Our Preparations

A Love Only We Understood

“Music, check. Drinks, check. Alcohol-”

“Hey Fany, I brought some more food and beer.”


“Check what?”

“Nothing, how much time do we have left?” Tiffany asked.

“Five hours before eight. Wanna start setting up now or what?”

“Might as well get started now. I’ll do the living room and you the backyard.”

“Roger that.” Yuri saluted.

Tiffany laughed lightly. “Then get to work, Kwon.”

She went to the kitchen to get a box of decorations and set them on the end-table in the middle of the living room. Tiffany couldn’t lie, she was really starting to regret this whole ‘party-thing’. Her dad had left her a voice-mail message in the morning.

“Good Morning, Miyoung. Remember that I left you some money for food if you invite friends over. I know it’s only a day, but please keep the house clean. I want no surprise. I’ll see you soon. Love you.”

‘It’s like he knows about the party.’ Tiffany thought. She pulled out various streamers and other decorations. There were three options as to which color she could use. Red, blue, or yellow. She bit her lip, thinking which color would suit best.

“You know, you could use all the colors. It would make the place look more colorful.” A voice said from behind her.

“OMO!” Tiffany jumped at the sudden statement. She looked up and identified the owner of the voice. “Taeyeon!”

“Hey, Fany!” Taeyeon smiled and waved.

“You scared the outta me.” Tiffany whined.

“Not my fault you were too focused on what color to use.”

“Decorations are key when hosting a party. It makes the environment more lively.”

“I don’t think people will notice any of decorations you put up.”

“And why is that?”

“Everybody will be too busy trashing the place that they won’t take the time to appreciate to effort you put.”

“Just help me put these up will you.” Tiffany said, shoving streamers into her friend’s arms. “How’d you get into my house anyway?”

“Yuri saw me and opened the gates.” Taeyeon replied, untangling the decorations from each other.

“Really? Did you get to see the backyard?” Tiffany set up a ladder, climbed it, and started to tape the streamers.

“Uh, kind of. I only saw the bouncy house, which is an awesome idea by the way.”

“Thanks, but it was Yul’s idea. You’re staying for the party, right?” Tiffany got down from the ladder.

“I’ll stay to help set-up, but not for the party.” Taeyeon handed the younger girl the remaining streamers.

“Aw, come on. You can bring Sunny with you.” Tiffany gave Taeyeon a can of silly string.

“Well, that’s kind of why I’m not coming. Today’s our first movie night. We’re trying to make it a thing between us.”

“That’s so cute! Hope you guys have fun. What movie are you gonna watch?”

“Ironically, ‘Project X’.” Taeyeon chuckled, spraying the silly string on the walls.

“Wow, you guys should just come over later and experience it for yourselves.”

“I’d rather not have me and my bunny experience the hangovers we’ll get tomorrow if we do come.”

“Suit yourselves.”

“You nervous?” Taeyeon reached for another can of silly string.

“Pretty much. What if my dad comes home early, or what if the cops come, or what if the house gets totally trashed like in the movie?”

“Hey, don’t worry about it. Yuri will be here with you, so you won’t have to take all the blame for destroying the house.”

“You’re not helping, Tae.” Tiffany glared at the older girl.

“Seriously though, I wouldn’t worry too much. We live in South Korea, I’m sure the teens here are nothing like the ones in the movie.”

Tiffany sighed, looking partially convinced.

“Hey, come on get happy. You’ll be the worst host ever if you don’t lighten up.”

“Yeah you’re right. I’ma go check up on Yuri. Can you set up the rest of the room for me?”

“Sure can.”


Few Minutes Later



“Kwon Yuri!”

“Yeah?!” Yuri said from inside the bouncy house.

“The backyard looks nice. You did a good job.”

“Thanks! Now get in here.”

“I still have to help Tae, though.”

“Come on, just five minutes!”

Tiffany looked around, wondering if she should just go for it.

