Chapter 5: Knowing Her

A kind of LOVE

                                5:30 PM…………….6:00………..7:00……………..7:30

Kim is still in her deep sleep


Mean: “we’re done jane! Apir!”

Jane: “yeah. Apir…hahahaha oh it’s 8:30 already we still have 30 minutes at least to rest and prepare our self”

(they both sit at the couch rest for a while,watch television……)mean notice that jane fell asleep…

So she decided to take a bath(someone’s interrupt…ding dong..the bell at the door rang)

Mean: “oh pie you’re here already.hehehee”

Pie: “yes. I don’t want to be in the road alone when darks appear so I go out early”

Mean: “ow..I see. Come in have a sit, I’ll just take a bath”(heading to the cr in 2nd florr)

Pie: “okei”(sitting beside jane)

Jane: ”z-z-z-z-z-z-z-z snore”

                                Hahahah.poor jane got tired of preparing things.

Hmmmmmmmmm. Where’s kim? I didn’t notice her.(looking around like a giraffe)

where’s that brat. Did she help mean and jane?

Why she’s not here. Ah.maybe she’s in the comfort room at the kitchen taking a bath. -pie thought

(someone yawn)

Jane(yawn): “oi..pie you’re early”

Pie: “early? Hahahah. It’s almost 9 already”

Jane: “aw! I didn’t notice I felt asleep. Where mean by the way?”

Pie: “she’s taking a bath now”

Jane: “uh.. I think I’ll take a bath now too”(stood up and yawn again)

I’ll go now. Wait for us,you can watch television If you want.heheheh”

Pie: “sure”

Jane is now heading to the comfort room in the kitchen…

minutes past.

Jane is at the kitchen’s CR and mean is in the 2nd floor. B…but, where kim.

hmmm I’m just wondering where she is….. hmmm, maybe she’s outside not e

ven bother to help her friend here. – pie thought

…(pie open the television)”hmm. What we have here. Ahm channel 3. Oh my favorite,

Autumn in my Heart”



Jane is almost done…(still in the CR)

Mean went down…

Mean: “where’s kim. Not here yet?.......hay! that sleepy head, wait I’ll wake her up now”

                                Ohw! She’s sleeping-pie thought

Mean(knock knock): “kim! Wake up nah! Kim! It’s already 9:15. You wont be able to sleep later you had enough! Kim!.....”(continue knocking)

                Mean decided to go down to ask jane where the key is.

Mean: “jane. Where are the key in our still in bed”

Jane: “oh. Wait I’m done already”

                Jane opens the door and look for the key and handed the keys to mean.

Mean: “okei I’ll get kim now”


Front of the room

Mean used the key to open the door,

when she opened the door she saw kim is still in her deep sleep.

Mean jump into the bed to wake up kim.

Meam: “kim!………Kim!....its aready 9:30”(while shaking kim)

Kim(yawn): “r-e-a-l-l-y……….?

Mean: “better be hurry kim. Pie is already here an hour already”

Kim(stood up): “okeii okei..I’ll take a quick bath, don’t worry”

                Mean: “fine. Hurry kim”(while closing the door and went downstair)

And kim is now busy preparing herself.


Kim went down heading to the sala while the ladies busy chatting.

Kim: “Hi! Ladies. Sorry I’m late”(chuckles)

Jane: “lazy kim”

Kim: “nehhhhhh.. neehhhh… nehhhh………….oh, hi pie”

Pie: “hi…….”(blank emotion)

Jane: “sit down kim! You can eat now, we prepare this. I’m sure you’ll like it“

Kim: “uh..yes..”(while eating…)”hmmmm. So delicious you can both go to culinary school”(hahahaha)

                                They all done eating…


They all laugh…

Mean: “you’re so full”(teasing kim)

Kim: “yes..your cooking skill is so amazing ”(tickles mean)

Mean: “neeeeeehhhh……”(giggles) “thanks kim”

Kim(give a sweet smile to mean): “now we can have beers or wines what do you want first”

Jane: “either of the two will make us drunk”

Mean: “yeah..”

Kim: “okei. I’ll get it now”

                (going to the fridge. Got the drinks. Walks back and forth…preparing things needed)

Jane: “need help?”

Kim: “I can handle. I know you and mean prepared all the food. It’s my turn now just relax ”(wink at jane)

Jane: “oh. Okei.”(give kim a sweet smile)

                Kim prepare thing needed… and all done. She sat at the same place where she

eat beside jane and mean and in front of pie.

                They talk about random things while drinking. Mean accidentally drop the glass.

Kim: “oh. Mean your drunk already. Come on. I’ll put you in the couch”(

assisting mean to stand up and mean is hugging kim while walking toward the couch……

mean feels like she’s going to vomit)

Mean: “wlee. Wleeeee. Wwwwwwwwwwwwwwlllllllllllleeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!”

