Ben-Ben. I hate you.

From the hell, only for EXO.


No one P.o.V. 
"I don't want to return to school." Jia said sitting on top of her desk. 
Some girls was in the class before the lesson started.
Jia was very annoyed about the girls who shouted and unbotton their blouse. 
"This mean only" she continued "homework, stupid girls, study and--" she can't continue because the stupid girls started to shout. "What I said before?! You don't listen?!"
The stupid girls ran in front of the door. 
"Ya! Don't ignore me!" she yelled ranning after them. "What's your problem stupid girls?! If the teacher listen your screams you...!" a girls put she back. She fall down, on the ground. Jia groaned.
"Oh, are you ok?" asked a gentle boyish voice. 
"Yes... It's nothing." she replied. 
A hand was in front of her to help her.
She clung to the hand and stood up.
 "Thanks..." she smiled.
A boy was in front of her.
Was a cute boy with orange hair.
He was smiling at her. She smiled back. 
"Nice to meet you. My name is LuHan." he said holding out is hand. 
Jia looked at him and after at the hand. 
"Nice to meet you too. I'm Jia." she replied holding his hand. They detached hands, smiling. 
After few second a girlish voice shouted to Jia. 
"Jia! Are you ok? Are you hurt? Who is the bad girl? I want to punch her fake face!" HyoYeon shouted angrily. 
LuHan was surprised. But he smiled, happily. 
"Unny. Calm down. I'm ok. I'm not hurt!" Jia replied shaking her hands, nervous.
HyoYeon sighed. 
"Thanks to the god." HyoYeon whispered. 
Jia rolled her eyes, smiling.
HyoYeon smiled back and looked at her, after to LuHan. "Who are you?" HyoYeon asked, frowned.
"Unny. Don't be so rude! He helped me." Jia said. 
HyoYeon looked at her. 
Jia nodded 
"Mh. Ok. If you say he is a good boy it's ok." she said, a little bit angrily. 
"Thank you, Unny." Jia said smiling.
She pointed at LuHan "He is LuHan. He helped me to stand up. He was gentle." Jia said smiling. 
"Oh... Nice to meet you LuHan. I'm HyoYeon. Jia's Unny." she said shaking her hand, smiling. 
"Nice to meet you too." LuHan replied smiling at her. 
HyoYeon liked that guy. 
He was cute and gentle. And he appeared intelligent and smart. 
Jia smiled and turn the head to the stupid girls who shout in front of the door. 
"I wonder what happened." Jia whispered standing on her toes. 
"Mh. I don't know. A fight, maybe." HyoYeon replied trying to watch what's up. 
"Fight?! Where?! I want to watch!" Sunny shouted appearing.
She tryed to look what's up.
She push away the girls.
But she can't saw anything. 
Fei arrived near to Jia and smiled. 
After she turned to LuHan and showed herself. 
LuHan replied, smiling. 
"Uff! I can't see anithing." Sunny said walking to HyoYeon. 
Sunny hugged HyoYeon, sighing.
HyoYeon hugged back. 
"Retry... But I don't think is a fight." HyoYeon said. 
Sunny looked at the stupid girls. 
"Is not a fight? So, what's up?" Sunny asked.
HyoYeon sighed. 
"I think to know what is. I think is..." she was interrupted by the girls. 
"EXO!" the girls shouted. 
HyoYeon sighed.
Jia scowled, crossing her arms on her chest. 
"Yes. EXO. Is this the problem." HyoYeon whispered, annoyed.
Jia was confused. 
"EXO? Who is EXO?" se asked. 
"The 12 boys in front of the school." HyoYeon replied. 
"Ah! The stupid and vain boys? I want to punch their face!" Jia said.
"You always want to punch anyone." Sunny whispered. Jia glared at her. 
LuHan was in silence. He don't talked.
He only was looking to HyoYeon and Jia. 
For him, those girls, was very interesting.
He smiled and turned his head to the crowd. 
"EXO! We love you!" the stupid girls continue to yelled. 
Jia groaned, angrily. 
"I hate those boys. I hate these girls. They are so stupid and vain." she said. 
"One moment. I want to do something. I'll bring the peace in this class. " she whispered smiling.
Strange. She is ever strange. You can't know what she is thinking.
Jia walked to her desk. 
She went up on her desk.
"People!" she shouted. 
Everyone turned their head to her.
EXO, stupid girls, her friends, LuHan.
Everyone was looking at her.
"I want to say something." she said.
HyoYeon slapped her own face. She know the hell was coming. 