“Please just come inside. For me.” Yuri pleaded.

The young girl sighed, giving into her best friend. “Alright, but only for a bit.”

“Yay! Fany’s coming in. Fany’s coming in.” Yuri cheered.

The two best friends laughed as they jumped around the inflatable castle. They pushed and shoved each other around, forgetting that they had a party to set-up for. A few moments later, Yuri pulled Tiffany down on to one side of the bouncy house, causing Tiffany to be on top of her best friend.

“Hey there.” Yuri smiled.

“Hi.” Tiffany chuckled.

They stared at one another.

‘Go for it Kwon, this is your chance.’ Yuri began closing her eyes, her face inching towards Tiffany, when she started to hear giggles struggling to be held in. She fully opened her eyes, noticing her best friend beginning to laugh.

“What’s so funny?”

“You…we…. We’re in such an awkward position.” Tiffany blurted out in between laughs.

“I don’t get it.” Yuri  said

“Nothing, never mind.” Tiffany said, getting up. “Come on, Yul. Taeyeon’s probably already done with the living room.” Tiffany stretched out her hand to Yuri.

my life.’ Yuri thought. She grabbed Tiffany’s hand, lifting herself up. “You’re right. Should we get ready then?”

“Yeah we should.”




“Where are you going, Sooyeon?”

“To a small get together outside of Seoul.” Jessica said, straightening her light brown hair.

“Does your father know?”

“Yes mom. He’s the one who let me go.”

“As long as he’s fine with it. Speaking of your dad, what did the both of you talk about?”

“The business.”

“Think you can handle it?”

“I don’t know yet, but I promise I won’t let you or dad down.”

“I know you won’t. Just focus on having fun tonight. Don’t stay out too late and call if you need us. Got it?”

Jessica smiled “Got it.”

Mrs. Jung returned the smile. “Good.” She said as she left Jessica’s room.

Jessica decided to call her tall friend, just to make sure she was still going to pick her up.

“Hey Sica.” Sooyoung answered.

“Hey. You still giving me a ride?”

“Sure am. Oh, can I ask for a favor?”

“I guess.”

“Well, my aunt put me in charge of Sulli tonight and I was wondering if I could leave her at your place with Krystal.”

“Aren’t your parents’ home?”

“They went out on a date.”

“Your sister?”

“God knows where she is. Please Jessica, I promise she’ll be good.”

“Bring her over then. Krystal could use some quality time with her bestie.”

“Thanks dude. I mean Boss. You’re the best.”

‘I’m starting to like the name ‘Boss’.’ Jessica grinned. “So I’ll see you in a few?”

 “Yeah, just wait for me outside.”

“Alright, later.” Jessica hung up and went into her sisters room.


“Hi unnie.” Krystal said, not taking her eyes off the magazine she was reading.

“Guess what.”

“You’re letting me go to the party with you?”


“Then I don’t want to know.”

“Are you sure, ‘cause I can just tell Sulli not to come over.”

“Sulli’s coming!” Krystal jumped, throwing the magazine onto the floor.

“Yup. Sooyoung can’t look after her since she’s going to the party as well so she’ll be dropping off Sulli in a few.”

“Yes, this is so awesome!”

 “It’s like you haven’t seen her in ages.”

“It’s been four days since we last hung out. That’s way too long.”

“What’s so great about her anyway?”

“Everything.” Krystal said with a serious face.

“Whoa there, didn’t mean to offend you or your crush.”

Krystal blushed, throwing a pillow towards her sister. “Yah! Keep quiet will you.”

“Ouch.” Jessica groaned, failing to dodge the attack. “I was kidding, Soojung.” She went to look at herself through the mirror. “You ed up my hair!”

“Serves you right for questioning the greatness of my crush.”

“You’re obsessed, kid. Get a life.” Jessica said, fixing her now un-straightened hair.

“But Sulli is my life.” The younger girl said innocently.

