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Amber screamed "Oh my god get away from me!!!" She yelled scrambling backward on her . The thing just looked at her with a confused expression "what did you do to her?" The female asked angrily "Nothing bad I just wanted to play." The male said trying to act sweet. "Daddy didn't say we could play with them yet." She hissed to her brother. Amber was whimpering n the corner " Please don't hurt me. I want to go home. Please, please please let me go." " Begging wont help you girl." The female said viciously and punched Amber in the face. Amber cradled her cheek and started crying.
Chen and Kris came to a fork in the hallway when they heard the scream "I'm gonna check the left you check the right." Kris said and rand down his side. Chen followed his orders and ran down the hall, when he saw the light on in a room he walked in. "Chen, oh my god! Kai wake up Chen's here to save us." Tia said excitedly. "Kris and I heard a scream, and we ran opposite ways to find who it was. Hey where's Amber?" "We don't know but I think it was her that screamed." Tia said while Chen was trying to remove her restraints. "Come on let's get Kai loose and go find Amber." Tia nodded and walked a little wobbly over to Kai. "Is Kyungsoo ok?" He asked Chen. "Kyungsoo got hurt, Lizzy and Suho are with him. We need to get everyone out of here." Chen said "There, Tia get under his other side and we'll walk back toward the others." She followed directions "I'm sorry." Kai said and tried to stand on his own and inhaled sharply.  "We got you, don't try too hard you're too hurt" Tia said he didn't fight too hard because he was close to passing out again. They made it out of the room and back to the fork in no time, before long they were  at the stars "Great, we have to carry him all the way up." "It's the only way we can go. Come on girl we got this" Chen said as they slowly made their way up. 
"I hope they come back soon. I'm getting worried about Kyungsoo." You said more to yourself than to Suho. "Don't talk about me like I'm not here." D.O said weakly. "You're awake. Suho, if they aren't back in 10 minutes I want you to get Kyungsoo out of here and I'll go find the others." "I can't leave you here!!" "Yes you can. Right now he needs your help the most, I'd do it myself but I can't carry him." "Fine. But once I get him to a safe place I'm coming back for you guys." He hugs you and just as he pulls away you see Chen and Tia walk in with Kai in between them. "Chen!!! You run to him and give him a kiss." "I'm glad to know you care about your own sister." Tia said sarcastically "Do you want me to kiss you too?" You ask. "No I'm good. Oh dear lord Kai are you ok?" He didn't answer you because he was too busy staring at D.O. "Babe,"was all he could say before they heard a huge banging noise "Oh . We gotta find Kris." You say and run in his direction. 
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Ilovecolors #1
Good idea, Updatee! ;u;