The hidden reason

-Elita POV-

-beep beep beep beep-

My alarm rang and I instinctively slammed on the stop button. I stood up and rubbed my eyes. I looked at my surroundings a bit confused until I remembered that we moved and this was my new home. I quickly got off my bed and walked to door. Nervously, I gripped on the doorknob. I took a deep breath before turning it open quietly as possible. I peeked my head out and listened to the silence. Relieved I let out a relieved sigh and stepped out to the bathroom cautiously. I quickly washed up and crept back to my room to change into the uniform the school required the students to wear. Thankfully all of the ugly marks on my upper body were covered but the marks on my legs weren't. I don't care what the heck the school says about socks anymore. I took a pair of black thigh high socks.  

Cautiously I walked out of my room and started for the kitchen. On my way to the kitchen, I saw my mom lying asleep on the couch. I quietly but hurriedly walked into the kitchen and grabbed four pieces of bread. I toasted two. While I waited for those two, I spread Nutella on the other two and clamped together. I grabbed a plastic bag and carefully put it in before putting it into my backpack. I heard my mom stir and so I grabbed the toasted pieces of bread and ran out with backpack. It was my first day at a new school I didn't want it to start off with any of my mom's anger.

I ate my toast as I walked towards the school.

-15 minutes later-

I stopped in my tracks. My mouth opened wide as my eyes stared amazed at my new school. It was probably four times the size of my old school. Everything about it looked so rich and elegant. My old school looked like trash compared to this school. So I'm guessing this is a school full of rich snobby kids. Just great. I let out a sigh and walked towards the school's front door.

Somehow I found the main office. The lady took my name and gave me all I needed without looking at me once. Without even saying bye or anything, she walked away. I pouted. Even the teachers here don't seem very nice.

I exited the office and tried to find my locker. Holding the paper with the directions, I walked deeper into the school.

I've only in this school for about 10 minutes and I already feel like nothing. Every student I passed by was wearing some sort of brand name acessory, from a belt to shoelace. I mentally punched myself. How in the world did I accepted to come here?

I finally found my locker. I turned to lock according to the directions I was given. After two tries, I finally got it to open. Inside were already my textbooks. I took one out and held it carefully. There were no scratches or marks of imperfections anywhere. The students here must really take good care of their books.

I was still staring in awe at the textbook when my locker door banged shut. I jumped and looked at who closed it. There were 3 girls staring, wait no GLARING at me. I could already tell that they weren't here to be friends.

"Move." The girl standing closest to me said in a demanding tone. I nervously backed away but it wasn't enough I guess since she decided to push me harder. I fell on my and squeaked in pain.

"Ahh you must be the new girl." She looked up and down before smirking. "nothing impressive." I was gonna say something when the two girls who came with her slammed their lockers shut, which silenced me again. One of the girls passed a book to her who grabbed it without saying any kind of thanks.

"Come on. I need to go disinfect my hands now. Who knows what this poor trash could be infected with?" She said before walking away. The two followers glaring at me in disgust. That's when I noticed that everyone in the hallway was staring at me. I let out a sigh and got back up. I'm sure gonna have tons of fun here. I sarcastically smiled and opened my locker once again. I doubled checked that no marks where shown on my body before closing the locker.

-ring ring-

All the students said goodbye to their friends and headed to their classroom. With the directions in my hand, I started my search to my classroom.

I looked nervously into the classroom that I was led to.

"Oh you must be the new student!" Someone exclaimed behind me and I jumped in surprise. I mentally smacked myself. How many times have I jumped today?

I looked to see a tall, handsome man smilling at me. Everything about him was amazing but his blue eyes captivated me to most. I've seen people with blue eyes before but his just felt different. I don't know why though.

Suddenly he put his hand in front of me. "I'm Mr. Dane. This is my class and I'm guessing you're my new student. Welcome!" He smiled warmly. I nervously took his hand in mine and shook it. "I-I'm Elita. Nice to meet you."

He smiled once more before pulling me into the classroom with him. The room instantly silenced and everyone's eyes were on me.

"Class this is Elita Wu. She'll be joining us now so please help her feel welcome." He turned to me, signaling me to introduce myself.

I cleared my throat first. "Hi.I'm Elita."

Mr. Dane looked at me. I looked at him. "Is that all?" He asked surprised. I slowly nodded. What? Did people give speeches as an introduction? "uhh well then. you can go sit in that empty seat by the window. I nodded and walked towards the seat with my head down. I could hear some of the girls angrily whisper with each other. I could feel all the girls eyes glare at me as I sat in my seat. I looked up to confirm that every single girl in the room was indeed glaring at me. What in world did I do already?

"hey hey what did I say about coming to class on time boys?" Mr.Dane said, breaking everyone's attention from me. All the girls started squealing and so I took this time to let out another sigh. Curiously, I looked up to see what the girls were going crazy about.

"Sorry Mr.Dane. We had to take care of some things." One of the guys said, smiling charmingly at the teacher. A total of 12 guys came in. Not just any guys though. SUPER HANDSOME ONES! And they were all walking towards the back where I was. One by one, they plopped themselves on to their seats. I looked forward to see all the girls still squealing and smiling madly. I wondered how their mouths feel if they did this every single day. Must be tiring.

"Ah you're the new girl." I jumped a bit before turning to face the charming voice. I was mesmerized by the sweet smile he had on. He reminded me of a cute little puppy. "I'm Baekhyun. Nice to meet you." He extended his hand to me. I stared at it, unsure if I should take it. Finally he took my hand and put it into mine. I shyly blushed at the feeling of his soft hands.

"i-I'm Elita." I nervously said.

