


“I-I’m so sorry, gege! Are you—“

“Don’t worry about it. Let’s go over it again, okay?”

Tao frowned as he brought his arm up to wrap around Kris’s neck.

Kris sighed as he wrapped his arm around Tao’s waist and grabbed his hand.

The music continued to play in the empty practice room as the two started swaying back and forth to the slow beat of the music.

Tao hesitantly moved one foot to the right, then the left as he attempted to keep up with the rhythm and not step on Kris’ feet again.

The younger chewed his lip as he looked directly at the floor and watched their feet move in sync with one another.

“Eyes up, Tao.” Kris reminded gingerly.

The younger’s eyes widened as he looked up at the elder’s face. Tao could feel the heat in his cheeks as he looked at Kris’s lips, high cheek bones, and chocolate brown eyes. He couldn’t hide the flush in his face as he tried to look away, but the odd feeling under his foot brought him out of his trance just as quickly as Kris’ cry of pain.

“Crap, that one actually hurt…”

Tao dropped his arms and stepped away from his dance instructor, any remaining feelings of hope for learning this dance going right down the drain.

“I’m so sorry Kris! I’m trying really hard, I just- I have to look at my feet! Maybe we should just call it a night, it’s getting late, and- “No,” Kris interupted firmly, “you’re really close to getting it down. Like I’ve said many times, you just have to keep your eyes up.”

Tao threw his hands up in the air, “You’re going to have pancakes for feet if we keep this up all night! And who knows how long it’s going to take for me to get this right...”

Kris leaned over and grabbed his water bottle, uncapped the plastic lid, and took a long swig as he thought of possible solutions that could help the frustrated panda.

“Well… What are you focusing on?”

Tao looked at him and furrowed his brows “My feet most of the time..”

Kris nodded as he set his closed bottle down on the floor, “Well yeah, but what are you focusing on; like, whenever I tell you to look up, where do you look?”

Tao flushed as he looked around the room to try and hide that fact that he was trying not stare at his tall, dark, and handsome dance teacher. “Um…everywhere?” Tao said slowly.

The elder nodded as he looked around the room for something that the younger could stare at so that Tao could try and build muscle memory in his feet. “I don’t really see anything in here that could help you…” Kris thought out loud as he turned around in a full 360 to try and find something. “Well, it looks like we have to improvise.” The blonde stated as he walked over to Tao.

Eyes widening at being approached so suddenly, Tao shifted as he glued his arms to his side, but when Kris stood right in front of him, the younger couldn’t help but flinch.

“Are you okay?” A deep voice asked. Tao opened one eye and then the other only to come face to face with high cheek bones and glistening eyes.

A very un-manly noise escaped Tao’s throat as he staggered backwards in shock of how close the two of them were. Kris barked a laugh and wrapped an arm around Tao’s waist, pulling him close so that the two are now chest to chest.

“Alright, go ahead and get into first position.” Kris instructed calmly, his eyes never leaving the panda’s face. “Relax your shoulders a little more- there you go…” Tao couldn’t help the smile that tugged at the corner of his lips for being praised at doing something right.

Kris pulled Tao just a little closer, making the younger blush a bright shade of red as he averted his gaze to anywhere but Kris’ face.

“Can you see your feet, Tao?” The elder asked in a hushed voice.

The younger looked in between them and only saw how flush their chests were against one another. Tao momentarily forgot Kris was trying to get an answer from him until the elder cleared his throat and asked again.

“N-No I can’t…”

Kris smiled genuinely and exhaled, “Good, now let’s move- “Wait!”

Kris cocked a brow as he looked down at a wide eyed panda.

“Can we go slowly at first? I don’t want to step on you again…”

Kris chuckled as he accepted the small request and moved the two of them half of a beat slower than they originally were.

The two of them stepped cautiously around on the hardwood floor of the dimly lit practice room, Tao avoiding Kris’ gaze intently and Kris humming along with the music. Things were actually going smoothly, Tao smiled to himself as he looked along the walls and started to feel a lot more comfortable with the rhythm of the song.

It wasn’t until the two made eye contact that Tao took the wrong step and tangled his knee through Kris’s leg, sending the both of them tumbling to the floor.

