Home Sweet Home

A big home, a cosy home

A pretty home, a cute home

A place to turn the light, That is what everyone would dream of, a place called home.


“Someone once said that when everything doesn’t go by your will... There’s bound to be this one day where you’ll find things going your way... yet, I am not someone who believed in this.”





(chapter 1)

"Coming Home"




In a mini market, there’s two employees were talking.

"Kim Junmyeon, is ready 25 years old? I Actually tought you were younger, you didn’t get plastic surgery right?" Asked the other employees who worked at the same place with Junmyeon.

"Offcourse not..." said Junmyeon.

“Then, shouldn’t you be married soon, at this rate?”

“How could I possibly do that huh?” Junmyeon a little bit annoy with those question, then he pretended busy with cashier monitor. "Even if I wanted to, there isn’t anyone for me at the moment." Junmyeon answered flatly.

“Oh, I see... If were me, I hope That I could be married off before the age of 25.” Said the other employees praise himself.

“If it’s not like this, doesn’t this make the children more misserable?with their appa being oldman.” Added him.

Junmyeon hold himself not being angry... yeah boys nowaday really annoy with their relationship.

Tiin tiiin

Junmyeon  Saw a woman who waiting for his partner, He rushed out and hugged her.
“ I'm so glad you come here to pick me" Junmyeon’s  partner began to show affection in front of him.

Junmyeon said to himself  "Am I jealous of their looks?"  
His partner wave his hand and said to Junmyeon  "You're jealous because you don’t have a girlfriend right?"
Junmyeon can heard his partner’s laugh from far, but Junmyeon feels like slapped by something.

Ew.. girlfriend?




Junmyeon back to his apartment.
"I'm home." He always say, although no one in his apartment.

Junmyeon opened the refrigerator and took a bottle of beer. “chatting with young  labile like that makes me tired” he murmured then continued drink his beer.

"I'm starving. But I can’t cook very well.Huh " then Junmyeon could eat instant noodles.

He smoking  while he daydreaming about his past, if he didn’t want to be only graduates in Senior Highschool, then he went to the college majoring in art. But he’s untalented in art. Because of it he couldn’t find a job. He’s  just work part time temporarily.

Suddenly his eyes fixed on the front of the weekly magazines.

"Huh? it’s Wu's company isn’t ? wow, he needed an interior-design assistant. " Junmyeon read the Job recruitment page.

“Can I? But I don’t want to make it worse by me,” added Junmyeon. “Yifan will get married soon...”

‘i don’t want ruinned his life, his future life. Oh... why i have so much confidence now?’

Junmyeon took a deep breath .

-the phone is rang-
Junmyeon  immediately picked up the phone.

" Hello?”
"Hey Kim Junmyeon! I hear you're still Jobless. What are you doing with your qualification? What are you lazy or what? "

Junmyeon took away his ear from the phone

"Kim Junmyeon! Listen to umma! "
"Yeah I listening, umma... I'm also trying to work. "Junmyeon said.
"Well, you also have to do the housework. You don’t be lazy. "Said his mother
"Yes I do. What's going to call me mom? "
"Go home tomorrow"
"Going home? For what? I work tomorrow. " Junmyeon worried his mother talking about a set-marriage for him.
"Grandmother who lived in (town) passed away recently. Her funeral will be held tomorrow. You have to come tomorrow. Should be yes! Kim Junmyeon do you hear me? "She explains.




The next day Junmyeon went to the (town) as his mother command. But he seems lost.
"How could this happen? I'm lost .. " Junmyeon looked around.
“It's been 10 years since I here.but that’s still remains same. I remember his house was near the temple and has a roof that is different from other neighbors.” Junmyeon trying hard to remind it.

After walking arround and he still didn’t find it, Junmyeon saw a young man who was smoking.

"Uh excuse me, may I ask you something?" Junmyeon approached the boy.
Junmyeon was a little surprised, he saw the boy's eyes are redden from crying.
"Ah are you alright?" he asked the boy.
"No, it's okay. What’s up? "Answered the boy, wiping away his tears.

