You Don't Hate Me?

A Love Only We Understood

Tiffany’s POV

It’s been sometime since Jessica last annoyed me and I’ve never been happier. I thought I’d have to go through senior year dealing with her but no, I’ve been relieved of those worries. Some other things have happened over the past month. I finally passed my driver’s test after God knows how many times, I’m now a librarian after school for a few fours, and I made one friend. I know I said I didn’t want any new friends, but that’s only because Jessica was bugging me.

 My new friends name is Seohyun, she’s a quiet, smart, and really pretty girl. She was shy when I first met her in my AP Calc class, but as I got to know her better she became more open with me. We both come from, I guess you can say, very wealthy families. Her father is a lawyer and her mother is a doctor at a local hospital, both being the best in their professions. Seohyun reminds me of Taeyeon sometimes. They’re both responsible and very wise beyond their years, old souls basically.

“Stephanie?” My dad said, knocking on my door. I forgot I was getting ready for school.

I open my door. “Yeah?”

“There’s a girl outside waiting for you.”

“Oh, I’ll be right out. Thanks dad.” I give him a kiss on his cheek.

“No problem. Try your best on those tests, okay?”

I grab my bag and exit my room. “Yes, daddy. I’ll see you later.”


“Hi, Tiffany.” Seohyun greets me.

“Hey, Seo. Ready to go?” I smile warmly.

“Of course. Did you study last night?”

“A little, yes. I think I’ll ace them all.”

“That’s good. Any plans for the holidays?”

“Just going to spend time with my family.”

We continue talking all the way to school when I see Jessica about to enter the school. She notices me and stops by the gates to give me a small smile. I just ignore her while Seohyun waves at her. Jessica waves back and walks into campus.

“You know her?” I ask Seohyun.

“Kind of, my father severed as her dad’s lawyer years ago.” She responds, walking towards the school’s entrance.

“Lawyer, what did her dad do?”

“I don’t really know what he did, but it did have something to do with money.”

“Oh.” I nod.  I kind of always knew there was something a little off about Jessica. Since we’re on the topic of her family, might as well see what she’s like.

“Is she nice?”

“Who, Jessica?”

I nod again.

“Yeah I guess she is. I’ve only had a handful of conversations with her, but from those few interactions I can tell she’s a very well rounded girl. She looked cocky and very full of herself when I first met her. She turned out to be kind and very humble.”

I scoffed. She couldn’t be talking about the same Jessica that stalked me every single minute.

“Why do you ask?”

“Uh, no reason. See you at lunch, Seo.”



Somewhere else on campus

“Jessica, what’s the answer to number forty-seven?” Sooyoung whispered.

“I was going to ask you.” Her friend whispered back.

“.” They both hissed.

Time went by and the bell rang signaling the end of the test and the beginning of lunch.

“I think I failed.” Sooyoung announced.

“Yeah, well, I don’t think you’re the only one.”

“How did the deal go?”

“It was terrible. Hyomin wanted two weeks off every month, Taemin wanted to be paid more, and Simon…didn’t say anything.”

“Well, Hyomin does need at least on week off. I mean all that computer stuff can mess with your head. Taemin barely started so he shouldn’t get paid more, and Simon’s always quiet so don’t worry about him.” Sooyoung inquired.

“Why aren’t you running the business?” Jessica asked.

“If I was there’s no doubt I’d something up. Which is why you’re in charge, you get things done.”

“I couldn’t even get everyone to make some sort of deal yesterday, how will I get anything done.”

“You’ve got the rest of your life to figure that out.”

“Don’t remind me.”

“Anyway, you’re going to talk to Tiffany later, right?”

“She ignored me this morning and all I did was smile at her. I don’t think she’ll want to talk.”

“Have confidence, you must.” Sooyoung said in a weird voice.

“The does that mean?” Jessica gave the other girl an odd look.