Kim: “aw! I can’t handle this”(kim decided to call for help)”guys I need you help here”(with a loud voice)


                At the sala

Pie heard kim asking for help… but she notice jane is snoring already.

So she decided not to disturb jane she just walks towards kim.

Pie: “OWW!... why your eye are close kim? What…did you see a ghost?”(teasing kim)

Kim: “nahhh..I’m afraid of ghost but It’s not that..I ….

.I just don’t like to see vomit or even smell it”(eye’s still close)

Pie: “ohhh.. I see, but can you please help me stand mean? I’ll clean it up later.

Put a mask first so you won’t be able to smell it”

Kim: “yes. Thanks pie”(smiling even her eyes close)

                 (pie is getting near to kim’s face and of course kim didn’t notice)

Hmmmmmmm…jane is right. You’re cute - pie thought while looking at kim and giggles

(pie is drunk so you know people is out of control or whatever )

Pie: “mean is okei now. You can go now. I’ll clean this mess don’t’ need to worry”

(teasing kim and act normal like nothing happen :D)

Kim: “o..okei. your sure you can handle it alone?”

Pie(whispering to kim’s ear): “hmmm. It’s kinda hard…ah! You want to clean the vomit?”(teasing kim)

Kim: “ee..eeeeeeeeeeh…”

Pie: “WAHAHAHAHA. Just kidding. Go now before I change my mind”

(controlling her laugh coz kim eyes still close)

Kim: “ahhhh. Thanks pie”(while walking peeping in the way)

No response from pie coz pie still in control of her laugh as kim already left her laugh burst.


At the sala

Kim: “jane is sleeping already? Poor jane and mean they both work so hard for the foods

Don’t worry I’ll take care of you guys.. except the vomit things”

Pie is cleaning the mess of mean…kim is also cleaning the sala.

Only things need to be in the garbage,wipe the table. After cleaning the table.

kim sat again to have some more drinks and move her chair near pie.

(It’s not her intention to sit beside pie. Her intention is to have a closer look of the view.

The sky,sea, and the breeze of fresh air)

                                Pie is all done already she decided to go the sala and have some more drinks.

                                She’s kinda drunk but she can handle.

                                While kim is busy inhaling  the fresh air with her arm wide…

                                she didn’t notice pie is looking at her from behind.

(pie tickles kim)pie: i“oi. What are you doing.”

Kim: “uh. Hahahaha. I’m jus inhaling the fresh air”

Pie: “aw! If you will inhale all the fresh air”(act like she’s thinking)

”what are we going to inhale then? We will die?”(teasing kim)

Kim: “a…………..uh.. WAHAHAHA. Crazy! Don’ t worry I’ll give you some…come I’ll past it on to you”

Pie: “e………crazy!…”

Kim: “hahaha. Loleh.. loleh…..hahahaha. oh! do you have camera?

let’s take picture together as a remembrance”(smiling)

Pie: “yah. Okei okei………………….one two three..”

Kim: “another pose..”(clicked)

Kim: “another one”(clicked)

Pie: “hold this phone my hand are tired already”

Pie: “let’s try pout”

Kim: “sure”

Kim and pie(POUT near each other face almost.. but it’s not :D )…..

(clicked! Clicked! Kim clicked the button twice coz she wants to have a lot of that pose hahahaha)

Pie: “hahaha we have a lot of remembrance now. ”

Kim: “yeah. Transfer it to my phone later..come on let’s hava a drink before it’s cool down”

Pie: “sure”

                They sat beside each other

Pie: “hmmmm kim why did you have to close your eyes a while ago with the you know. Mean’s mess”

Kim: “uh about that. I just don’t like to see or smell the chuchu(chuchu-vomit)

It’s like my stomach is rumbling inside that in anytime I will vomit next”

Pie: “ah I see so that’s the feeling. I think I have read it in a magazine a health magazine. It’s called…

…uh.hard to remember….ah! it’s NAUSEA…the feeling that after you saw chuchu.

It’s like you will be sick”

Kim: “really? Now I know …thanks genius pie”

Pie: “hehehe don’t mention it try to read if you have free time”(teasing kim)

Kim: “nahhh. Nahhh.. our lecture for today is….”(teasing pie in return)

Pie(give a soft punch to kim’s face)

Kim: “hmmm let’s change our lesson for today ma’am”(still teasing pie)

Pie: “nahhhh! Stop it.”(giving kim a sharp look eye to eye while kim is smiling still teasing)

Kim: “hahaha. Tell me something about you….life,hubbies,sport,anything”

Pie: ”too much question”

Kim: “yeahh right”(smiling)

Pie: “hahaha, I’m pie as you know.hahaha that’s all”

Kim:”other than that.”