Tao shook his head to clear his vision of his bangs with Kris groaning beneath him; Tao was lying on top of the blonde and Kris’s arms were wrapped firmly around the panda’s waist.

Tao was the first to stand, his knee accidentally coming in harsh contact with Kris’s thigh, causing said person to roll around gripping his leg. “Oh God, I’m so sorry Kris!! I can’t do this! Maybe we should stop for today. I so badly... Do you want me to- “Stop, shh! Relax.” Kris interrupted and sighed heavily as he lifted his leg to try and shake off the pain. “Take a deep breath and focus. Where were you looking this time?”

Tao flushed and looked around. “Um, the mirrors?”

Kris shook his head as he glanced at his reflection and back down to the floor. “Don’t look there…” Tao nodded as he held out a hand for Kris to take.

Grasping the younger’s palm, Kris hoisted himself up off the floor. “Alright, I have an Idea…” Tao was practically near tears when Kris held onto him again. “Hey, it’s ok. If you knew how to dance, then you wouldn’t need me, now would you?” Tao let out a huff of breath and buried his face in his hands. “Hey, it’s really okay. You’re not that bad of a dancer really.” Kris admitted with a whisper.

The younger couldn’t hide the shock on his hidden face; his chest swelling slightly with whatever pride he has left at not only being complimented- but being complimented by his secret crush; his dance instructor.

A finger poked its way through Tao’s hands and curled under his chin, lifting his head so that his watery gaze met Kris’s determined expression. “I’m not giving up on you until I have you dancing like a pro. So stop feeling bad for yourself, you’re doing good. Now c’mon- first position.”

Tao felt so numb with joy that he let Kris pull him back into their previous intimate embrace. “Alright, now I want you to look at me. Don’t take your eyes from mine unless the building is burning down. Understand?” Tao bit his lip at the simple request, but nodded his head slowly; the younger had been trying to avoid the elder’s gaze all evening.

Despite Tao’s naturally cold-hearted expressions, the guy was a pretty easy person to understand. Anything that anyone wanted to know could be read in his eyes; Tao could hold perfect posture until the end of time, so you couldn’t tell anything from his body language, but once you’ve had a good look into his eyes, you could read him like a book. But now that he had to stare into the elder’s eyes until the end of the song- and for every time they had to start over- all of the panda’s feelings were going to be out in the open.

Tao bit his lip hard as he looked to the ground, the walls, mirrors, everywhere—anywhere—but Kris’s face.


The younger’s eyes widened as he tried to look down at his feet, but only saw their chests.


The younger blushed profusely as he looked up at Kris; his name sounding like a song coming from the elder’s lips.

“Are you alright? You look a little flustered…”

Tao’s cheeks went aflame when he looked up at Kris. “No, no, I-I’m fine.”

Kris furrowed his bushy brows and pulled Tao closer to him. “Ok, here we go then…”

The two swayed slowly at first, Kris holding Tao close as their feet moved side to side in a small circle. Tao looked like a deer in head lights as he stared at Kris. The elder, on the other hand, looked like a God; perfect features, thick glossy hair, plump rosy lips, and eyes you could lose yourself in.

Kris smiled at Tao’s frayed expression. The younger looked away as the corners of his mouth twitched in a small smile.

“Eyes on me, Tao…” The younger sighed as he brought his gaze back to meet Kris’s, but what surprised him most was that the music had stopped playing.

Kris smiled as the two of them continued their peaceful motion despite the lack of background noise. “Kris, the music. “

“I know… Tao, can I ask you something?” The younger cocked his head to the side cutely, his steps not faltering even in the slightest. “I, uh… We’ve known each other for a while now, and...I feel like you’re a good friend of mine…”

Tao’s eyes widened in shock “Kris that’s not a que- "And I know that we don’t really know one another besides the basis of being teacher and student, but…” Tao couldn’t believe what he was hearing.

Was Kris confessing to him? Was one of his wildest dreams coming true? This couldn’t be real…

Tao felt as though he was floating on air, adrenaline pulsing through his veins as he stared absent mindedly at Kris’s lips. The butterflies fluttered frantically in Tao’s stomach and chest- he could hardly breathe. This was what he’s been waiting for- this is his moment; Kris was going to ask him out, Tao was going to undoubtedly say yes, and then they were going to dance the night away; the ideal ending of the cute pair.


