
You're My Brother!?

I don't think it's possible to be unhappy here for very long. Actually I think it's impossible.

Supper was really nice. After what happened that day, it was relaxing.

"So Olivea, what did Lee Soo-man say?" Minho asked after a few minuets of quiet.

"Oh, yea. He told me some rules I have to follow so I can live here. Nothing to big." I said waving my chopsticks in the air.

"What rules?" Jonghyun asked with a curious look on his face.

"One, I can't kill and or hurt any of you." I said with a smile.

"Yah! You broke a rule then! You hurt me!" Onew yelled from his spot on the floor. We all just looked over at him and laughed. He soon joined in with the laughter.

"What's number two?" Taemin asked after we went back to eating.

"Oh, uh. Well that one was that I can't get romantically involved with any of you..." Taemin just looked up from his bowl with the saddest eyes in the world. He looked heartbroken.

"BUT Key told him about us and he said that as long as we keep our romance in this building or at SM exclusive places, we can be together!" I told Taemin and his face lit up instantly.

"Oh, YA! But that means I can't take up out on dates or anything!" Taemin said getting sad again. Wow, this boy get sad a lot.

"Aw, it's okay, Taemin. We can hang out and do stuff here. And I don't know what he meant SM exclusive places. But what ever those are, we can go there sometimes!" I offered trying to cheer him up.

"I think that means the places SM owns, like the beach in the Caribbean and all the other places I can't remember right now." Jonghyun offered, trying to cheer Taemin up too. When Jonghyun said that Taemin started to smile again. He just went back to eating and so did every one else. Onew finished the rest of the chicken and was watching TV while we finished eating. The rest of dinner included random conversations, everyone laughing at the way I used my chopsticks, and laughing. Then once everyone was done I excused myself from whatever they were planing to do before bed and went towards my room to change out of my uniform.

On my way there I remembered my phone laying in front of Jonghyun's door, broken. I bent down carefully, not to show what's under my skirt, and scooped up the piece. I have a good arm, it was cracked into about two piece and the screen was shattered. Luckily my Hello Kitty charm and the multi-media card were unharmed. I sighed a little and then went to my room. The boy's were in the living room messing around on the floor. It sounded like they were wrestling. I shut my door and put my phone on my desk and went to my dresser. I picked out my Hello Kitty capri pant's and the matching top and threw them on and put my uniform in the hamper. I loved these Pj's because one they were cute and had ton's of Hello Kitty on them, and two Becca got them for me as a going away present before I left. *Sigh* I hope Becca's okay. Oh, I should tell her to get on Skype later! Oh yea, I don't have a phone. I could message her! I went over to my desk and pulled out my laptop and turned it on. I sat around messing with my phone waiting for it to turn on, then once it did I let it load, and open up all the little pages and junk. Then I noticed I'm not connected to the internet. Hmmm, do they have one? I opened my connections page and there wasn't one around. I frowned and looked around my screen for some way to send Becca a message. I couldn't find any way and she wasn't online. That's a first. She normally is talking to someone she meet somewhere else. I scrunched my face in defeat and closed my computer. Now what am I to do late at night without internet? No internet. I scratched my head and thought of way's to get my some internet connection. I couldn't come up with one. *Sigh* I heard the boy's yelling and messing around in the living room still and I glanced at my clock. It was about 9:35 at night. I wonder when the normally go to bed. I got up out of my chair and walked out into the living room and saw Jonghyun and Onew wrestling each other on the floor, Key was making sure they didn't hurt each other. And Taemin and Minho where playing rock, paper, scissors on the couch. I laughed at their childish ness and went to sit by Minho and Taemin.

"Yes! I won once!" Taemin yelled as he threw his fist in the air in victory. Minho just laughed at him and glanced over at me.

"Do you want to play Olivea?" He asked smiling over at me.

"Uh, sure, but I am not very good." I said as I turned myself so I could face them.

"I bet your really good!" Taemin smiled at me and I couldn't help but laughing at him.

"Ok, let's go!" I said getting ready. We played about four times. Minho won the first one, I won the second and third, and Taemin won the last. After our fourth game Jonghyun and Onew had stopped wrestling and were laying on the floor panting. Key was laughing at them and then helped them up.

