
You're My Brother!?

Then I ran out the door for another great day at school.

I took the same way I did yesterday to school. I walked happily down the streets with my headphones on trying not to sing along. I made it to the school with about 15 minuets to spare. I walked into homeroom and took my seat next to Tyson who greeted me with a smile.

"Hey Olivea! How are you?" He asked as I sat down.

"I'm all good! But it feels kinda odd to be excited for another day at school. What about you?" I asked smiling back at him.

"Oh, I'm kinda excited too. I have always' hated school, but it's actually fun here. Maybe because it's collage. I don't know. But what classes do you like the most?" He asked leaning back in his seat.

"Ah, well I don't know yet. But yesterday I had the most fun in Art and Dance I think is gonna be pretty fun. What about you?"  I said with a smile. I had some fun this morning so I hope my will continue with fun ness.

"Well, I think once I get this language down, I will like all of my classes more. I know the basic's but I can't understand people talking. So, I think I will enjoy school a bit more once I get everything down." He said while he twittled his thumbs.

"Well, I know the language pretty well. I'm not perfect yet, but I can help you if you would like." I offered. It was kinda weird that I was offering to teach somebody something, when normally I'm the one asking for help.

"Really you would do that?" He asked hopefully.

"Yea, Korean can be kinda hard to learn for a second language an it took me awhile to learn it. I'm still learning how to read and write, but I can speak it!" I told him.

"Thanks so much! I bet your a great teacher!" He said with a big smile. We continued talking about random things until the bell rang. The teacher came in and started class. we went through class with nothing really great happening. Then the bell rang dismissing us to your next class.

"Hey! Olivea!" Jacqueline said as she made her way towards me.

"Hey Jacqueline ready for math?" I asked linking my arm with hers. She just smiled and laughed.

"Math, my favorite subject!" She said sarcastically. We both laughed and then once we were in the hall she looked over at me.

"Do you like Tyson?" She asked quietly. I just looked over at her, confused.

"What?" I asked.

"He seems to like you a lot, with the way he was flirting with you earlier!" She said with a smile.

"Uh, well I don't know. Wait, he was flirting with me?" I asked thinking about our conversation earlier.

"Duh. You should have seen the way he was looking at you!" He really likes you!" She said as her smile got bigger. I Hadn't noticed he was flirting. But then again, I have never any one flirt with me, well they might have, but I can't tell.

"You two would be so cute!" She said as we got into class. I just laughed it off and we sat down before the bell rang. Math went along fine. I understood some of what he was saying. But I followed along and then worked on the assignment he gave us to work on for the last 20 minuets of class. Jacqueline helped me understand what I was doing by walking me through the problems and such. Once class was over we made our way to our next class. She was talking about how helping me in math was making her understand it better and thanked me for it. Once we got to our next class we took our seats and listened the teacher. And so on. It wasn't that interesting but it wasn't as boring as school in America. That class went by quickly and then my stomach was starting to tell me that I was hungry. We had one more class before we had lunch. We walked to writing and then went to our seats. Jung Hee welcomed me and helped me understand what the teacher was writing and such. that class went by extremely slow due to the fact of me starving. But once the bell rang I thanked Jung Hee and met up with Jacqueline and we went to get some food. Once we got to the cafeteria we got our food and found Antonie and Tyson. Tyson wanted me to sit next to him and so I did. we talked about how classes were going as we ate then once lunch was over we went our separate ways. Antonie and I went to art together and chatted about random art related things. Art was fun. The teacher wanted to know what we could do. So we each started a drawing, painting, sculpture, or what ever we were best at. I started drawing a picture of two people. You might be able to guess who. ;) I only got the boy done when class was over and the teacher told us we had tomorrow to work on them as well. I put my in my carefully in my bag and started to dance class. I was still excited for this class even if we were just learning about dance. The class was actually enjoyable. The teacher made it less boring some how. But soon the bell rang dismissing us to our last homeroom class. I made my way back to homeroom and sat down next to Tyson. I pulled out my math homework and Tyson peeked over at it.