"I HATE EXO." she shouted.
Fei and Sunny slapped their face, shocked.
LuHan was laughing, in silence
The stupid girls was angry and they wanted to punch her pretty face.
EXO. They was shocked and surprised.
Kris was angry.
Tao was smiling, amused.
In the class was silence. 
Nobody talked or said something. 
Jia whispered. "Now it's ok. I'm more light." she said jumping down from the desk. 
She walks to her friends, smiling. 
HyoYeon sighed, again. 
Fei was a little bit shocked. 
But Sunny was smiling. 
Sunny and Jia gave the five. 
"Nice job! You shocked them!" Sunny said, happily. 
"I'm better than before." Jia replied. 
Fei and LuHan started, suddenly, to laugh. 
"What's up, guys?" Jia asked, confused. 
"Oh, nothing. But you was so funny." Fei said while laughing. 
Jia smiled. 
The bells ringed. 
The stupid girls went to their own desk. 
Three guys was in front of the door.
Jia, HyoYeon, Fei and Sunny went to their desk. 
The teacher entered in the class. 
She was young and beautiful. 
"Guys. Stand up." she said supporting her books on the desk. 
The students stood up. 
"This year we have new students." she said blushing a little bit. "Come on, boys."
The three boys entered in the class. 
Jia groaned. She wanted to throw up. 
The stupid girls started to sigh and whisper. 
Sunny, HyoYeon and Fei whispered, sadly.
Jia grimaced. She was very angry. 
The teacher continued. "They are three guys from a group called EXO." she said happily. "He is Oh Sehun. He is young but is in your same year." she said pointing to a boy with no facial expression. 
He appeared with no emotion.
He was awesone and a little bit cute. 
He was tall. 
He had strange white-grey hair. 
He walk a step forward and said "Nice to meet you."
The stupid girls started to whispered. 
The boy returned back, looking to a point in front of him. 
Jia looked to him. 
She felt that he was staring her. 
"He is Hwang ZiTao." the teacher said pointing to a boy.
Was the boy who smiled to Fei in front of the school. 
He was a blonde and cute boy. He appeared gentle and intelligent. 
He smiled and bowed. 
The girls started to whispered and sighed more noisy. 
"And he is Wu YiFan." she said pointing to an another guy.
He was tal, with black short hair.
He was charismatic and y. 
"You can call me Kris. Thanks you." he said smiling falsely. 
The girls started to shout. 
Jia, Sunny, HyoYeon and Fei covered their ears with their hands. 
"Silence girls." the teacher said blushing. 
‘She's fall in love with this vain boys, of course. Stupid teacher.’
Jia thinked. 
She makes some noise. 
She crossed her arms on her chest. 
She looked at Kris, irritating. 
He looked back at her, angrily. 
Sunny, who was sitting next to Jia, could see the lightining between their. 
"So, guys, come to your desk. Choice which you want." the teacher said. 
The three boys walked to choice a desk. 
The stupid girls started to shakes their arms. 
Tao smiled and sat near the wall, and near to Fei. 
He smiled at her. 
She smiled back, confused. 
SeHun walked toward and stopped in front of Jia. 
Jia looked at him, a little bit confused. 
"Ehm... Yes?" she asked. 
He offered his hand. 
She looked at the hand, confused. 
"Nice to meet you. My name is Oh SeHun." he said smiling a little bit. 
The girls started to shout, angrily. 
"He is so cute!" 
"Who is she? Why SeHunnye smiled to her?"
"She is beautiful than me?" 
The stupid girls asked. 
SeHun grimaced. 
Those girls was noisy and annoying. 
Sunny, Fei and HyoYeon was shocked. Or better, surprised. 
Jia was confused but she hold his hand smiling a little bit. 
"Nice to meet you too. My name is Jia Meng." she said. 
She looked around "If you want there is a desk." she said pointing to a desk behind her.
He looked to the desk and then to her, smiling, a little bit. 
"Thank you." he said satting on his desk. 
"You're welcome~" she whispered a little bit confused. 
"Good guys. A lot of you know me. I am Mrs. Lee. Lee Hyori. Nice to meet you." she said fixing at EXO. 
All the class started to whisper. 
"So. We can start the lesson!" she said. 
The lesson started. 
Jia P.o.V. 
"Ah~! Luckily the lessons finished!" I said stretching my arms. 
"Yes. But after we have more three lessons." HyoYeon said, sadly. 
"Aish! I don't want!" I shout raising my arms in the air. 
"Don't yelled... stupid Bubble-gummy hair." a boyish voice said. 
