Out Of My League

Out of My League

it's her hair and her eyes today
that just simply take me away
and the feeling that i'm falling further in love
makes me shiver but in a good way

First Day of Freshman Year

I watched her as she went in front of the class. With her hair down, only a lavender ribbon adorning it, she smiled and bowed.

"Hello, my name is Park Sunyoung. I was born on August 12, 1993. It's nice to meet you." She bowed again and everyone clapped.

Park Sunyoung. That's her name.

all the times i have sat and stared
as she thoughtfully thumbs through her hair
and she purses her lips, bats her eyes as she plays,
with me sitting there slack-jawed and nothing to say

Second Week of Freshman Year

I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned around and there she was. Park Sunyoung. My heart skipped a beat.

"Uhm, Joonmyun-ssi, can I borrow your English notes? I didn't get to finish copying earlier. I promise to return them tomorrow, first thing in the morning." She asked.

I had to blink twice to wrap my head around what she said. "S-sure." I stuttered. I opened my bag and suddenly all of its contents spilled out. I cursed inwardly. I bent down to gather them when she did the same to help me.

"Here you go." She smiled as she handed me my things. Our fingers touched for a moment but a jolt of electricity went down to my spine and I turned red.

"Th-thanks. Oh, and here's my English notebook." I replied.

"Thank you, Joonmyun-ssi. I have to go now. I'll see you tomorrow okay." She waved goodbye. When she was gone, she left a trail of lavender.

coz i love her with all that i am
and my voice shakes along with my hands
coz she’s all that I see and she’s all that I need
and i'm out of my league once again

The next morning

"Good morning, Joonmyun-ssi." She greeted me as she took her seat in the classroom.

I turned red again. "Good morning, Sunyoung-ssi."
She handed me back my notebook. "Here's your notebook as promised. Thank you."
"You're welcome." I muttered. She stared at me for ten seconds, smiled and then turned away.

I opened my notebook and saw a pink post-it on the first page.

"Joonmyun-ssi, don't be shy. ^^ and if you want me to answer that question at the back of your notebook, my answer is yes. <3"

My heart skipped a beat. She wasn’t supposed to read it. I covered my face. What am I going to do?

it's a masterful melody when she calls out my name to me
as the world spins around her she laughs, rolls her eyes
and i feel like i'm falling but it's no surprise

Dismissal time

I leaned on the school gates as I waited for her. Then I heard her call my name. “Joonmyun-ssi!” I exhaled. Here goes nothing.

“Sunyoung-ssi, I have something to ask you. Will you go out with me tomorrow?” I stuttered.
She giggled. “Yes, I would love to. Where would we go?”

That stopped me short. I hadn’t planned that part yet. “I haven’t thought of it yet.” I blurted out loud.
She laughed. “How about we meet at the coffee shop near school first then we can spend our time wherever our feet takes us?”

I nodded, slightly embarrassed. “That sounds great. Look, I’m really nervous. It’s my first time asking a girl out. The note you left took me by surprise and well, I’m kind of acting on impulse here.”

“It’s okay. It’s my first time a guy had a crush on me.” She replied. That made me even happier.

coz i love her with all that i am
and my voice shakes along with my hands
cause it's frightening to be swimming in this strange sea
but i'd rather be here than on land
yes she's all that i see and she's all that i need
and i'm out of my league once again


I waited for her by the coffee shop as I stirred my white mocha latte. I heard the front door open. She came inside, wearing a peach dress and peach colored shoes. She looked incredible.

“Sorry, I took so long.” Sunyoung bowed.
I smiled. “No worries. It’s okay.”
She took the seat in front of me and smiled. “So, where are we going?”

I fished out two ride all you can tickets to Lotte World. “Well, since it’s such short notice, this is the only thing I got.”
“I love this place! Let’s go now!” She beamed.

it's her hair and her eyes today
that just simply take me away
and the feeling that i'm falling further in love
makes me shiver but in a good way
all the times i have sat and stared
as she thoughtfully thumbs through her hair
and she purses her lips, bats her eyes as she plays,
with me sitting there slack-jawed and nothing to say

Lotte World

After trying out the roller coaster twice, I was tired. I walked too slow for my own good because the world was spinning.

“Joonmyun-ssi, are you okay?” Sunyoung held on to my arm.
I closed my eyes and instead of nodding, I shook my head. She led me to the nearest empty bench and sat down.
“I’ll be fine. Don’t worry.” I muttered.
“Are you sure? Do you want me to get you anything? I have water with me. Do you want some?” She said. I simply nodded. I drank water from her water bottle and exhaled. “Feeling better now?”

“I’m getting there. I’m not really used to heights.” I replied.
“Oh, I should’ve known. We wouldn’t have taken the roller coaster.” She frowned. “I’m sorry.”
I shook my head. “It’s not your fault. I enjoyed it.”
“Enjoyed it? How?”
“I saw the look on your face before the ride started. You were smiling like there’s no tomorrow. I wanted to make you happy. Did it work?”
She blushed and smiled. “It did.

coz i love her with all that i am
and my voice shakes along with my hands
cause it's frightening to be swimming in this strange sea
but i'd rather be here than on land
yes she's all that i see and she's all that i need
and i'm out of my league once again

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Chapter 1: I really love this.
is this a oneshot???
it seems too short