“You sound like you’re lost in love.” Jessica chuckled.

“I sound like you when you used to talk about…” Krystal stopped herself from completing her sentence.

Jessica was about to say something when she heard a honk from outside.

“That must be your ride.” Krystal said.


Krystal got up from her bed and dragged her sister by the arm. “Come on Jess, you’ve got a party to attend.”

Jessica smirked. “And you have a crush to greet.”

“Exactly.” Krystal said, trying very hard not to blush again.




Jessica opened the front door and greeted her best friend.

“I thought I told you to wait outside?”

“You did. Now move out of the way.” Jessica pushed Sooyoung over.

“What? Wh-”

“SULLI!” Krystal shouted as she made her way towards her friend.

“KRYSTAL!” Sulli hugged the younger Jung like there was no tomorrow. Krystal didn’t mind, of course.

Jessica clapped. “Alright, we’ll be leaving now. You two have fun, okay? Let’s go Soo.”

“Sulli, don’t cause trouble.”

“I won’t.” Sulli let go of the hug, much to Krystal’s disappointment.

“Come on Sulli, let’s go watch a movie or something.” Krystal pulled her friend inside her home.


Jessica and Sooyoung entered the tall girls car.

“What was that all about?” Sooyoung asked, starting the engine.

“The hug? That my friend, is young love.”

“I’m not even gonna ask.”


Here, an update. Take it, take it I say. I know I said this chapter would be at Tiffany's party but...

Disney Animated Gif on Giphy

Sorry, I lied. But seriously next chapter for sure will be the party. It kind of has to. I bet all of you are like "I aint even mad" which is good. Please don't be mad.

I'ma update tomorrow cuz sleepy author be sleepy.

So yeah, please subscribe if you like the fic so far and don't forget to comment. (Speaking of comments, where were y'all last update? Did you not like it? Did I fail as an author? Or did I just forget to tell y'all to please comment? Probably the last one. Dont' forget to comment!)

Big thanks to the new subscribers and thanks to You for reading.

Have an awesome day.


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Lol I wanted to change something before I left and I notice that I'm back at 99...awkward


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Chapter 16: XD You should be calm and not worry that their loyal readers will always be around here. XD

Jess asked to Tif to forget the conversation. T_T Yah! Tiffany reminded not Kiss!

Argh boba Fany. Now, am I imagining things? or seemed to me that she renounce conquer Tiffany?

eh? I hope you come back! XD
JeTiLoVe #2
Chapter 16: what jessica ask tiffany to forget about? I already forgot.. It's what she said at the last conversation in front of the library? why jessica ask tiffany to forget it now?
tiffany disappointed and hurt.. hehhe.. seem she feel a bit different feeling to jessica now.. i like it..
hwang_fiqah #3
Chapter 16: relax recover first your health is more important :-) take your time.... we will always be waiting for you...no need to rushing things out....
Chapter 16: nawww don't mind them. just focus on your recovery first ^^

i think most of us understand your situation and we will be waiting for your next update! :D
haha jeti is adorable in this so, like it or not, i'll still be sticking around. lol
get well soon, dear author! <3
Chapter 16: I will wait for you to return. XD
Ignore malicious people. You must be dedicated to fully recover. Take care and I hope everything goes well.
Best wishes to you. XD

Thanks for sharing. XDD
Paperbirdd #6
Chapter 16: You know what????

Hack care those who are ruining your days, you don't deserve any of these ty dramas. Get well soon.
True fans-readers of yours, will be waiting for your update patiently. I mean at least you made the effort of telling us, what's really going on than just disappear. Take good care... :)
adel415 #7
Chapter 16: Well get well soon
SHanonymous #8
Yulti no matter what :D
Chapter 11: i just read this and its awesome :D
Chapter 15: new reader! :)

this story is really cool. I like how yuri and jessica are not only rivals in business but also in winning Tiffany's heart. haha

looking forward for more :)