The younger snapped out of his mini-fantasy and focused on Kris’ angelic face.


The smile that graced the elder’s lips nearly made Tao faint.

“Would you?”

This was it. Together forever; TaoRis.

“Yes. I’d love to.” Tao couldn’t help but smile himself, giggling as the smile on Kris’s face grew.

Perfect ending…

“Awesome, thank you so much!”

Kris was...thanking him? This is just too much. Had Kris liked him as much and as long as he did? Tao was near tears.

“Eh?…are you crying?” Kris asked worriedly.

Tao smiled brightly, he hadn’t felt this giddy in so long, he almost forgot the feeling of being wanted.

“No, I’m just happy is all…”

Kris cocked his head to the side, his curiosity getting the better of him.

“Really? Why?” Tao couldn’t help but giggle as he pulled Kris closer to him, the confidence in him bubbling to the surface as he inhaled the masculine scent that emitted from the elder.

“You know why~”

Kris looked around the room in puzzlement, trying to see what had Tao in such a giddy mood.

“I don’t think I do, Tao…” The panda looked up at Kris with his watery eyes and flushed.

“Uh…you, um…confessed t-to me…” Tao muttered as he kept his gaze on Kris as they continued swaying to a soundless beat.

The elder’s eyes widened as his cheeks turned a dark shade of pink. “N-No… No, I didn’t…”

Kris and Tao jerked to a halt as the younger planted his feet, both of their cheeks turned a vicious shade of red.

The two of them stepped away awkwardly; Tao nearly backed away to the wall with his eyes glued to the shine in his shoes and Kris brought a fist to his mouth to clear his throat as he made his way over near the mirrors.

Tao was the first to speak up after a while.

“So…what did you ask me, then?”

Kris looked over at the younger, but averted his eyes as soon as the pair made eye contact.

“Um, I asked if you could help me help my friend Chanyeol move into his new apartment…”

Tao let his head hang in embarrassment; if the ground wanted to open up and swallow him whole, he would be perfectly fine with that. Or if lightning decided to strike him dead, he wouldn’t think twice about it. Tao just wanted it to be as though this entire night never happened.

“Well…I already agreed to it, so…when would you want me to lend a hand?” Tao asked half-heartedly with a broken smile.

Kris ran a hand through his sweaty blonde hair; the tension in the room was practically suffocating him.

“I’m not quite sure; Yeol only told me that he needed some help since he found a new place not too long ago, and I know that he has a lot of junk that he likes to hold onto… Many hands make light work, you know?” Kris joked with a laugh, but covered it with a cough at the look on the panda’s face.

This wasn’t the reality Tao wanted.




Ohh~ Poor Tao ;A;
Hope this entertained you guise!

Since this was a copy and paste of a chapter in EXO OTP Layout, I decided to add the comments that were already given!:

Kpopstalker101  on Jun 18, 2013 08:31:42 says about chapter 2:
Poor tao, i really like this story, please update soon^^

SammiCass  on Jun 19, 2013 01:46:10 says about chapter 2:
Ah man Tao. Author why did you do that? I literally hit back and threw my phone! That'd if it happened in real life but I'd've done this:
Kris: Why are you crying?
Me(Tao): Becaue you taught me to dance?? Anyways, nice story! :)

In result of  me making this chapter just a one-shot, I think I'll add all the others and make them their own fics also.
And I'll post their comments aswell so that my past readers are noticed!

Comments make my world go round~


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Chapter 1: Holy flippers o.O
Choi_Aya05 #2
Chapter 1: Hahaha XDD Tao, that's totally awkward XD
westkitsune #3
Chapter 1: It was so cute at the start but then suddenly 'Tao gege' from Kris and then I was laughing lol Kris why you call Taozi older haha!
And poor Panda! Oh my, he misunderstood OTL
_fangirl32 #4
Chapter 1: Tao~ You should show Kris what he's missing out on!!
Chapter 1: Taaaooo let me hug youuuu >.< Poor him...
I through too Kris was going to confess but then I read the rest and felt bad for him .
Like this story, update soon ^^
nathrakh #6
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^