"Holy cow! That looks so confusing!" He said quietly not to disturb anyone else. I had told Jacqueline that I didn't need any help and that I understood it so she could work on her homework instead.

"Well it kinda was, but Jacqueline explained it, so now it makes sense." I told him and he nodded and went back to his homework. The bell rang dismissing us from school and I had gotten most of my math done. All I had was working on my drawing and figuring out this written language of Korea. I said goodbye to everyone and then we went our separate way's. I had put my headphone back on and decided to find a new way home. I my iPod and played Boyfriends 'Boyfriend'. I was watching where I was going and found a quicker route to and from school. I made it back to the dorm at about 4:30 in the evening. I unlocked to the door and no one was home. I wasn't expecting any one anyway. I took off my shoes and left them by the door and went to my room. I set my bag on my bed and changed into a pair of sweat pants that I personalized with Becca. They had Hello Kitty's head onto of the single pocket on my backside. And then my name in swirly print on one leg. And I threw on an orange tank top and grabbed my Hello Kitty jacket since it was kinda chilly in the dorm. I got into my back and grabbed my drawing from my bag and my writing notebook. I also grabbed my iPod and the speakers. I went out into the living room and layed down on the floor with my things. I put my iPod on the dock and it started to play some music. I turned it up so it filled the house with music. I got comfy on the floor and started practicing my hand writing.

"I think I'm getting the hand of this!" I said to myself happily. I decided it was time for a break and started towards the kitchen. I was dancing on my way. If anyone was here they would be on the ground laughing. I got to the kitchen and looked in the refrigerator. I didn't see anything that I wanted so I looked around the rest of the kitchen. I found some peanut butter and some jelly and made me a PB&J sandwich. I poured me a glass of water and when back to my spot on the floor. I took a bite of my sandwich and then started working on my drawing. I had finished the detail's of the boy and had started on the girl. I glanced up at the time and it was about 7 in the evening. I wonder when one of them will be getting back. I sighed and then got up and put my plate in the kitchen. I washed it and put it back. Teen Top's 'Supa Luv' was playing as I made my way back to my spot on the floor. It got the course and I started to do the dance. It's to much fun, and it's hard to resist fun! I went to do a jump and when I landed I slipped on the bottom of my pants and then fell and landed on my arm really hard. I hit the floor heard a crack. I winced in pain as I tried to get up. I tried to move my left arm but it hurt to much to even move a finger. I sat up on my lap and then looked around. Crap, there is no phone. What am I suppose to do? I don't know where the hospital is! Maybe if one of them comes home soon? I looked around again for something to call someone with, but I don't think they have a home phone.

"Why did I have to break my phone!?" I said to myself as I pulled myself up off the floor. Now that I think about it, I don't know any of their number's by heart yet. I decided to go down to the main desk and ask to use their phone. I tried to move my arm again and winced in pain again at the effort. I carefully held my arm to my chest as I tried to think of what to do. I glanced at the time again and it was 7:25. I sighed and then a tear fell. My arm heard really, really bad. I decided my best bet was to go downstairs and ask for some help. I was working my way to the door from the kitchen when I heard the door open. I was crying by now and when I looked up from carefully watching where I was going I saw Minho walking i the door. 

"Olivea! Are you home?" He said over my music and looked around.

"Ouch, yea I'm over here!" I said wiping my tears away with my not hurt hand. He looked over at me and his eyes got wide when he saw me crying.

"What happened!?" He said rushing over to me.

"I was dancing a slipped on my pants and fell on my arm, and now it hurt to move it." I said when he grabbed the arm I was holding.

"Let's get you to the hospital, it looks like you broke it pretty good! Grab you r shoes and let's go." He said helping me over to the door.

"Can you shut that off for me? I don't want to waste the battery." I asked pointing to my iPod on the floor with my free hand. He nodded and shut it off and helped me put on my Ugg boots and then helped me back up and out the door.