"I'm so tired!" Jonghyun said as he yawned and stretched him arms.

"Then why don't you go to bed?" Key said pushing him towards his room.

"We have to wake up really early tomorrow! So rest up everybody! Even you Taemin, your gonna have to miss some more school." Onew said as he started towards him room behind Key and Jonghyun.

"Well then, we better get to bed Taemin." Minho said looking over at Taemin.

"Can I stay up a little long hyung?" Taemin asked looking over at Minho with a puppy dog face. Minho just looked at him and sighed.

"I guess, just don't stay up too late, and don't be to loud, Key wouldn't be happy to know you stayed up past your bedtime." Minho said getting up.

"Aw! Thanks Minho!" Taemin said flashining Minho a huge smile. Minho just sighed and walked over to his room.Once Minho had left Taemin looked over at me and pulled me closer to him.

"What do you wanna do Olivea?" Taemin asked with a smile. I just laughed and then thought about what I was gonna do tonight.

"Well I was going to get on Skype and talk to Becca since my phone is broken, but I can't message her and tell her to get on."I told him and he pursed him lips in thought and tapped him finger on his head like he was thinking really hard. I just laughed at his silly ness.

"Ah ha! You can text her on my phone and then you can introduce me to Becca!" Taemin said, his face beaming at the brilliance of his plan.

"That's a good idea, but Becca doesn't speak Korean very well, and you don't speak English that great." I said pointing out the flaw in his plan.

"But I still wanna meet her! You can translate!" He said putting on a sweet smile. I sighed, Why such a cute face? Wae!?

"Ok, but the first time you yawn, your going to bed." I said in defeat. I knew he was tired and he need to get to sleep, but I couldn't say no. He jumped up and dug his phone out of his sweat pant's pocket.

"Here tell her to get online now!" He said tossing me the phone. I sighed and luckily I knew Becca's number by heart, and so I texted her telling her it was me and that she needed to get online. Taemin stood over me reading what I was texting. He had a really cool phone, but it was in Korean so it took me awhile to figure it out. He ended up taking the phone from me and getting me to the messaging part.

"You really need to learn your letters!" He laughed at my clueless ness. I just sneered at him and he just laughed. She replied back and said she was getting on now.

"Yah! Turn off the light's so they don't know your awake." I told Taemin who did what I told him and ran over a turned off the lights and I switched of the TV and it was really dark. I blinked a couple times getting use to the darkness and then walked to my room and Taemin followed skipping and blabbering about how he was excited to meet Becca. I took my computer from my desk and sat it on my bed and layed down a logged onto Skype while Taemin was getting comfortable next to me. Once I was online Becca's screen popped up. She was waving with a huge smile on her face.

"OLIVE!" She said when she saw me.

"BECK!" I said back waving at her. Then she noticed Taemin was who laughing at us. Once she saw him her eyes got as wide as the frames of her nerd glasses. I just laughed.

"Beck, you know him, but this is Taemin." I told her and she just nodded. I knew this was a bad idea.

"Taemin this is my best friend, sister, and the one that's always' there for me, Becca." I told Taemin in Korean. He chuckled at my introduction and Becca was still in shock on the screen.

"It's nice to meet you Becca, Olivea talks about you a lot." Taemin said in English, he didn't say it perfectly, but it was really good English, and I was surprised. On the screen Becca smiled and blushed.

"Oh does she now. What does she say?" Becca asked in Korean. Wow, maybe this wouldn't be so bad. Me and her took some classes to learn Korean, but she never really caught on to the whole second language thing. But I guess she has been practicing.

"I thought you said she didn't speak Korean very well." Taemin pointed out and I just laughed.

"When I left she was still learning." I told him and Becca had a smug smile on her face.

"I have been practicing so I could come visit you sometime! Like for your birthday, that's coming up soon. But it's just an idea." Becca said in Korean and it was official, I was impressed. She was really practicing, and it surprised me.

"Really!? When's your birthday?" Taemin asked me.

"It's the day after your's. The 19th." I told him and he then went into thought.

"So what happened to your phone?Did you get a new number?" Becca asked me in English.

"Ah, no not really. After you hung up I felt the need to throw something and the only thing that was in my hand was my phone. And I wasn't planning on throwing it that hard, but it ended up flying out of my door and hitting Jonghyun's door across the hall and shattering." I told her and running over and grabbing my phone off the desk and showing her. She didn't seem to happy about it.

