

Life is hard, but Kris makes it better.


hello yes I am back with more taoris because I can't stop with them

warning: physical abuse but nothing explicit because im not quite that big of an yet, though I'm getting there

*oprah voice* whooooo wants to read some angst? YOU get angst, and YOU get angst, and YOU get angst, EVERYBODY GETS ANGST!!

alright here we gooooooo~

*wooshes to the next page*


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SteamingSehbooty #1
Chapter 1: lololololol i second enchanted milks notion this is way too good to be a oneshot. atleast a 3 shot.
Chapter 1: soooooooo.....*sees complete sign* *thinks* this is one shot? NOOOOOOOO (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