Chapter 4

Do Opposites Really Attract?



Hana obediently stood behind him. She cant believe what she is seeing right now. Its really him. The guy she has been head over heels for years. "Oh man, I saw her first!" The drunk guy yelled while throwing a tantrum like a kid. Myungsoo smirked. "Stop being such a ing pedo and leave" He warned.


The guy started laughing like some crazy retard. "I am gonna get you~" He sang. Hana whimpered, tramautized by hearing his voice. "Stay here okay?" He whispered without looking back. "Y-yes" She replied. Myungsoo walked towards him. "Dont say I didn't warn you" He said. His voice sounded sharp giving Hana goosebumps. "Its on" The drunk guy smirked and ran towards Myungsoo throwing a punch at no one in particular.


He was too drunk to even see him properly. Myungsoo smirked and kicked his back. The drunk guy fell down and stood up immidieatly. "Aish you're not going to quit eh?" Myungsoo asked and ruffled his hair. Myungsoo turned to Hana. "Yah Hana, go back home and treat your wound. I'll take care of him" Hana gasped. "B-but" She stuttered. "Just go" He glared at her.


Hana hesitated at first but she soon ran back to her house. She went into her room while panting, gasping for air. Her injured knee was still bleeding. She fell on her bed and took a deep breath. "I didn't even get to thank him" She mumbled softly. After she cleaned her wound and showered, she lied down on her bed and tried to sleep. But the incident kept playing in her head.


She sat up and hugged her knees. 'I wonder if he is doing okay, whether he got injured or not. Did he get back home safely?' That night, for the first time ever, Hana could not sleep.


The next day, Hana woke up and felt exhausted. She had only gotten an hour of sleep. She walked to the toilet and frowned when she looked in the mirror. Her eyes were red and puffy, she had dark circles around her eyes. 'I have to thank him later, well if I have the guts to'


When she walked into the school hallway, it was still empty with only a few students there. She kept some of her books into her locker and went into the classroom. She sat down and yawned. Hana took out her favourite book to read but then she drifted to sleep.


"Did you hear?" She heard a voice say. It was one of her classmates. "What?" The friend replied. "L was badly injured last night. Apparently a leader from one of the scariest gang beat him up" Hana jumped from her seat and bumped her head with her book. Her classmates looked at her terrified.


"S-sorry" She said and ran to the toilet. She sighed and rubbed her eyes. Was she dreaming? Was he really beaten up badly by that drunk guy? Hana bit her lips. Its one of her habits when she gets scared or worried. Did he come to school today? Or is he in the hospital? Hana grew frustrated and went to look for him.


"I can't believe I'm doing this" But sadly, he was no where to be found. Infinite was no where to be found as well. She tried searching for them at the rooftop, garden, the abandon classroom but they weren't there. 'If he gets hurt, It would all be my fault' She thought sadly and fought the urge to just cry.


She returned back to her class and slumped in her seat. Throughout the whole lesson, she did not pay attention.



"You're back!" Hana's mom beamed. She was busy baking brownies as it was her favourite hobby. Hana sat down at the kitchen table and took a bite out of her mom's brownies. She smiled slightly. It still tastes the same. Hana thought of an idea and beamed. "Mom, could you teach me how to bake brownies?"


Her mom's eyes widened and then she smiled. "Of course! Come here!!" Her mom gestured her to come closer. Hana spent hours baking with her mom. It was the first time she actually spent time with her mom. Her mom smiled sweetly while staring at her daughter baking. 'She is finally learning to open up'.


How long has it been since the mother and daughter had a conversation for more than 5 minutes? How long has it been since her daughter started a conversation with her? She was like any other teenager until that one day when she was 13 years old. She came back home from school with a cold expression on her face and did not bother to talk to her parents.


The next day, she acted different with the people around her. She blushes everytime one of her neighbours talk to her although they have known each other for quite some time. When the kids wanted to play catch or dress up, she would shyly decline and run back to the house with flushed cheeks. Her parents grew worried at her sudden change but knew it was best not to ask her about it. They tried their best to adjust to the new her and soon got used to it.


Hana's mom shook her head at her thoughts and glanced at Hana who was smiling while holding the brownies that was nicely wrapped with glee. "Who is that for, by the way?" Her mom blurted out, feeling curious. "O-oh you know, a friend" She pursed her lips into a tight smile. "A friend?" Her mom clasped her hands together. 'She has a friend now!' Her mom thought and secretly smiled. "WHO IS SHE?!" Hana's eyes widened and bit her lips.


"My classmate" She exclaimed. "Well, I better head off to bed now. It is getting late" She pretended to look at her watch and quickly ran upstairs. She panted as she closed the door and fell on her bed. "That was close" She mumbled. Her mom on the other side, was chuckling at her daughter's behavior.


'When the time is right, she'll open up to me. It is just the matter of time' She thought wisely.






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Chapter 4: Omo, what happened... Please update soon!! :D really interesting
Chapter 4: Can't wait to see what happens!
Chapter 4: ooo~~ kekeke~ cant w8 2 c wat happens next ;D updates soon . 8D
Inspirit93 #4
Chapter 3: Ohh she ran into Myungsoo! I wonder what's gonna happen next? Update soon~
pappaponn #5
Chapter 3: ahhh what will happen next?!!
this story is really goood
i love it, keep updating<33
pappaponn #6
Chapter 3: ahhh what will happen next?!!
this story is really goood
i love it, keep updating<33
Chapter 3: ow go hero myung!
cLoudprinceSs236 #8
Chapter 3: omg, update soon author-nim!
Inspirit93 #9
Chapter 2: Awweehh she's such a shy girl xD update when you can author-nim!
Inspirit93 #10
Chapter 1: Ohh I'm liking it so far so update soon! ^^