Moving forward

Love Stood Still

Ugh! What was I thinking yesterday? Yam released a sigh as she prepare to shower


Phone rings


"Yam speaking."


"Yam. It's me.."


Kim.. She felt her heart trembles


"A-Are you in Australia now?"


"Yep. I just called to know how you doing. You didn't text nor call me last night."


"Y-Yeah.. Sorry. I arrived safely."


Kim pauses. "About what happened--"


"No, no. I-It's okay Kim. Sorry about that.."


She sighs. "Okay then.."


Come on Yam.. She scolded herself






"W-Will.. Hmm.. Will you go out with me when you get back?"




"Just once. P-Please. Give me a chance." Push it a little bit more Yam..


Kim pauses.




Kim sighs. "Why are you doing this Yam?"


"B-Because.. I love you Kim.." .. "I've been trying to forget you, but I just can't get you out of my system.."


"Yam.. I.. I don't know what to say.."


"Just for a day.."


Kim sighs again. "Okay.."


We're going out! Yam smiled with the thought. "I-I'll see you then.."


Kim smiled on the other line. "Yeah.. I will pick you up next week."


"Okay.. Take care Kim.."


"You too. Bye now."


Yam lay in her bed as the call ends. Jeez.. We're going out. She smiled with the thought & hurriedly went to the shower.


Door bells


"Good morning Auntie.." Pie greeted


"Good morning Pie.. Nice to see you again. Yam is still asleep I guess."


Pie smiled. "No worries. I'll just go upstairs to wake her up."


Yam's mom giggles. "Go ahead then.."


"Thanks Auntie.." Pie walked in to the stairs heading to Yam's room


Door knocks


"Come in mom.."


Pie smiled as she opened the door. "Morning Yam.."


Yam smiled. "Hello Pie.." She immediately hugs her. "What brings you here?"


Pie giggles. "I'm here to apologise about what happened yesterday Yam.."


Yam awkwardly smiled. "I-It's okay Pie.."


Pie lay on her bed & released a sigh. "I'm wondering what she's doing now.. If she's thinking of me.. Or she's missing me.. If she brought her migraine pills with her.. Her coat.."


Yam sat beside her. "I'm really surprised you remember everything now.."


Pie smiled. "Yeah.. It's just like waking up from a bad dream.. When I opened my eyes in Singapore & saw her lying next to me it feels so.. inspiring.." She sighs. "It's my fault why she's mad.. I should have told her immediately.."


Yam shrugs. "Maybe.. or maybe not.."


Pie faces her. "I just want our relationship work out.. I didn't mean to hurt her.. I thought.. I thought it was for the best of us."


Yam smiled. "I got your point Pie.. But the reason why she's mad because you didn't trust her.."


Pie raised an eyebrow. "I do trust her.."


Yam shook her head. "You didn't trust her that she can also save your relationship.. You work on yourself not considering what she feels."


Pie pauses. Yam continues. "She might think that you did not believe her to make it work."


"But.. That.. That is not true."


"I know.."


Pie released a sigh. "I guess I should make it up to her.."


Yam faked a smile. "Pie.."




"I.. Err. You're my bestfriend.. And I love you Pie, you know that.."


Pie sat beside & faces her. "Yes.. What's wrong Yam?"


Yam released a sigh & held Pie's hands with her both hands.


"Pie.. I'm doing you a favor. I.. I don't know if this will be a favor for you though."


Pie raised her eyebrow. "I'm not following Yam.."


Yam released a sigh again. "I asked Kim to take me out when she gets back."


Pie pauses & shows blank emotion.


Yam faked a smile. "I.. I know this is crazy.."


Pie took her hands & crossed her arms. "Yes, it's crazy Yam."


"I know I know.. But, listen to me first. P-Please Pie.."


Pie stood up & faces her. Crossing her arms again. "What did she say?"


Yam pauses. "S-She.. said yes."


"She said what?"




Pie exhales loudly. "I can't believe this!"


Yam stood up & faces her. "I'm doing this for you. For the both of you."


Pie pauses & faces her. "What do you mean?"


"I know she loves you. Very much. You were her first love remember.."


"How does it relate to your plan?"


"You two might need a space. Away from each other. Date somebody else."


Pie frowned. "That's insane Yam."


"This was supposed to be your idea right? To make your relationship work. Build a strong foundation to save it."


Yam continues as Pie didn't respond. "She really loves you, we both know she'll come back to you even if she dates me. She will have comparison on how it feels to be with someone else than she truly loves."