"You said you were dancing?" Minho asked when we got into the elevator.

"Uh, yea. I was dancing and I jumped and my pants are a bit long and I landed on them and fell on top of my arm." I said laughing at my clumsy ness.

"Looks like you fell pretty hard. Does it hurt to much?" He asked as we exited the elevator when it got the lobby.

"Not like this, but if I move it, it hurt pretty bad." I told him and I glanced at all the people walking around. A few people looked at us but Minho was making sure I wasn't in pain and once we go outside he helped me into his car and then drove me too the hospital. I watched out the window remembering how to get there, just in case.

"So how was collage today?" Minho asked once he parked his car.

"It was fun. A lot better then High School." I told him and then stepped out of the car. He helped me inside and then a doctor took me into a room and started poking and trying to bend my arm.

"Looks like you broke it pretty bad. But with the way it's broken it's not going to grow together right. So we are going to have to break and set your bones correctly. Okay?" The doctor said after making me cry from trying to bend my arm. I just nodded trying not to be scared. I had never broken a bone until now. And I wish I hadn't, it hurt really bad.

"Now this is going to hurt a bit." The doctor warned. I just nodded and bit my lip. He started on whatever he was doing and man it hurt really stinking bad. I closed my eyes and tried not yell at him. Every time he touched my arm no matter how hard I tried I still cried and winced in pain. He said sorry every time he heard me say ouch.

"Ok, that's done, sorry about that. I couldn't help the pain. But now you get your cast. What pattern or color would you like?" He said and I just looked at him. I was crying pretty heard and my arm was in extreme pain. I looked at the choices and saw all the different options. We never had anything like this in America. Becca only got to pick from red, white, blue, or pink. I notice a Hello Kitty pattern and pick that one, shocker, right? He chuckled at my choice and started to wrap my arm. After a few minuet's he was done and said I should come back in about 5 weeks and he will check and see if the cast is ready to come off. He helped me put my arm in a sling and then told me I was free. I nodded tears were slowly running down my face and my arm was still throbbing.  I thanked him and left the room to find Minho.

"Olivea, are you ok? I heard you yelling, aw that's cute!" Minho said coming over to me and noticing the cast I have slung around my neck.

"Yea, I'm fine now. He had to break my arm and reset it. And thanks." I said quietly starting to get a headache. He looked at me with wide eyes.

"He had to break it AGAIN?" Minho asked as we left the hospital. I nodded and wiped away the last of my tears.

"Wow, I don't think I would have been that quiet if he was snapping my bones again. I'm impressed." Minho said as he opened the car door for me and helped me in.

"Thanks." I said with a small smile. He nodded and drove us back to the dorm. Once he parked again and then hurried around to help me again.

"Where is everyone else?" I asked as he opened the door for me.

"Ah, well someone might be home but I'm not for sure. We all had our own things to do today after the show." Minho said as we walked to the elevator. More people were walking around now and the ones that saw us on our way out were giving my sympathic smiles. I smiled back and once we got to the elevator I sat down on the floor.

"Are you okay, Olivea?" Minho asked once the doors closed and squatted down next me.

"Yea, Just tired and a little sore. I fell pretty hard and hurt more then just my arm." I said weakly closing my eye's to hold back the tears.

"Okay, if you say your fine I will believe you." Minho said standing back up and keeping an eye on me. A few tears fell and once the doors opened he picked me up and carried me to the door and set me down carefully.

"Ah, thanks Minho." I said once he said me down.

"No problem. You should lay down. You look really tired." He said as he unlocked the door. I nodded my head and he opened the door and I heard someone inside yell and jump up.

"Minho! Your home! Oh, what happened Olivea!?" Taemin said when we stepped inside.

"I slipped on my pants and fell on my arm and broke it." I told him quietly and sitting down to take my shoes off.