"Olive, you have to learn to control your anger. But given what had happened, I will let it go this time. But if I hear about you breaking anything else I will fly myself to Seoul to give to a stern talking to." Becca said very seriously.

"She's funny!" Taemin laughed coming out of his thought.We both laughed at his comment.

"So, how are these guy's treating my little Olive? You guy's better not hurt her, or I will come down there and give YOU guy's a stern talking to." Becca said in Korean and addressing Taemin.

"We haven't hurt her! I promise! Well Onew chased her around for the chicken she had and stole it from her, but that's about it. Oh, and Jonghyun teases her, but she teases him back, so it's okay!" Taemin said smiling at Becca and she started laughing at the chicken part, but when he mentioned Jonghyun she stopped  laughing.

"You back now!?" She asked when Taemin stopped talking.

"Yep! He seemed utterly shocked when I did too!" I told her with a big smile. She laughed at that and then I heard a yawn escape the mouth of Taemin.

"Yah! You yawned time for bed mister!" I said looking over at him as he was trying to be quiet.

"But I don't want to! I want to talk with Becca!" He said starting to whine.

"You have to get up early in the morning and it's already 11! and you don't know how early your getting up in the morning!" I told him and he started to pout. I crossed my arms pointed towards the door.

"Can I at least have a goodnight kiss before you send me away?" Taemin asked puckering his lips. I just pushed him away, and looked at Becca who was laughing.

"I'll be right back, I have to put the baby to bed." I told her and she waved me away.

"It was nice meeting you Becca! I hope to talk to you again soon!" Taemin said as I started to pull him off my bed.

"Come on, you need to get to bed, your tired, and you need rest for whatever your doing in the morning!" I said as he pulled himself off my bed. I pulled him out of my room and he looked at me sadly.

"Not even on kiss?" He said and pouted. I sighed and gave him a quick kiss and he smiled at me.

"Good night Olivea!" He said as he hugged me.

"Good night Taemin!" I said and he went to his room. I laughed and closed my door and started towards my bed and grabbed my iPod and speakers on the way.

"I'm back!" I said as I sat down on my bed in front of my screen. Becca was smiling like a dork and looked at me with her nerd glasses falling off from her laughing.

"That was to cute!" Becca exclaimed as I put my iPod on the dock and turned it on. I turned it down and set it on the nightstand. It was playing Big Bang's 'Hand's Up'. We both started singing along, as it being one of our favorite songs by them. Once it finished we both started laughing.

"Goodness, I miss you too much! And by the way, I think Key would have been please with his funeral." Becca told me with a deep sigh. I just looked at her with sadness filling my eyes.

"Where did you burry him?" I asked quietly.

"In the park exactly where you found him. And it was in a pink coffin and he even has a little tombstone." Becca told me trying to cheer me up.

"That's perfect. You did exactly what I would do." I told her giving her a weak smile. I was happy that she wasted some of her time to something she knew I wanted her to do. I sighed at her awesomeness. How could she be so perfect!?

"Soo, how was school today?" Becca asked changing the subject.

"Oh! It was ton's of fun! I already made some friends! Everyone here is so nice! I think you would love it here!" I told her rolling into the floor with my computer. I was used to talking to her on Skype of the floor. Why? I have no idea, it just became normal.

"Friends? Are they cooler then me?" Becca asked pouting.

"Well, they are from other countries, so they are cool, but not cooler then you!" I told her, making her smile.

"Who are they?" She asked, interested. She knew I had a hard time making friends, well I had trouble talking to people I didn't know in general.

"Well there is Jacqueline and she is from PARIS! And then there is Tyson who is from Florida, and Antoine who is from Canada!" I told her and she seemed impressed at the diversely.

"Wow, lucky. Are they nice?" She asked.

"They are really nice, and Jacqueline act's a lot like you when we first started getting to know each other." I told her remembering the first few day's of 6th grade when I was put in my first Special education class, and I had lost all my other friends. She was the first one to be nice to me and then our friendship started to grow.

"Hey now, you better not be replacing me!" Becca told me as she pointed her finger at me.