‘Red eyes like that what you alright?’ ask Junmyeon to himself

"Well, I'm looking for the residence of Mr. Kim. To clarify, as I recall his house has a unique roof design. " Obviously Junmyeon.
"Yes. I know. I'll take you. "Replied the boy.
"Errh .. I don’t ,just give me a clue. "Junmyeon interrupted.
But the boy stand up and his body language to make Junmyeon followed him.




In front of Grandmother’s house, Junmyeon noticed if his mother looks angry already waiting for him. But not longer, her attention come to a boy who stand beside Junmyeon.
"Jongin, you're out? You should be cold. "She told the boy.
"No ... Im alright" Jongin said softly.

Junmyeon’s mother give Jongin a jacket then allow him entered the house.

“I-felt cold too and my mother give him a jacket.” Murmured Junmyeon

"Hey Junmyeon. Do you want to standing there to spend your time? "Junmyeon mother started screaming.
"So, who is he umma?" Junmyeon curious asking when he also entered the house.
"It's not much to say. We're talking in kitchen. Quickly! "She glared.




Now Junmyeon in the kitchen, helping prepare drinks for guests.

"You really don’t remember? He is Jongin. Children of my cousin who came from my grandfather. "
"Oh ... Son of a dead uncle's? " Junmyeon trying to remember.
"Omo! Dead? Can you replace the ‘dead’ with passed away? "Replied Junmyeon’s umma.
"I remember my uncle died along with his wife and daughter. So Jongin lost his parents and sister? " ask Junmyeon.
"Yes... since he 9 years old, he lived with his grandmother in this house. And now the grandmother had died. Pity him. “ explain mother.

The atmosphere suddenly being melancholy...

"Since 9th years old living without parents? Ah,... I remember.... ‘that’ uncle died when I was in high school. Omo! What??? So Jongin  is a senior highschool student, now? "Junmyeon surprised.

"Hey ... replace your dead-word with a passed away ... "Mrs. Kim grumble.
suddenly aunt came into the kitchen.
"Eonni, can you make some tea again for new guests?" She asked, then stare at Junmyeon.
"Is it Junmyeon? You're more looks handsome than before. "Aunt praised Junmyeon.
"hehe, Yes. I'm. "
Aunt promptly changed the subject.
"Eonni, this guest is a lawyer. "
"I knew they coming in today."replied Junmyeon’s umma.
"I heard, grandmother gave inheritance rights over this house to Jongin." Aunt whisper to the his umma, but Junmyeon can still hear it.
"Hey Junmyeon! Do you hear what your aunt said? Make a quick tea for the guests. "Junmyeon’s umma told him to leave immediately.
"All right .. I know this is an adult conversation. "
Junmyeon left the kitchen.




Junmyeon went  to the room where the grandmother’s rest her bodies.  

“If what I heard was true, I think Jongin will be lucky to get this house. Although this house is an old house” said Junmyeon in his heart.

"Our 9-year age difference ... somehow I feel old ." Junmyeon murmured softly, staring at the body of the grandmother and sat down beside her to pray.

"Grandma, please forgive unfilial grandson. Thanks also for the new year greeting cards that you send to me. "
For 8 years Jongin lived with his grandmother.  Junmyeon no wonder if he cry like that.”

"Hey. Why you’re not cry? " Jongin  suddenly appeared.
"I  wasn’t close to the grandmother." Junmyeon answered.

"Everyone was crying. No exception to people who don’t know the grandmother. Or for a year was met with a grandmother. " Jongin felt sad.
"Why do you say it to me? You made me a little scared. " Junmyeon moved from his seat.

Junmyeon  know, Everyone tries in good attitude, but only him heartless. Junmyeon know if he's actually told him to cry.




Junmyeon  to the front page to receive more guests arrive. He saw his old friend looked at her grandmother's funeral ceremony.

"Wu Yifan!"

He approach Junmyeon and said, “Hey... you... why are you being so loud? Btw, oh... so you’re here too”.