He smiled. "Elita. Let's be good friends!"

"YAH BYUN BAEKHYUN! Stop distracting Elita." Mr. Dane said before returning to teaching. He smiled once more before focusing on the lesson. I just sat there staring at my hand. Friend? Did he really mean it?

-3 hours later-

-ring ring-

Mr. Dane sighed as he put the piece of chalk down. "Lunch time everyone." He said before walking out of the room. I quickly gathered my stuff and walked out of the room along with my other classmates. I entered the cafeteria and scanned for an empty table. I walked around the room, hoping to find somewhere to sit. It was either the table was full or the students there sent me glares to keep me away. I was about to head back to the classroom to eat when the loud room suddenly got 10 times louder with squeals. I looked around to see all the girls and several guys jump excitedly in their seat. Squeals kept getting louder and louder. I looked around to see what was causing such reaction and realized it was just like the classroom. The same 12 boys had just came in and were getting in line to get food. I was going towards the entrance when I felt someone grab my hand. Suddenly the whole cafeteria got creepily quiet as well. I felt everyone's eyes on me as I turned to see who had grabbed me.

"I was looking for you." It was Baekhyun and as usual he was smiling.

"u-uhh umm can you let go of my hand?" I asked pointing to the hand he was still holding.

"oh yea sorry." He said and let go. Suddenly an extremely tall guy came over.

"Baekie who ar-. OHH You're the new girl right!" He said loudly. "Hi! I'm Chanyeol." He suddenly hugged me and I just stood frozen in his embrace.

"yah yah don't scare her!" Baekhyun said separating Chanyeol from me.

"Sorry I get overly excited a lot." He said with a super duper shining smile that kind of creeped me out.

"I'm Elita." I said slowly.

"wanna have lunch with us?" Baekhyun asked.

"uhh no it's fine."

"WHYYYYYYY??!! You don't like us?" Chanyeol said with a sad puppy face.

I shook my head. "O-of course not. I just don't want to be a bother."

"psht what are you talking about? We're friends right?" Baekhyun said. Friend. It's that word again. Suddenly Chanyeol went behind me and pushed me towards the back door.

"Baekie get me lunch too. I'll bring Elita out first to our spot. Tell the rest too!" Chanyeol screamed to Baekhyun as he pushed me across the cafeteria. It was extremely uncomfortable because I was pretty sure every girl in that room was mentally stabbing me.

We finally got outside. I could see a couple of other students sitting outside as well and of course they immediately focused on me. I just kept my head down. "C-chanyeol can you stop pushing me now?"

"Hmm..nope. you're gonna run away if I do."

"I won't I promise."

"NO!" He stubbornly yelled and I just sighed defeatedly.

He pushed me a little while longer before pushing me down onto the grass abruptly.

I fixed myself as he sat next to me. "now we wait~" He said as he smiled creepily at me. I nodded and played with my fingers. Not long after the rest came over. We all formed a huge circle. One by one they introduced themselves to me.

They ended up talking amongst themselves as I quietly took out my lunch and listened. I missed the feeling of being with others in such a close friendly way.

"WHAT?!" Chen exclaimed which made everyone jump.

"YAH DON'T DO THAT!" Suho exclaimed, calming himself down.

"hehe sorry" Smiling happily but then turning back to serious face. "Is that what you call your lunch Elita?" He said pointing to the Nutella sandwich I had in my hand. I nodded.

"HOW IS THAT FILLING?! OMO! Here eat this!" He quickly passed me his chocolate chip muffin. Before I could decline, everyone else started passing me different parts of their lunches. In the end, I ended up with 3 muffins, french fries, 2 apples, 4 HUGE cookies, and 2 juice boxes beside my nutella sandwich.

"Uhh..I can't eat all of this." I said trying to give it back to them but they stubbornly refused.

"Keep it in your bag as a snack if you can't finish. We don't want our new friend to starve." Baekhyun said while pinching my cheek. I blushed and nodded as we continued to eat. I was only done with my sandwich, a juice box, and a cookie when the bell rang for everyone to return to class. The guys helped me put the food into my bag and we walked back to class together. Of course, eyes were all on me on the way to class and in class but I just kept my head down.

But even with my head down, I was smiling. I enjoyed this feeling. I enjoyed being around them.


finally finished this update x.x

hope it's okie~

ignore mistakes please!

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LilyClover #1
Chapter 15: Di.....did Jongup really died????? Uwaaaahhhh Uppie!!!!! My poor Uppie!!!!!!! *∆*

(Plz update soon! I want to hide and cry ALONE in the corner don't mind me though)
Kpanda2003 #2
Chapter 15: Plz update soon I wants know who is the evil ones
Taelin #3
Chapter 14: ouch things are getting uglier i hope BAP would wake up from darkness and join EXO in their adventure of fighting evil forces , ur story is really something i love it , pls try to update soon , hwaitiing
avisdawn #4
Please update if you have time
CakePop33 #5
Please update soon~ Loving this story
Rose_56 #6
Chapter 10: Omg I love this story so much it's amazing please update sooooon please thank you and keep up ur good work
newtokpop09 #7
Chapter 9: OMO UPDATE SOOON!!!I"LL DIE IF YOU DON"T(LITERALLY) <3 this!!(sorry, it's 1:40 am here now, and I have to wake up at 5, so I think I'm high on staying up late? lol I'm saying gibberish......)
Chapter 9: Omo~ don't leave Elita & update soon! - Yuki
d_dydi #9
Chapter 9: New reader here~ update soon. :)
xoxo_88_kiss #10
Chapter 9: Omo please update soon!!!