Pie continues: “I’m 16. hubbies? Hmm reading books,sing,dance and I’m also a part of a role play.

In sports?................... none?............hahahaha oh jackstone? ”

Kim:”jackstone?”(curiously asked)

Pie: “yes. You will pick up the small items in the floor while the ball is in the air..

I can’t explain really. Hahahah maybe I’ll teach you sometime”

Kim:” sure? Promise? Pinky swear? ”

Pie: “yeah promise”


They make the pinky swear sign. Tie their little finger to each other and give a sweet smile


Pie: “corny kim. Youre not just lazy your corny too”(teasing while smiling)

Kim:”yes I am. That’s how I make people smile. Like you. ”

Pie: “nahhhh. Whatever kim hahahaha ……… about you tell me something..”

Kim: “me? Hmmm I’m just me”(laughing)”that’s all hahahah. . . ei I’m not done with the interview yet.”

Pie: “fine fine. Is this an interview? What position I’m applying for”(teasing kim)

Kim: “yes this is interview”(smiling with the thought of.-your about to enter my heart pie)

and whispered the word ”applying for the highest position”(giggles  So I should know.)

Pie: “uh! Hah? What?”

Kim: “wahahah. What? What?”(laughing) “may I proceed now Ms. pie”(teasing pie)

Pie: “fine whatever after this interview. Will you allow me to rest?”

Kim: “yes of course………..hmmm do you have boyfriend?”

Pie: “oh……it’s too personal”(took a glass of beer)

Kim(pout): “hmp…”

(minutes past kim don’t want to talk anymore kind a disappointed coz pie didn’t answer her question)

Pie: “e e e ee … d o n t     b e     s a d.  I     j u s t       d o n’ t     f e el         l I ke  

   a n s w e r I n g     t h a t     q q u e s t I o n”(pie is drunk now)


                Kim notice pie is slowly closing her eye’s ….

                She decided to take pie inside to have some rest in the couch beside mean

                While kim is putting pie in the couch slowly…

                kim almost about to try to kiss pie….

                Kim is getting nearer in pie’s lips………………


               .pie moved her face sideways-it’s like shaking her head so slow alternately-

                As pie moved she holds kim face……………………….and give kim a slow slap on her face.

                Slap    slap    slap     slap………..and wrap her arms to kim’s neck and hug her..


Pie: “gooooooooooooooooood nighhhhhhhhhhhtttt KIIIIM”

Kim(just smiling while pie is hugging her)

Kim can’t hugs pie back coz she’s in a complicated position.

(missed the opportunity! imagine the situation wahahaha)

After pie slowly unwrap her arms around kim’s neck.. she felt asleep...........

Kim kneel in front of pie and just stare at pie holding pie’s face


“hmmmm I think I like you pie………..”(serious look)


after a minute kim stood up and go back to the sala to get jane.

After kim got jane, she slowly put jane in the floor with a the foam and went to the sala

again to clean everything and close the door.

                Couch is kind big so mean is in the left side and pie is in the edge right and

if she moves for sure she will fall and at the floor with the foam kim puts jane on the right.

Kim leaves a space for her to sleep near pie.


If pie fall I'll catch her(giggles)- kim thought

Kim is now sitting on the left side of the foam and pie is in her side but in the couch.

While staring at pie’s face.

“you’re so beautiful………”

(holding pie’s face a while ago kim did the same thing and she can’t help it)

“I like you pie…”     but I know It’s complicated and……………"I’m afraid."(looks down)




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Chapter 10: Oh no more update.. Please don't end your story like that..Please update soon..
priyankatha #2
Chapter 10: Hi, please continue to your story. It's a good story
joker92 #3
Chapter 10: Author plz update...:-):-):)
hayley123 #4
Chapter 10: Hey author....what happen? Waiting for your update. Please
alracstar #5


thank you 2013 and welcome 2014 :D cheer's!!!!
ICJ123 #6
Chapter 1: Love the format- "Name of Character: statement". I understand that format is not easy to keep up when the story gets long. Keep up the great work and in my opinion, your English is good. Please update more.:-)
Chapter 10: I love your story.
But I'd love it more if you're organized it.
If you need any help, tell me :D
octopushover #8
Chapter 10: Thank you for the update!
If I am in Aom's position, I will be jealous' hahaha just kidding more chap please? ;)
alracstar #9
Chapter 10: I will change the name of PIE to AOM..
I got confuse with PEI and PIE. wahaha sometime I wrote the wrong name like in this chapter 10,when I'm typing I have wrote PEI but it's actually PIE... It's really PIE in here. but for kim I think I won't change her name here. It's cute. :) but maybe.. I change it too. thanks for reading jub jub jub mwah!!!