEETEUK: I found group of boys carrying your friend.

SEHUN: carrying Seojae?

LEETEUK: ne… Seojae

SEHUN: where did they go?

LEETEUK: I don’t know maybe from the school.

SEHUN: why would they stay up all day in school?

                The next day, Sehun notice that  Seojae was not in her seat. He can’t find her.

TAO: Seojae will not come today because an incident happened yesterday.

SEHUN: What happened?

TAO: she was hit and locked up in the  jammed closet yesterday. She had a trauma being locked up in the closet because she was locked before in a closet while her father is being killed by group of men.

                All were looking at Tao.

TAO: you shouldn’t do that, No Young and Gyo Seok.

                The two girls look at Tao.

NO YOUNG: what is the proof?!

TAO: you are the only girls who always feel insecure towards Seojae, is that because you were embarrassed in front of the class? You took revenge?

NO YOUNG: you are lying!

                Tao didn’t mind the girls. Meanwhile, at the apartment, Donghae was playing at the hall when Minho came.

DONGHAE: why are you here? Seojae is in school

MINHO: she didn’t go to school because an incident happened, she had to recover.

DONGHAE: chincha!?

                Donghae follows Minho. Donghae saw that Seojae is looking at nowhere. Her mind is flying.

DONGHAE: seojae, what happened?

MINHO: she was locked up in the closet yesterday and she had a trauma on it.


MINHO: are you going to do something today?

DONGHAE: none…

MINHO: can you please look after her?

DONGHAE: sure!

MINHO: I’ll leave all the responsibility on you now. I’ll leave. Thank you *bows*

                Minho leaves the apartment. Donghae was watching tv while Seojae is sketching.

SEOJAE: kindly turn off the tv, it distracts me

DONGHAE: sorry *turns off tv*

                Donghae is bored so he is peeking at  Seojae’s sketch.

DONGHAE: do you always sketch during your free time?

SEOJAE: no..

                She points at the wall, where Donghae found bows and arrows.

DONGHAE: you seem like a dangerous person, that’s why you were locked up yesterday, there is someone took revenge.

SEOJAE: I already knew who did it. Just a prank.

                At some place, at the beauty queen contest The host is now announcing the winners. Yoo Na and some anonymous contestant remain winning for the title. Yoo Na was about to walk but…

HOST: our beauty Queen for this year is… Contestant number 3!!

                Yoo Na was shocked and didn’t win. She only got the runner up title.

YOO NA: Ya! Why first runner up for me!?

HOST: don’t blame me, miss. I’m not the one who chose it.

                The host give the trophy, sash and crown. Yoo Na just walked out. She soon reach the hall and throws the flowers that she received. She get her keys but, when she was about to place the key, she noticed that the door was open. She goes inside and found out that her stuff was in total mess. The landlord attacked the house. It’s the time that she should evacuate the house, so she immediately pack her clothes and goes out in the apartment. She was walking for about 1 hour. Until there was a fat guy approach her…

SHINDONG: excuse me, miss, are you looking for an apartment?

YOO NA: how did you know?

SHINDONG: looking at your state, holding a luggage.

YOO NA: do you know a place?

SHINDONG: yes, It’s near and it’s cheap. I’ll take you there.

                Shindong takes Yoo Na at the apartment.

SHINDONG: you may now choose..

YOO NA: I’ll just take the first room. I’m really tired.

SHINDONG: suit yourself. *gives keys*

                Yoo Na rests and sleeps. The next day, Yoo Na found herself sleeping at the bed.

YOO NA: right, I moved.

                She heard a knock from the door.

SHINDONG: the apartment only costs to $50. Every month…

YOO NA: Okay..

                Yoo Na shuts the door.

SHINDONG: bad girl.

                It’s been a week since she is staying and was uncomfortable. She was outside and was refreshing herself up.

YOO NA: aigoo… just for the price I am suffering here!

                A taxi stops and a guy goes out. Yoo Na was mesmerized by the guy’s look. He is cute! The guy get his two bags and Shindong greets him.