Sooyoung sighed “Go look for her and tell her you want to talk to her after school. If she doesn’t go, at least you tried.”

“But what if-”

“None of that ‘what if’ bull, you go and try” The taller of the two pushed her friend forward.



“Are you going to the library after school?” Seohyun asked Tiffany.

“Yeah, one of the other librarians told me that if I stayed to organize some books she’d help me get into the college of my choice.”

“You believe her?”

“Not really, but hey, you never know. Plus I’d like to stay around and help. My dad’s coming home late anyway.” Tiffany reasoned.

“Excuse me.” 

Both Tiffany and Seohyun turned their heads. The girls had different reactions when they saw whose voice it was.

“Hi, Jessica.” Seohyun greeted the brunette.

“Hey, Seohyun. Hi Tiffany, how’ve you been.”

Tiffany sighed “Great, up until now.”

“Oh, sorry.”

“Whatever, did you want something?”

“Yeah, um, I was wondering if you wanted to meet after school today. I sorta need to tell you something.”

“Sorry, but I have to do something after school.” Tiffany got up out of her seat. “I’ll catch you later, Seohyun.”


Jessica watched Tiffany leave. ‘Maybe I should just give up on her.’ She thought.


The older girl faced Seohyun.

“May I know what you wanted to talk to Tiffany about?”

Jessica lightly shook her head and chuckled. “It’s not important anymore. How’ve you been?” She asked, sitting across the lunch table from Seohyun.

“I’ve been great. How about you?”

“Things could be better.”

Seohyun nodded.

“Hey, you talk to Tiffany often right?”

“I guess so.”

“Can you, like, convince her to meet me after school?”

“Tiffany wasn’t lying about having to do something.”

Jessica scoffed “What exactly does she have to do?”

“She’s a librarian now.” Seohyun answered.


“But I will try to convince her. Just head to the library after school and wait for Tiffany to get there. If she still doesn’t want to talk, then I’m sorry.”

Jessica smiled “Thank you, Seohyun. You’re the best.”




“Seo, please don’t make me do this.” Tiffany whined.

“Come on, Tiffany. She just wants to talk.” Seohyun pleaded.

“I don’t care what she wants! I want to not talk to her.”

“Just give the poor girl a chance.”


“What has she ever done to you?”

“Well… she… A LOT of things, Seohyun!”

“Please talk to her. Maybe she’ll leave you alone after.”



“… Fine. I’ll talk to her.”

“Really?” Seohyun was surprised. She actually convinced the older girl to talk to her… enemy?

“Yes really.”


“If you question me I’ll rethink my answer. Do you want that?”

“Uh, no.”

“Okay then. Where is she anyway?”

“Probably waiting for you by the library.”

“And how much did she pay you?”


“Right. Enjoy you’re break, Seo.” Tiffany said, walking to the library.

“You too.” Seohyun replied.



“Apologize then get straight to the point. Apologize, straight to the point. Apologize, point.” Jessica repeated to herself.

“You wanted to talk?”

Jessica turned around and was shocked. ‘She came after all.’

“Well?” Tiffany was clearly already annoyed.

“O-oh.  Yeah, um…”

“Look if you’re going to be like that, then can I just-”

“I’m sorry.”


“I’m sorry… for being a creep. I didn’t mean to bug you or make you feel uncomfortable.”

“… So can I know why you did bug me?”

“I just really, really liked you. I still do. You can say I have the not-so-smallest crush on you.”

“Please, you’d be the last person I’d want to have a crush on.”

“That’s fine by me. At least I’m on your list, right?”

“…Okay! We cleared everything up, now can we go our separate ways?”

“You don’t really like me do you?” Jessica smiled.

“No, the sound of your voice annoys me.”

“Well the sound of your voice makes my heart flutter.”

“The way you try to flirt with me makes you seem desperate.” Tiffany countered.

“The way you keep on shooting me down makes you seem like you’re playing hard to get.” Jessica retaliated.