Pie sat on the bed. Yam sighs. "You & her were fighting right before because both of you refuses to give each other a chance to live alone Pie.. You were so dependent with each other. Every single thing you do, if the other doesn't agree you end up in war. That's not healthy."


"And.. And you think dating somebody else is fine?"


Yam sighs & sat beside her. "Do you have other thing in mind?"


"I'll talk to her.."


"Then what?"


"I.. I don't know.."


"You might end up fighting again."


Pie sighs. Yam held her hand. "Pie.. I'm your bestfriend.. I love her, but I love you too.. I value our friendship more than anything else."


She smiled & hugs Yam. "Thank you Yam.. But.."


"But what?"


"H-How about you?"


Yam smiled. "What about me?"


"Your feelings.. Y-You love her.. Didn't know you're still keeping it with you all these years.."


Yam chuckles & sighs. "It's just like pouring water in a glass that has a crack Pie.."


"You can never have it full?"


Yam giggles. "You can never have it in any ways. Impossible."


Pie smiled. "So.. What's your plan?"


Yam smiled. "Let's discuss it with crackers. Come on."


Sometimes.. You have to give up on something you value, for something you value most.. Happiness is not about getting what you want.. It's giving your best to make that person happy.. In that way, happiness can be share with you.. Yam smiled with the thought as they head to the corridor.


One week later..


"Ugh!" Kim dropped her back as she reach the bedroom. She massage her head as she faces the ceiling. Crap. I'm so tired.. Tsk. Much better than thinking of painful stuffs. 


She took the Froggy stuff. Grr! What am I gonna do with you? You hurt me sooo bad! 


Door bells


"Coming!" She hurriedly went to the door


"Hello Kim." Yam smiled as Kim appears in the door.


"Yam.. H-Hi.." How did she become so beautiful in a week?


Yam giggles as Kim kept the stare at her. "Can I come in?"


"Uh! Y-Yeah.. Please come in." 


Yam sat on the sofa and she sat next her.


"What brought you here?"


Yam smiled. "I thought you will take me out."


Oh shoot! "Uh! Yeah. S-Sorry.. I just got back from Australia."


"I can see that.." Yam nodding as she looked at baggages


"You looked tired. Shall I come back tomorrow instead?"


Kim smiled. "No, It's okay.. Can you wait down here while I change my clothes?"


"Yeah sure. Take your time."


Kim went to her room to change. She looks great.. Funny how I found myself staring at her longer than I usually do. She chuckles with the thought




Oh crap! She rushed to get her polo on as Yam followed without warning.


Yam giggles. "Let me help you with that.." She moved closer to reach Kim's buttons


"Uh! N-No!" She hurriedly fix her clothe "I-I can manage.."


Yam smiled sheepishly. "You know you're very charming Kim.."


Kim swallowed. "R-Really? Haha many have said that.." She jokingly said as she finished her last button


Yam moved closer & gave the seductive smile. "Where will you take me today?"


She swallowed again. "M-Maybe.. in a movie?"


Yam smiled. "I'd like that. But.. How about swimming?"


Kim awkwardly smiled. "I.. Hmm. I actually don't know how to swim."


Yam giggles. "That's okay.. Here's for you." She hands the box


Where did that came from? Is she just too hot that I even missed to notice that box?


"W-What's this?" She asked as she ripped off the cover. A swim wear? No freakin' way!

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stafeniewan #1
Chapter 26: Pie and Kim already got married but why she still called Kim's dad 'uncle'??
sfany84 #2
Chapter 33: ahhhh i love the happy ending... wonderful story. author, please make more stories
stafeniewan #3
Chapter 33: awww,,the ending is really sweettt!!! thank u for the lovely and touching story..hope u will write more stories..
kkukukk #4
Chapter 33: thank you for the lovely story...hope you will write a new one...
misheruryokei #5
Chapter 33: thanks author ...for making me satisfy..keep it up.
Nathan101993 #6
Chapter 33: Wow author, your story was superb.... one of the best Tiaom stories that I've read.. keep it up, i was amazed on how you create this very thrilling story.
mcostello20 #7
Chapter 17: You got me to ship KimYam so hard just now.
zulborbz #8
Chapter 33: very nice author!
justsayingagain #9
Chapter 33: I think you just cured my addiction. :-)
aazkimpie #10
Chapter 33: I really liked your story, I read your story in g + and the story unfinished new to part 8 and fortunately here I found her I was very happy to read it as a story of your most interesting story I have ever read about tiaom, but I am very sorry your story is too short. please make a good story anymore author