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  Kris was panting when he set D.O in the aback seat of the car, "Hurry and get in." He said to Kai and Tia. "We are going as fast as we can. Stop being so pushy." Tia was tired and scared and she felt guilty about leaving her sister. "Don't worry Tia she is with Suho and Chen, she will be ok." Kai whispered knowing exactly what was bothering her. Tia nodded not trusting her voice and helped Kai into the passengers seat. "Here I put the extra key in the glovebox." Kris said as he handed it to Tia. "Be careful Kris. I love you." "Love you too." Kris shut her door and jogged back to the house. 
  "Lizzy wake up." Someone was patting my cheek. "Suho? Where is Chen?" "Don't worry about him." "Come on and untie me, we need to get out of here." "I don't think so." "Wait, what? Why won't you untie me?" Someone walked in the room "Daddy? Is this our new mommy?" "Myra what did I tell you about interrupting me while I'm with a guest?" "Sorry daddy." "Go to your room. And tell Eddie to stay in his room too." "Yes daddy." The girl, Myra, hugged Suho before leaving the room. "What the hell is going on? What the hell was that, and why the is she calling you daddy?"  I was pissed. "Well you see I have kinda taken her and her brother in and it's pretty hard acting as a single parent, so I'm going to keep you here as their new mom." "You can't keep me here." "You used to love staying with me." I didn't want to hear any more so I just called out to Chen. "Chen! Chen! Can you hear me?" Suho's hand flew up and struck my cheek, "If you make another sound I am going to have Eddie kill your precious Chen." Suho's voice was terrifyingly serious so I just nodded. "I'm sorry that I had to hit you but you were hysterical. I am going to check on the kids and Chen, will you be okay by yourself?" I would have thought he sounded sweet if I didn't know better. "I will be just fine." I whispered. "I'll be right back" he said and kissed my cheek, it took everything I had not to pull away. As soon as he left the room I relaxed a little, I never would have thought Suho would do anything like this.
Kris felt like he had been wandering these halls forever. He had searched everywhere and still hadn't found anyone. "!" He said and punched a door and it opened to another hallway. He didn't remember this from before so he decided to check it out. This hall looked the same as the other ones he had searched but this one was different. It was cleaner and there were pictures on the walls. The pictures looked like children's drawing and they were everywhere. It was pretty creepy so Kris just kept walking down the hall hoping to find someone. He had almost decided to turn back and look for another place to search when he saw a slightly opened door, he carefully made his way to it. Taking a deep breath he pushed the door and went inside the room. 
'Please god don't let it be one of the creepy kids' I thought as I heard the door open. I shut my eyes not wanting to see anything. " Lizzy. Thank god I found you." "Kris! Quick untie me and then we need to find Chen." "What about Suho?" "Yes, what about Suho?" A voice said from the doorway. Suho had come back into the room the two kids dragging Chen behind him. "What's going on here?" Kris asked. "Oh not much, just you getting in the way of my plans. You see Kris, this was supposed to be a nice family get together with my children, their mother and myself." "I'm not their mother! Kris get me out of this chair." "Don't do it Kris, or Chen here is going to get hurt. Lizzy, baby, you know there is no getting out of this. You will be with me, and you will be a good mother to our children. If you are lucky you might even get to see your sister again." "I'd rather die." "Maybe you just need a little convincing. Eddie show mommy what happens if you disobey daddy." The boy nodded and said "Yes sir." I saw the light reflecting off the blade before Eddie shoved it into Chen's side. Chen let out a scream of pure agony. "Now Lizzy, are you going to obey or do I need to have Eddie repeat the lesson?" "Lizzy, don't do what he says. You need to get out of here. Kris untie her and get her out!" Chen said before Suho gave a nod and Eddie stabbed him again this time in the chest. "Well it looks like your boyfriend won't be leaving this place." Suho said with a smirk, little did he know you already had your hands free and were just waiting for your chance to get away. "Myra why don't you uncle Kris to another room?" "Yes daddy." The girl came closer and as soon as she had grabbed Kris' hand you stood up and hit the girl with your chair. "Myra!!!" Eddie shouted and charged at you with his knife, but Kris stopped him and managed to get the knife and plunged it into the boy's neck. "Eddie! You killed my son!" Suho yelled and rushed Kris you hit him with the chair, knocked him out and dropped the chair. "Come on Lizzy, we need to get out of here now!" "Not without Chen." "Chen's dead! We gotta go." I didn't fight Kris I was too numb to fight, so I just followed him back out of the house. 
We ran as fast as we could and it didn't take too long to get outside. We tried to find anyone or anything that would help us. We soon got to a neighbor's house and pounded on the door. A handsome young man with bags under his eyes opened it "We need your help. Can we come in?" Kris asked the young man "Of course come in, what do you need me to do?" "Let me use your phone to call the police." "It's in the kitchen" Kris went to the phone and I was left in the main room with the nice stranger. I started to feel woozy and the last thing I remember are two strong arms catching me as I fainted.
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Ilovecolors #1
Good idea, Updatee! ;u;