"Ah, let me help you with that!" Taemin said bending down to pull off my shoes. He looked up at me and smiled.

"Uh, thanks Taemin. I could have gotten that." I said as he helped me back up.

"But I was being helpful. Now how about we lay you down. You do look really tired." Taemin said wrapping his arm around my waist and leading me to my room.

"Hey Olivea is this yours?" Minho asked holding up my drawing and notebook.

"Oh, yea. They are for school. Here I'll take them." I said reaching out to grab what was in his hands.

"Yah, this is really good! Did you draw this by yourself?" He asked looking at it. I blushed and nodded.

"I should have guessed you were an artist." He said smiling as he handed me my things. Taemin took my iPod dock and helped me to my room. By then my leg was starting to hurt pretty bad. Taemin took my thing from my hand and set them on my bedside tabled and helped me into bed.

"There, are you comfy?" He asked with a smile. I nodded and gave him a smile back. I sat up and took off the sling and threw it on the floor next to my bed and then laid back on my pillows and closed my eyes. I felt someone sit at the end of my bed and I opened one eye and saw Taemin looking at my picture.

"Do you like it?" I asked making him jump a little.

"Oh, yea! It's really good! What's this for?" He asked looking over at me.

"It's for art. The teacher wanted to know our strong points and for my that's drawing." I said closing my eyes again. I was really tired.

"Your defiantly really good at it." I heard him say before I drifted off into sleep. I woke up and it was dark outside but I heard people talking quietly. My door was closed a bit and my picture put on my bedside table. My blankets were over me and my jacket was taken off. I got out of bed and my tummy grumbled. I opened my door quietly and walked out to where everyone was eating. They were still talking and didn't notice me coming.

"So do you think she will have any trouble in school after tomorrow?" Key asked before he put more food in his mouth. I stopped and listened.

"Well, she will be used and people will try to get to us threw her. I don't know if she will be able to tell who here real friends are and the ones who aren't really her friends." Minho said looking over at Key who nodded his head in agreement.

"Well she said she has friends already and maybe they will be able to help her. I was talking with her friend Becca and she said she should be able to handle it. She said Olivea is good at reading people." Taemin chimed. He was talking with Becca?

"Well, Becca knows her better then us. So if Becca said she could handle it, I guess we should go for it." Key said nodding at Taemin. I decided I wanted some food so I walked over to the table.

"Hey guy's." I said in a horse voice. I hate sleeping for that reason. I loose my voice every time. The looked up and me and smiled.

"Did you have a nice nap?" Onew asked and I nodded and sat down.

"How is your arm? Does it still hurt?" Minho asked pointing to my cast.

"Ah, it still feels broken." I joked lightly.

"I bet you are hungry. Your big brother Key figured you would be so I made some extra just incase you woke up!" Key said getting up and grabbing me a plate from the kitchen and handing it to me.

"Aw, your such a smart brother!" I said as I scoped some of the yummy food on my plate. I started eating and it made me feel a lot better.

"So what did you do?" Jonghyun asked pointing to my cast. I sighed and cleared my mouth of food.

"I was dancing in baggy pants. Jumped slipped on my baggy pants. Then landed on my arm and then Minho came home and took me to the hospital." I told them. They nodded and then laughed at my clumsiness. I smiled and went back to my food. Once I was done I put my plate in the sink and was about to wash it when I remembered I couldn't get my cast wet. I scratched my head when Taemin came up behind me and said he would wash it for me.

"Aw, thanks Taemin!" I said giving him a hug.

"Your welcome!" He said with a big smile.

"Yah Olivea! Come here really fast!" I heard Onew yell from the couch. I thanked Taemin again and went to see what he wanted.

"Yeees?" I asked as I walked into the living room. All the older guys were sitting on the couch and Onew had a permanent marker.

"Can we sign your cast!?" Onew asked like a little kid. I laughed and sat down next to him and held it out so he could write on it.

"Aw, it's so cute! I don't want to ruin it!" He said when he noticed it.