SHINDONG: annyeong haseyo, you must be Sungmin?

SUNGMIN: yes, sir.

SHINDONG: let’s go inside, sir so you can now choose your room. Let me help you with the other bag.

SUNGMIN: thank you!

                Yoo Na follows and peeks.

SUNGMIN: well, I teach martial arts and always in the hurry so I need a room that is really near to the door.

SHINDONG: well, we have the second room on this floor.

SUNGMIN: chincha? Only one occupies?

SHINDONG: anio, the occupants here are choosy. One girl at the rooftop, two group of  boys in the third floor , first room and second room, the student with his father third room. A soccer player at the fourth and a singer at the last room. At the second floor, two students. 4th and 5th room and on this floor, the first one is a lady and the last room is a student.


                Sungmin places his bags to the second room.

SHINDONG: enjoy your stay, sir.

SUNGMIN: ne, Kamsamnida *bows*

                Then, Sungmin is now busy cleans the apartment. Yoo Na knocks at the door.


YOO NA: I thought you were tired so I prepared some food for you.

SUNGMIN: kamsamnida

YOO NA: I’m Yoo Na, the one who rents the first room.

SUNGMIN: ah… Sungmin

                Sungmin shuts the door.

YOO NA: he shouldn’t do it to me. Such a disrespectful action towards a girl… but, still he is so cute.

                Weekend, Seojae was out and was exercising.

SUNGMIN: *breaths* my favourite part of the week, weekends, no classes! *warms up*

                Sungmin saw from his window a girl who is practicing wushu, he joins in. He jumps and attacks Seojae but, Seojae prevented it.

SUNGMIN: Good sense.

                Sungmin attacks Seojae and they continue to fight. Sungmin gets Seojae’s wushu stick which is placed in the ground and used it to attack, but Seojae manages to take the stck from the guy, she break it and arrows the sharp end to Sungmin.

SEOJAE: you must be Sungmin?

                Seojae stands up and help Sungmin to get up.

SUNGMIN: you are better than me, you know my name yet I don’t know you…

SEOJAE: Seojae, the girl who occupies the rooftop.


                They rest for a moment.

SUNGMIN: so, a high school student?


                Yoo Na goes out and saw Sungmin talking to a girl.

YOO NA:aish… this girl is flirting with Sungmin!!

                A car stops by and Minho comes out and takes Seojae. Yoo Na plans how to make Sungmin fall for him. Yoo Na faked that she was accidentally fall. Sungmin rescues.

SUNGMIN: are you okay?

YOO NA: I think I’m not okay, it hurts. I am new here, I’m do not recognize this place yet.

SUNGMIN: ah.... so, gotta go…

                Sungmin just leave Yoo Na behind.

YOO NA: aish.. chincha?! I’m prettier than the girl that he talked earlier.

                Yoo Na approach the guard.

YOO NA: ya! Who is the girl who is talking to the new occupant earlier?

SUHO: she is Seojae, lives in the rooftop.

YOO NA: seojae…

                Sungmin takes a walk in the street.

SIWON: You are not a good servant! Get out!!

                Sungmin was fired because he can’t kill.

SIWON: I don’t want useless servants here. It is just a restless guy yet you can’t kill him?!

                Siwon draws gun and shoot the guy.

SIWON: gun is the easiest way to kill.  Doing it physically will make you more struggle.

                From that day, Sungmin started to teach martial arts to kids, got a better life.

SUNGMIN: I miss you, My King. *sighs*

                He sits on the bench and takes out his wallet. There he kept the old picture of the family.

SUNGMIN: the Queen and the Princess… I wonder where they are now. Oh! I must buy something to Seojae and I would like her to work on my class!!

                Sungmin goes to the store.

SUNGMIN: girls usually likes sweet stuffs,  so I am buying her chocolates. *smiles*

                Sungmin buy a lot of chocolates flavoured stuffs.

SUNGMIN: I’m sure she will say yes!!

                Sungmin was done buying sweets and was waiting outside of the apartment. He heard thud sound behind and there he saw a guy who had is really tall, blonde hair and hits the target.

