
What Is Love

Minhee's POV



From: Jonginnie 

Is Baekhyun okay? 


To: Jonginnie

Better. But not okay.


From: Jonginnie 

I hope he's better, soon.


To: Jonginnie 

He says thanks, but he'll probably never be able to feel better.


From: Jonginnie

I know that feeling. Tell him to not lose hope, because it'll only make him regret it later.


To: Jonginnie

It's okay, Jongin. Don't try to give him wise words. I don't think anything can really help Baekhyun out, now. 


From: Jonginnie

Just don't lose hope.


To: Jonginnie

We won't.


From: Jonginnie

I miss you, pretty.


To: Jonginnie

I miss you, too.


From: Jonginnie

I want to see you, again. Let's meet up.


To: Jonginnie



From: Jonginnie

Dance studio.


To: Jonginnie

Isn't it too late?


From: Jonginnie

It's never too late. Meet me there?


To: Jonginnie

See you in five minutes. 


I had no idea what I was doing, honestly. I rarely left my house this late at night, but I guess that Jongin had that effect on me. No matter what, I couldn't really resist him or say no to him. It was really just to that point.


As I opened the back door to the old dance studio, I saw that Jongin was already dancing to the slow song that I know too well.


Jongin stopped dancing when he saw me through the mirror. He smiled, and then turned around. I felt my heart skip a beat. 


"I didn't think you'd actually come," Jongin chuckled, and I felt like dying because his laugh was like music to my ears. It was just wonderful to hear him laugh. 


"What do we do, now?" I asked him.


Jongin shrugged, "Stargazing?" he offered.


"Here?" I asked, looking around.


Jongin shook his head and pointed upwards, smiling. "There's some stairs that take us up to the roof. I've been up there a couple times." Jongin said.


I gave him an uneasy look, "I don't have a good feeling about this." I murmured. 


Jongin quirked up and eyebrow, "Scared?" he asked, teasingly.


I shook my head, but I knew that deep down, I was more than scared. I was terrified. But knowing that I was going to be with Jongin made me feel a little bit at ease. I knew that he'd protect me no matter what.


"Let's go." he whispered as he grabbed my hand. We made our way up to the rooftop, and just like I'd suspected, I wasn't as terrified as I thought that I was going to be. I was actually enjoying it.


"There are a lot of stars out, tonight." Jongin awed, looking up.


I nodded as I laid down. He laid down beside me, and I could literally hear his breathing patterns go from uneven to even. 


"Jongin," I called out his name, and without turning, he replied back.




I hummed. "When did you start dancing?" I asked. I'd never really asked him about how he started off with dancing, so I was curious.


"Maybe around elementary?" he wondered. "I took jazz and ballet." he said. 


I nodded my head. "You know, I've always wondered why you came down to this old dance studio." I admitted.


Jongin smiled, "It's my first dance instructor's dance studio. After he passed away, the studio become vacant. Since nobody used it, I thought that it'd be a good idea to use the place for me to practice my dance skills." Jongin said.


"And what about your parents?" I asked, more and more questions were waiting to be answered.


"Overseas." was all that Jongin replied with. I sighed. I knew the feeling. My parents worked overseas, too. It was just that empty feeling that I had in my stomach that would make me realize that I was living on my own and my parents weren't there for me, anymore. That's why I pretty much relied on Baekhyun so much. He was my only friend, really.


"You're the first girl that I've brought up here." Jongin said, staring at the stars. Millions and millions of them were splattered across the dark sky. I smiled. It was truly breathtaking.


"You didn't even bring Jin Ah here?" I asked. Jongin shook his head. 


"How many relationships have you had?" I asked.


Jongin thought about it. 


"Two." he replies. "Jin Ah, and a girl named Inna. But Inna didn't count because it was just puppy love, you know?"


I nodded. 


"Was I your first boyfriend?" Jongin asked. I nodded.


