Goodbye summer.

Goodbye summer.

F(x)-Goodbye Summer (ft. D.O)



You stopped giggling and looked up. Kyungsoo was innocently blinked up at her.

Ms.Kang was shooting out bullets from her eyes, signaling the 2 of you to be quiet.

"I'm sorry." both of you said in unison.

She just shook her head and pointed to the door saying, "Go wait for me out in the hallway."

You guys got up and did as told.

But even out in the hallway, you guys were busy laughing and joking around.

Ms.Kang frowned in annoyance and sighed in frustration.

*How can they be so happy when they're getting in trouble?* the students all wondered.

The laughter continued, eventually ticking Ms.Kang off.

She slammed her book shut and opened the door, scaring all of her students.

You 2 immediately stopped laughing and turned to look at her.


The 2 of you nodded, yet again.

When she went back inside, you looked up at Kyungsoo and said, "Uh-oh. I think we're in trouble."

Smiling, he ruffled your hair saying, "Doesn't matter. We were only having fun."

You laughed again and agreed with him.

You didn't know why but even though you were being punished, you didn't feel upset when Kyungsoo was by your side.

Within the 4 years of high school, you guys grew close to each other and became best friends.

No matter what was happening, if you had each other, everything seemed fine.

After school, you and Kyungsoo were busy cleaning the classroom.

Other students were peeking in from the hallway window.

They were obviously jealous of your friendship with Kyungsoo, also school's ulzzang.

Although they liked him, they didn't have no courage to ask him out, not when he was ALWAYS with you like twins.

Everybody guessed you guys like each other and the feeling was mutual.

Sighing, they just walked away.


The annual school festival was approaching.

This was a event to fundraise for every school year.

Unlike every other year, they added a talent show for students to showcase their talent.

You immediately signed up with Kyungsoo to sing.

Kyungsoo chose 'No Air' since both of you listened to it often and it was a duet between a guy and a girl.

You 2 practiced hard day and night to show the best performance.

Soon, the festival day came.

The talent show was the kick-off of the festival.

Alot of kids signed up, with you and Kyungsoo going last.

Everyone did their best and it was finally the 2 of you to go.

You guys faced each other and the music began. You sang first, singing with true emotion flowing out of them.

Kyungsoo, I think I grew close to you and now I'm loving you as a guy. But I'll keep it as a secret because I don't want to jeopardize our 4-year friendship. you thought.

When Kyungsoo began singing, he was singing with just as much emotion in his voice.

Haewon, my baby girl, I love you. But since you only see me as a friend, I'll learn to suppress my love towards you. he thought.

You guys both loved each other but having been friends for so long, you guys were both scared to step out of the line as just being friends and become lovers.

The performance ended, receiving the loudest cheer and the highest clap.


Although it wasn't meant to inflict any pain, it did leave a scar for both you and Kyungsoo.

You guys looked at each other, with obvious pain in your eyes, but both of you hid it quickly with a smile.

The label 'best friends' became taunting to you guys, something both of you grew to hate.

With a bow, you 2 left the stage.

"Good job!" you said. *Good job, my love.* you really wanted to say.

"You too." he said. *Good job out there, baby girl.* he really wanted to say.

You guys just smiled seeing each other and walked towards the snack bar to get something to eat.

Truly, it was no wonder why other kids thought you guys were so close, you guys were so alike- thinking alike, liking the same thing, and even doing all that you do in a similar way.


Senior year passed by quickly.

Finally, today was the culmination day.

Seniors were called together an hour before the official ceremony to get ready.

Everyone was wearing their cap and gown.

Unknowingly, you began to tear up, thinking back to everything that happened in the past 4 years.

Kyungsoo saw you tearing up and gently laid his hands on your shoulder.

You looked up and met Kyungsoo's worried gaze.

"Are you okay?" he asked worriedly.

You nodded, wiping the tears away with the back of your hands.

*Kyungsoo. I'm scared. Not because I'll be leaving here but because after we walk across that stage, I'll have to say goodbye to you forever, the one I love.* you thought.

Although you wanted to tell him your true feelings, you didn't want to become a burden to him so you kept quiet.

You weren't the only one who wanted to cry. Kyungsoo also wanted to cry because after he'd graduate, he'd miss you terribly.

*Haewon. How am I suppose to endure college when your not there? I'd rather die.* he thought, holding back the tears that were about to spill.

He hugged you saying, "Good bye, Haewon. Good luck in college."

But on the inside, he was saying *Good bye, my baby girl. I'll probably feel like dying but I'll try my best to not let it get to me.*

You also hugged him back saying, "Good bye to you too. Good luck in Seoul University."

But you were crying again as you thought *Good bye, my love. I wish you luck in finding your new love in college. I'll forever remember you as my friend.*

And that's how high school ended.... With both of you hiding your love from each other, only to remain as a painful memory within each of you.

The love story came to a end without even a start in it.


Ever since graduation, Kyungsoo missed you terribly.

He missed hearing your voice, your laughter, and especially hugging you in his arms.

*Baby girl, I'm sorry I kept my feelings bottled in. Only if you had known earlier, I'd admit in and I'd be hugging you by now.* he thought countless times.

But now there was nothing he could do when he missed that chance.

You were in as much pain as he was in.

You regretted not telling him your true feeling.

All you could do now was look through the photo book that held all the pictures of you and Kyungsoo ever since 9th grade.

Although the 2 of you were smiling in all the pictures, it only bought back painful memories to you, reminding you of all the heartbreaking memories that you shared with him.

Kyungsoo just couldn't hold in any longer and shot up from his bed and ran towards your house.

Please... Don't tell me you moved to your dorm yet. he prayed.

Huffing, he reached your house, the place that held so many memories for both of you.

With his eyes closed, he opened the door.

He saw your shoes placed neatly by the side and knew you were in here.

With a hopeful smile, he rushed inside to your room.

As soon as he opened the door, you had your back facing him, looking at something.

*What's that?* he wondered.

Just then, he heard you say in almost a whisper, "Kyungsoo, I love you. I don't know what to do."

Hearing you say that, he was happy.

You, his baby girl, also loved him, as much as he loved you.

He quickly walked to you and hugged you from behind, surprising you.

"I love you too, my Haewon." he whispered.

Hearing his voice after so long, your tears fell ever so freely.

*He loves me to!* you thought joyfully.

He turned you around and looked deep into your eyes.

Love was evident in your eyes, and all towards him.

Not wanting to hide his feelings any longer, he pulled you into his arms and kissed you tenderly.

You kissed him back, feeling so much love from it.

"Baby girl, I love you so much."

"My prince, I love you so much."

Now, it was confirmed that you both will not continue your bond as best friends but from here on, as lovers.

From here on, a new chapter was beginning in life, filled with love as boyfriend and girlfriend.


Hope you enjoy! (:

I had fun writing because I was writing as if I was the OC.

Feel free to leave a comment or any suggestions of any one shot with any other idols!

I'll gladly do one if I see fit! Love you readers! Don't forget to read my other fanfics! <3


 Just because I love D.O so much! <3

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Chapter 1: This is sooo sweet!!!! Aigoo~~~ I can't stop smiling.......
elfchoc #2
Chapter 1: kyaa~ so sweet .... xD