SUNGMIN: oh! He is good!

KRIS: have you forgotten us, Sungmin-hyung?


                Sungmin, hearing the guy makes him curious. He didn’t met someone like him before neither his students before.

SUNGMIN: pardon me, what are you saying? I didn’t even met you and how did you…

TAO: we are working as the King’s soldiers. We knew you, Sungmin-hyung.

                Sungmin turns around and found another tall man.

SUNGMIN: what are you going to do with me? I’m done with the King’s business!

                Both men were going to Sungmin when the two hug Sungmin.

TAO & KRIS: we miss you, hyung!!!

                Sungmin was surprised. Two fiery looking men just turn into cute big boys! Sungmin push them.

SUNGMIN: can you please explain to me who are you?

TAO: Tao imnida *bows*

KRIS: Kris imnida *bows*

TAO: Kyungsoo, Baekhyun, and Xiu Min were here too, trying to lure Seojae.

SUNGMIN: ah.. the rooftop girl.

TAO: she is the King’s daughter.

SUNGMIN: mwo?!

                A car stops by at the front. Door opens, and Seojae goes out.

SUNGMIN: Seojae!!

                Seojae stops and looks at Sungmin.

SUNGMIN: I never thought that you will grow so pretty!! *hugs*

SEOJAE: are those for me?

                Sungmin release Seojae and gave his presents.

SUNGMIN: ne! I thought I could hire you in my class to help me out but, soon as soon as I knew that you were… I immediately got excited!! You’re a grown up! You are just like the kid before who loves eating sweet stuffs!

                He caresses Seojae’s hair and smiling at her.

SEOJAE: Kamsamnida *bows*

                Seojae continue to walk to her apartment. Meanwhile, Yoo Na was watching from the window.

YOO NA: they knew each other!? Aish!

                Meanwhile, Donghae and Yesung were together in the soccer field.

DONGHAE: hey, are you still into Seojae?

YESUNG: ne, but I’m too old for her.

DONGHAE: well, me too.

YESUNG: the best part of her is her lips.

DONGHAE: chincha?!

YESUNG: it’s kissable and making you want her more.

DONGHAE: I will try kissing her!!

YESUNG: maybe I should … meet a woman that fits for me.

DONGHAE: really?! Hahahaha!

YESUNG: what’s so funny?

DONGHAE: well, I think you are still having a hard time to do that! I bet the boys in the apartment  or the guy who … slept outside of her rooftop, I think one of them will make Seojae flutter

                At the apartment, Seojae was lying on the bench and was sleeping deeply. Baekhyun approach and leans to her.

BAEKHYUN: you are so adorable!

                He is playing on the girl’s face and touching her cheeks. He leans closer and kiss the girl on the corner of the lips. Yesung and Donghae arrives and saw it.


                Baekhyun stops and look behind.

BAEKHYUN: I’m having a great moment here…

                Baekhyun goes inside. Yesung and Donghae approach Seojae, waking her up.

YESUNG: seojae-ah…

SEOJAE: wae? *rubs eyes*

YESUNG: the guy who always wear thick eyeliner kissed you!!

SEOJAE: I like guys kissing me on the corner of my lips… rather kissing me wholly.

                Seojae covers her face with her book and listens to her earphones.

DONGHAE: I didn’t know that Seojae liked to be kissed.

                They go inside the apartment.

                The group of Chen were playing at the school field. Kai was having a moment in the bleachers.

CHANYEOL: I wonder what is Kai reading.

LAY: it’s a bank book. He is curious on his account who always receives money monthly from an unknown Good Samaritan.

                They approach Kai.

CHEN: ya! What are you going to do with the extra money?

KAI: *sighs* I will give 5% to my father, even he is not taking care of me, at least I can ensure that he is enjoying his life.

                The boys grin.

SEHUN: we’re so proud of you!

LUHAN: changing the topic, the field trip is next week! Let us all buy foods before the trip! OMG! I’m so excited on it!

CHEN: ya! Sehun-ah! How is Seojae?