"My first kiss, too." I admitted, and Jongin sighed. He sounded guilty.


"Can I ask you why you watched me every day and never spoke to me?" Jongin asked. I laughed a little. So we're bring this subject back, again.


"Well, it was a rainy day and I was walking home from the longer route. I heard loud music playing, and it pretty much brought me here. When I saw you dance, something inside me just clicked." I said. "The way you danced with so much emotion really spoke to me, and I was attracted." 


"I never knew that I'd be this attracted." I whispered. Jongin breathed in and out. He closed his eyes, and I saw him smile a bit.


"I've always known that you were different," Jongin said. My heart melted. There was so much that I wanted to know about Jongin, but so little time.


"You wasted your time watching me dance. It sounds creepy, but I don't think it is at all. I think it's cute that you'd waste your time on me," Jongin laughed. 


"Yeah, a stranger." I thought to myself. I knew that our worlds weren't supposed to collide like this. I knew that we were two different people. I was the stalker girl, and he was the dancer that I stalked. But somehow, he was interested in me. He wasn't creeped out like anyone else would've been.


He was just as different and unique as I was. 


"I never would've imagined us being here together." I told him. 


"I would've." Jongin whispered. "I knew that one day, you were going to eventually talk to me. I knew that I'd like you at some point in my life." Jongin said.


"But what about Jin Ah?" I managed to ask.


"Jin Ah was my girlfriend, yes. But whenever I danced and I saw you watching me, it was like Jin Ah no longer existed." Jongin sighed. "I guess it's been you all along." 


I smiled, hearing that. I was touched. It's weird, now that you think about it. Two completely different people; two people that started off as merely strangers, falling in love with each other. At first sight, they never would've imagined that the other person would have such a big impact on their life, but then it happens. And they're in love.


I snapped out of my thoughts as I felt Jongin's hands grab mine, and we both looked up at the stars.


"See that star?" Jongin asked and pointed to a random star. I nodded.


He looked over at me, but I didn't realize it. I continued to stare at the stare.


"It's pretty, unique, and it's one-of-a-kind. It stands out, and it's not like the other stars." Jongin says, and I had a feeling that he wasn't really talking about the star.


I looked over at him and realized that he was staring straight at me. I felt my stomach flip. 


"You're pretty," Jongin smiled. He held only my hand tighter and pressed my palm against his chest. 


I closed my eyes, inhaling his scent. I wanted to remember this moment and cherish it forever. From what I saw, felt, and I wanted to remember his scent. I wanted to remember it, forever.


"Will you be my girlfriend?" Jongin asked. I opened my eyes, not saying a word. 


I leaned in, and Jongin closed his eyes. Everything felt like it was going in slow motion, and I was starting to feel myself become numb. I felt like I was losing my mind.


When his soft lips press against mine, I could feel something that I had to admit that I'd never felt before. People call it 'sparks', I believe. I never knew what they were talking about, but with Jongin, I felt like I knew just exactly what they were talking about.


Jongin could make a day feel like a minute, and he showed me what love was. It was all that I could really ask for, really.

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Chapter 21: Looking forward to read more of your stories in the future :')
Chapter 21: Oh yaaaaaas no I'm actually sad to see this fic end :'''''''(

Author, thank yoooouuu for such a beautiful story. I'd never forget this one ♥
Chapter 20: Oh my god I'm going to read the last chapterrrr
Chapter 15: Wow I started reading it 3 hours ago. I'm glad to have found this fanfic after three months of being away from this site.
This story is so far so good. But sadly it's gonna end soon ;(
I'll continue with the rest tomorrow ♥
An interesting encounter that led off to a unique story is good. :)
eermaa #6
A coincidence here i have read this fic offline. It hit me when i recalled "ah....i'd read this fic before"
Chapter 21: Finished~! I really love it~! Is there a sequel?
Chapter 17: Awe... ^_^
Chapter 16: Finally~! ^^
Chapter 14: Squee~! ^^