“Your arrogance frustrates me.” Tiffany glared at the other girl.

“You look kinda cute when you’re frustrated.” Jessica, although a little scared, managed to grin.

Tiffany blushed a bit “Uh, well, the thought of you makes me sick!”

Jessica was silent for a couple seconds before she spoke again. “The thought of you… makes my life a little easier than it is.”

They both stood a few feet away from the school library in silence when a voice was heard.

“Tiffany! You’re late, come and help re-organize the books!” One of the many librarians shouted from the front door of the building.

“I-I gotta go.” Tiffany stuttered.

“Yeah, I heard.”


“I’m coming!” She shouted back, looking back at Jessica.

“Go, I said sorry and I let you know how I feel about you. I told you everything I wanted to.” Jessica said.

Tiffany nodded “Thanks, for telling me.”

Jessica smiled. “Enjoy your break.”

That’s when Tiffany did something Jessica thought she’d never see again. Tiffany smiled too. “Thanks, you too.” Tiffany then jogged towards the library.

‘I did it.’ Jessica thought ‘I talked to her.’


So after writing my essay for the past I'd say three days, I decided to write this chapter. Does this even count as chapter 14 or should I just combine it with the last update? What do you guys think.

I'm not as emotionally scarred as I was last week, but I am a bit pissed. Before I began to type up this chapter I was on Youtube watching a Paramore concert when my stupid laptop crashed...AGAIN! I'm thinking about getting a job to not only get myself a new pc, but to help my sister pay our rent cuz s getting too serious in my life.

But enough about me, how are you all doing? Anything fun happen to you during the weekend? Is anybody glad that Tiffany's actually treating Jessica like a person? Yeah me too.

Thanks to all of you who subscribed to this fic. I almost shat myself when 65 magically turned into 74. Yeah it's only 9 more but still! And when I saw the upvotes... I couldn't even. So subscribe if you're enjoying the fic so far, comment about anything, and if you'd like, give this fic an upvote. My authors notes are either too short or too long. There's no in between.

Thanks for reading


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Lol I wanted to change something before I left and I notice that I'm back at 99...awkward


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Chapter 16: XD You should be calm and not worry that their loyal readers will always be around here. XD

Jess asked to Tif to forget the conversation. T_T Yah! Tiffany reminded not Kiss!

Argh boba Fany. Now, am I imagining things? or seemed to me that she renounce conquer Tiffany?

eh? I hope you come back! XD
JeTiLoVe #2
Chapter 16: what jessica ask tiffany to forget about? I already forgot.. It's what she said at the last conversation in front of the library? why jessica ask tiffany to forget it now?
tiffany disappointed and hurt.. hehhe.. seem she feel a bit different feeling to jessica now.. i like it..
hwang_fiqah #3
Chapter 16: relax recover first your health is more important :-) take your time.... we will always be waiting for need to rushing things out....
Chapter 16: nawww don't mind them. just focus on your recovery first ^^

i think most of us understand your situation and we will be waiting for your next update! :D
haha jeti is adorable in this so, like it or not, i'll still be sticking around. lol
get well soon, dear author! <3
Chapter 16: I will wait for you to return. XD
Ignore malicious people. You must be dedicated to fully recover. Take care and I hope everything goes well.
Best wishes to you. XD

Thanks for sharing. XDD
Paperbirdd #6
Chapter 16: You know what????

Hack care those who are ruining your days, you don't deserve any of these ty dramas. Get well soon.
True fans-readers of yours, will be waiting for your update patiently. I mean at least you made the effort of telling us, what's really going on than just disappear. Take good care... :)
adel415 #7
Chapter 16: Well get well soon
SHanonymous #8
Yulti no matter what :D
Chapter 11: i just read this and its awesome :D
Chapter 15: new reader! :)

this story is really cool. I like how yuri and jessica are not only rivals in business but also in winning Tiffany's heart. haha

looking forward for more :)