SEHUN: well, improving! I’m so excited that she will be sitting beside but, Tao too. There is still a competition.

CHANYEOL: I bet for it. Dragging seojae to the left and right. Good luck on it. I want to bring Mil Ku with me *sighs*

LAY: I will buy her something!

                Chanyeol grabs Lay on its collar and glares.

CHANYEOL: ya! She’s mine! How could you!? *pouts*

LAY: For heaven sake, she’s yours already, right?! You already kissed her, men. I’m just trying to tease you.

CHANYEOL: *exhales* I thought you really liked her. We are having another date with her family tomorrow. I wished that her parents will make out to her. She is so hard-to-get like Seojae.

                Meanwhile, Tiffany visited her sister.

TIFFANY: Sorry if I bothered you this time, sis. I’ll pay you *bows*

SOOYOUNG: it’s okay *smiles*

TIFFANY: where is Seojae?

SOOYOUNG: she is living on our apartment. You should visit her, try to make up with her. You’ll be surprise if you go there and I heard that Mil Ku ran away from home.

TIFFANY: old story but still fresh to me.

SOOYOUNG: just go to Seojae and she will help you.

TIFFANY: Seojae and Mil Ku are the same. Loves to be alone but they seek for love from the others.

                Tiffany leaves. Sunday, Chanyeol was excited going to Mil Ku’s apartment. Chanyeol is whistling, he took a bus and walks. He saw Mil Ku all dressed up and was waiting at the gate.

MIL KU: you’re late.

                Chanyeol was surprised seeing her ready and was waiting at him. They took a bus.Chanyeol is smiling widely at Mil Ku.

MIL KU: what’s with the derp smile?

CHANYEOL: I’m just happy that you get yourself ready! I thought that I will bother you again. Do you really like me courting you?

MIL KU: it’s not like that. It just so happened that I get used to you. I hate you shouting at the front of my door.

CHANYEOL: Ya! We are going to have a SunDate with your family, ‘kay?

MIL KU: araseo *rolls eyes*

                Chanyeol place his arm over Mil Ku’s shoulder and he girl is trying to avoid it. Since she is resisting, Chanyeol locks her and wraps his arm to Mil Ku’s shoulders.

CHANYEOL: you know, if the boy is tall and the girl is short it is cute couple.

                They soon reach Mil Ku’s residence. Tiffany and Eunhyuk greet them at the gate. All are complete. They eat dine together and chat. But, still in the end of the day, Mil Ku is not that close to her parents.

SEOHYUN: don’t worry about it, Tiffany.

TIFFANY: when will I win her heart again? So hard to convince her

SEOHYUN: don’t give up yet.

TIFFANY: thank you for the concern. Maybe I should consult my niece.

                Tiffany and Eunhyuk left the family.

CHANYEOL: where are they going?

SEOHYUN: they are going home now. They are tired all day.

CHANYEOL: Mil Ku bid farewell to your parents

                Mil Ku ignore what Chanyeol asked. Meanwhile, After half hour, Tiffany and Eunhyuk visits Seojae at the rooftop.

SEOJAE: what do you want?

TIFFANY: it’s about Mil Ku…

                Seojae looks at the couple and stands.

SEOJAE: trying to win her heart.

TIFFANY: that’s right and I knew that you can help us

SEOJAE: I’m not a family organizer, ‘kay?

                Seojae is giving death glare to the couple, she was about to leave but Tiffany stop her at her arm. Seojae look fiercely.

TIFFANY: Jebal *puppy eyes*

                Tiffany begs with her eyes which tears are going to fall out. Can’t deny so Seojae accepts it.

TIFFANY: what will be the plan?

SEOJAE: let me think first. Leave now

                Seojae shuts the door. Tiffany hugs her husband and left the apartment. Tiffany and Sooyoung is not really RELATED, they have the same mother but had different fathers. When Sooyoung married Siwon, the talk between the sisters, are rare.  


This is the last chapter I saved and it will took me a week to create another chapter, I have to flashback and try to remember the scenes happened. Mianhae..

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