“It has been such a long time , how many years have it been?” ask Junmyeon to the handsome man infront of him.

“Oh please, change the topic... you want go for a drink nearby?” said Yifan.

Junmyeon looking arround, he in the state of funeral ceremony.

“But you seemed to have a gathering with your relatives, is it Okay for you to be absent during cremation?” Yifan shrugged his shoulder, it’s up to Junmyeon.

“It doesn’t matter . I’ll be only sad if Im here... Let’s go.” Junmyeon moved from his place first,  Yifan follow him behind.

Junmyeon look at Slight of Jongin, that boy keep pray to grandma... not like him. really... Junmyeon is really bad grandson.

At the Coffeeshop nearby, Junmyeon feels like have reunion with his old friend, at mid semester in senior high school he and Yifan almost spent their whole time here, for studying absolutely. Yifan can teach him mathematics at past.

“It’s really a long time since we meet.” Yifan burn his cigarette and smoke, he’s not changed at all since senior highschool.

“Yeah, we never came back ever since we went to university too.” Said Junmyeon and sip his black coffee. “But I don’t want comeback.”

“Isn’t that because you hadn’t find a stable job and still living part-timer’s life?” ask Yifan then he laughed hard.

“H-How did you know?!” Junmyeon almost coughed after heard it.

“Hahaha, Im always clear about you’re where abouts!” Yifan also drink his black expresso.

Junmyeon muted, threw his sight to out the window.

“Junmyeon- ah... when it’s all come down, we have known each other for so long, we have been also together  since elementary school...and if you’re too late in marrying, i might become your groom.” Yifan smirking behind his cup of coffee.

“N-No way! I- I don’t want married KRIS.”

He said KRIS so clearly, it’s the right time to said louder his friend’s nickname.

“That’s so rude of you...” Yifan keep calm and smiled.

“That’s why i hate coming back here! everyone makes me annoy.” Junmyeon pretend to be angry, so bad.

“it’s useless if you tell me all these you know?”

Yifan  make a deep sigh then back to smoke... a man infront of him looks so atractive after heard about marriage, Yifan back to chukled, Junmyeon is very funny and not changed.

“What’s for?” ask Junmyeon interruptly.

“Here, My Father’s company needs interior designer.” Yifan threw a paper to Junmyeon.

Junmyeon took it, read it.

“I knew this before, i tought im only who has bad qualification.”

“Tsk, no confidence. I wondering what’s your purpose in your life.” Yifan blew the smoke infront of Junmyeon, his-only-childhood friend.

“I mean... “

“Think twice, I just gave that position just for you.”

“Uhm, why? Your company was famous and Im sure people wants it too.”

“Coz you’re kind and heartly.”

“No! Don’t say it to me, Im not unfilial. And-“

“Hey, stupid. With who you spent your whole life for more than 20 years ? it’s ME, and I knew who is YOU” Yifan crossing his legs and saw Junmyeon intens.

“Oh please, it just a past.”

Yifan laughed hard.

“Btw we’re talking about job isn’t? Why suddenly we’re talking about our past?”

“ehm- Ok. Back then. Please receive my offer. You just need finish all the administration for the next week.”

“next week??”

“You’ll be interviewed by me.”

“Should it be formal?”

Yifan rolled his eyes, “Do you think my father’s company is a kindergarten playground?”

“Im sorry...” Junmyeon bow his head, he looks so clueless.

“Yesterday i stayed all night in your house, and today i’ll.”

“Huh? Isn’t my mother don’t have any rooms? Where are you sleeping?”

“You’re really not unfilial grandchild as your prays. Who can sleep in a during funeral ceremony?” Yifan hit Junmyeon head, harash him.

Junmyeon pout his lips and rubbing his head.





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dara_bias #1
Chapter 2: Where is the next button T_T I can't choose krisho or kaiho. Update soon authornim.
AdivineScenario #2
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^
Ilovecolors #3
I like this idea, update soon, neh? ^^