"Don't worry, you are still the first person I care about. Forever and ever!" I told her and it made her feel better.

"Are your classes hard?" She asked conversationally.

"I don't know yet. But writing is going to be really hard, I mean the first  day and the guy I sit with already has to help me. And then Jacqueline is going to help me with Math in homeroom, so I got people helping me already!" I told her and she seemed pleased.

"So you and Taemin? I thought idols couldn't date." She asked, changing the subject.

"Yea, Lee Soo-man said we could do anything romantic outside the house and at SM exclusive places. I guess we got lucky!" I told her, and she started smiling.

"What are you smiling about!?" I asked confused.

"It's just so cute! You never dated anyone here, and nobody thought you would get a boyfriend in collage and now your dating Lee Taemin! You hit the jackpot!" She said excitedly.

"Yea, I know, but no one can know about it. I could get us in trouble tell you!" I told her with a serious face.

"Okay, okay, I promise not to tell anyone. But I have to go to work in about ten minuets. So I better get going." She said starting to frown.

"Okay, then you better get to work then!" I told her and she sighed. She hated her job. She worked at an Ice Cream Parlor, I worked with her but when I left she hated it.

"I don't wanna! It's no fun with out you!" She complained.

"Gosh! You sound like Taemin! Go to work! I will talk to you tomorrow!" I told her and she just nodded and waved.

"I love you and miss you tons!" She said I told her the same and then she closed out. I sighed and then closed out of Skype and then looked around my computer for something to occupy my time. Then I remembered Taemin's birthday was in a few day's. What could I get him? I sighed at the lack of things to do and shut down my computer and grabbed my electronic drawing tablet and pen and started doodling. I was drawing pointless doodles and singing along with Teen Top's 'Supa Luv' when I heard someone moving around outside in the hall. I glanced at the clock and it was about 1 in the morning. Was it time for them to get up? I set my tablet down and paused my music and opened my door. I didn't notice anyone then I heard foot steps in the living room. I glanced around and didn't notice any movement around the rest of the house. I crept through the hallway, it was quiet and it was driving me crazy. I walked into the living room and didn't notice anything moving around. Then I heard something in the kitchen and I crept quietly into the kitchen and didn't see anything. The I heard another noise from inside the kitchen. I peeked in farther and didn't see anything. Then I felt something behind me. I froze in place and started to turn around.


Hehe, another cliffhanger! Sorry I took me forever to update! Ihad such bad writers block! I had no idea what I wanted to happen here. I have written this chapter about 5 times and this was the way I like the best. But II know what I want to happen the next day at school. Now I just have to figure out what I want to happen here... AH! I stink at this! So yea, sorry if it ! I will be updating soon! I will try tonight, but I'm having a Harry Potter moive night with my other best friend and my pastor's wife before the last Harry Potter movie comes out.

But anyway! I want to hear from you guys! What do you want to happen next? I have no idea after the next dat at school! :P I sould just give up! Gah, I'm gonna stop talking now. But be looking for an update soon. But I wil try and pack a bunch in before Friday, buecause 'm going on a trip with my youth group and wont be around for about 4 day's. So yes, I will try and put a bunch in before i leave!

But like normal, I love all of you guy's so so so much! You have no idea!


Becca!! ♥

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Hey guys! I've decided it was way past time to revise this story, so I shall be fixing things and making it better!(:


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Chapter 14: Lucky brat, I really, really envy her**hint** hint** Onew **hint**hint** read the chapter to know what I mean lol
Autumnaree #2
Chapter 46: Loving this and it just gets better and better.
I guess I should read this before the other one.
--fallenangel #4
New reader here! Nice story!!
mellie93 #5
Congratualtions! the end has been successfully reached..<br />
and YAY!! SEQUAL!! <3 <3 <3<br />
i subscribed to the sequal already! :D
i love the ending ! its so cutee ! and i love that last sentence ! YOU ARE AWESOME !! IT WAS SUCH A GREAT STORY !! (: <3
Congratulations for finishing it :)
yeah! updates <33 a longggg update~
Thanks so much you guys! ^.^ But the last chapter might take a bit to put up...>.< Gotta make it perfect for them! ^.^ And because it's the last, gotta be the best! ^.^ And I have to get the sequel up during that time too...>.< So much to do for the end...>.<