Jongdae's Revelation

chen likes noonas.


“First, do you speak Chinese,” The tall tree of a guy hovered over Jongdae in a i-don’t-look-interested-but-i-damn-well-am way.

“You guys thought I was Chinese?”

Jongdae had this habit of overthinking, and so his brain went into overdrive. They’re xenophobic huh? So you’re only excepting me in if i’m chinese? Huh? Then OH HELL NO chinese is confusing oh no I KNEW IT sm is full of mean ignorant xenophobic people even them i should have known look they’re all chinese-

“Actually most of SM is xenophobic, ya know.” Amber leaned against the wall holding a taco.

... did he just say all of that out loud?


“But we’re not hehe. Call this the llama crew.” Amber smiled and made Daedae’s head swell and stomach woozy. But Jongdae just had to blurt his stupid thoughts out yet again.

“Do I have to wear pink on Wednesdays? ” Jongdae spluttered out. Ugh me and my mouth whyyy Jongdae was not only a huge fan of f(x), he was also an avid Mean Girls fan. Not trying to brag, but he watched it 18 times. Are they judging me OH TODAY IS WEDNESDAY I’M WEARING BLACK

The llama crew burst into guffaws of awkward deep western laughter. (with the exception of mrOakTree)Tears. Actual wet drops of salty clear tears were rolling down their perfect America’s next top model faces. Again, Jongdae’s inferiority complex struck again ERMAHGAHD THEY’RE JUDGING ME

“No, you’re not being judged. And no no no, no pink on Wednesdays” Amber choked in between her laughter spasms. Henry chipped in with a helpful “no ponytails pls”.

Mr Oak Tree, however, was with this constipated smile-not-smile thingy that looked more like a face than anything else.  (Then again, Jongdae didn’t really know what a face was. He had only heard about it on tumblr.) OK, SO he wasn’t being judged, then why were they laughing.


Because i’m awesome, Jongdae concluded.

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um. this story will be drabble-ish, because i don't post very long chapters. there is a plot(sort of), but the chaps end randomly and are all under 500 words.


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Chapter 2: Lmao this is funny
r u okei bruh
Chapter 2: Lol. Who's the tall guy?
mm0923 #4
Chapter 1: more update pls
spygenl #5
Chapter 1: lol
too short for a chapter,
but perfect length for an intoduction
Shyndikrisber #6
Chapter 1: Sounds good.
I love it.