"It's fine, I think it's gonna be signed by tons of other people anyway." I said shrugging my shoulder and he took arm arm and wrote his name and something else on it.

"What does that say?" I asked pointing to the part below his name. He looked up at me and chuckled.

"It say's 'Get better soon and get less baggy pants'." He told me and I laughed. He handed the marker to Jonghyun who did the same but wrote 'You clutz, don't think you'll get out of chores around here!'. That one got a laugh from everyone. Then it was Key's and he had to carefully write his name and message so 'it looked good, just like him' as he said. His message was 'Dear little sister, you need to be more carful, but now you have a weapon if anyone tries to hurt you!:)'. And Minho said 'Still impressed!'. I smiled and waited for Taemin to finish the dishes. Onew was looking at the pattern and I was laying on the floor with him holding up my arm.

"Oh! Is it my turn to sign it!?" Taemin asked when he finished the dishes.

"Yep, here you go! Be carful what you write!" Key said handing him the marker. He nodded and took my arm and laid it on his lap and tapped his chin with the marker thinking of what to write. He wrote his name and then wrote 'You need to get better faster! I have something fun planned for our birthday!! ;)' I had him read it and and smiled at him and he layed down next to me on the floor. I took the marker and was drawing on Key's feet without him noticed while he was going on about something he saw in the mall today. Taemin and I were giggling and after he stopped talking he heard us and looked down at his feet.

"Yah! What did you do to my feet!?" He yelled looking at them in shock. Everyone was laughing at him and he started to laugh along. He took the marker away from me and then told me that I had to clean his feet.

"I can't get my cast wet!" I said when he pulled me up to wash his feet.

"To bad, this is what you get for getting me dirty!" He said pulling me to the bathroom. I ended up getting the rest of him wet by splashing his with the water. He ended up just cleaning his feet himself. I smiled at him and he stuck him tongue out and pointed to the door telling me to go behave. I just laughed and joined the rest of the group in the living room. They were all watching the TV. I sat down on the floor next to Taemin. They were watching the new and then a picture of me came on the screen. It was a picture of me and Key and another on from today of me and Minho. Everyone instantly listened closer.

"Key, get in here now. You have to hear this!" Onew yelled and Key was mumbled and drying off his hair that I had gotten wet as he came out.

"What!?" He asked and Onew pointed to the screen and Key sat on the couch and listened.

"Well, this can't be good." Key said once they moved onto the next part of the program.


Ah! What's not good? You should be able to guess that! :) But sorry it took so long to post this...again! I'm running out of ideas! I know what I want to happen next, but y'all need to tell me what you want to happen! :) What should Taemin's birthday surprise be?? :) Or who do you guy's want her to meet? :)

But I won't be updating until about Monday! Sorry! I'm going camping with my Youth Group! :) But here is this before i leave! :) I hope y'all like it! :)

Rebecca! ♥♥


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Hey guys! I've decided it was way past time to revise this story, so I shall be fixing things and making it better!(:


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Chapter 14: Lucky brat, I really, really envy her**hint** hint** Onew **hint**hint** read the chapter to know what I mean lol
Autumnaree #2
Chapter 46: Loving this and it just gets better and better.
I guess I should read this before the other one.
--fallenangel #4
New reader here! Nice story!!
mellie93 #5
Congratualtions! the end has been successfully reached..<br />
and YAY!! SEQUAL!! <3 <3 <3<br />
i subscribed to the sequal already! :D
i love the ending ! its so cutee ! and i love that last sentence ! YOU ARE AWESOME !! IT WAS SUCH A GREAT STORY !! (: <3
Congratulations for finishing it :)
yeah! updates <33 a longggg update~
Thanks so much you guys! ^.^ But the last chapter might take a bit to put up...>.< Gotta make it perfect for them! ^.^ And because it's the last, gotta be the best! ^.^ And I have to get the sequel up during that time too...>.< So much to do for the end...>.<