"Who is the stupid boy--" I looked behind me. 
Kris, Tao and SeHun was walking out of the classroom. 
"Ya! Don't call me Bubble-gummy hair! And don't say stupid!" I yelled. But he had already left. 
I groaned.
I wanted to slap his awesome and fake face.
I was really angry. 
"Calm down, Jia." Fei said touching my shoulder and smiling.
I smiled back. 
She was really gentle and cute. 
She was our Eomma. 
I love her. 
We love her.
She is too kind. 
"Come on. I'm hungry." HyoYeon said walking to the exit. 
"Yeah~! I'm hungry too!" Fei said. She followed. 
I looked to Sunny. 
"Come on?" I asked, smiling. 
She don't replied. 
She was shocked. Or surprised. 
"Sunny? What's up?" I asked, worried. 
She shakes her head, suddenly. 
"Food~!" she ran out of the classroom. 
I was shocked. 
She was really strange. 
She was ever strange. 
Like Unni.
They were ever strange. 
I'm the only normal.
I followed her.
I arrived in the canteen. 
HyoYeon, Fei and Sunny was sitting in a big table, with four tray in the table. 
I reach their. 
I sat near to Fei. In front of me there was HyoYeon. 
Sunny was eating, faster. Too faster. 
"Sunny. Don't eat faster!" I said to her. 
She kicked her chest, gobble the food.
She nodded. 
I sighed. 
She is very funny and childish. 
But she is too cute!
I started to eat and talk to my best friends. 
We talked about food. Sport. Dance. And others funny things. 
I was very hungry and I hated that day. 
SeHun P.o.V. 
I was in the canteen, standing. 
I was with my friends XiuMin and ChanYeol. 
They were talking. 
I wanted to sit down, but they don't stop to talk, talk and talk. 
My feet started to hurt. 
Suddenly, I saw a pink ponytail. 
I was in silence, fixing the girl. 
She was very gorgeous. 
She have some beautiful pink hair. 
She is cute and y at the same, of course. 
"Ya! SeHun!" yelled XiuMin shaking a hand in front of my eyes. 
I shaked my head. 
"Yes?" I asked with no expression. 
"Wath are you looking on?" ChanYeol asked looking around. 
"Nothing." I said, calmly. 
ChanYeol and XiuMin acted they don't listened me and continued to looked around. 
But I was fixing 'pink hair' again. 
"Ah!" XiuMin said fixing at 'pink hair' and her friends. "You are looking to those girls." he said smiling. 
"No. I said I wasn't looking nothing." I repeat. 
ChanYeol giggled.
XiuMin smiled, devilish. 
He kicked my back. 
"Come on!" he said. 
"Where?" I asked, confused. 
"Come to talk with those girls." he said. 
"They look pretty and cool." ChanYeol whispered. 
XiuMin nodded. He was smiling, devilish. 
I glared at their. 
I didn't agree. 
XiuMin pushed me to the girls' table. 
We was near to the table. 
"Hi, girls!" ChanYeol said smiling to the girls. 
They turned their head to us, surprised. 
Jia looked to me and smiled a little bit. 
I smiled back. 
XiuMin smiled to me, devilish. 
He things about me and Jia, of course. I know. 
The girls continued to look at ChanYeol and XiuMin. 
"Can we sit here? Next you?" XiuMin continued.
He smiled to the girls. 
A cute girl with two blonde ponytails was eating, uninterested. But after she looked to XiuMin and then to ChanYeol. 
She had the mouth full of rice. 
Jia restarted to eat, uninterested. 
"Yes, you can." a beautiful girl with short brown hair, replied. "Sit down." she said gentle. 
"Thank you." XiuMin said sitting near to the blonde one. 
"You're welcome." a strange rainbow hair girl said. 
ChanYeol sat near to XiuMin. 
I sat near to Jia. 
Only because XiuMin was fixing me. 
Jia turned the head to me. 
I looked at her. 
"What are you eating?" she asked looking in my dish. 
"Rice." I replied looking in my dish. 
"Only rice?" she asked surprised looking at me. 
I nodded. 
"Not good for you to eat only rice. You need even meat or fish." she contued, calmly. 
'What? She is worried about me?' I thinked 'No. She is only a kind person, who is worried about the people.'
She took a piece of meat from her dish and putted this in mine. 
I looked at her, confused. 
She smiled at me. 
"Now is ok." she said. 
"Thanks..." I whispered, a little bit shy and confused. 
I looked at my friends while eating. 
They was talking with Jia's friends. 
"Nice to meet you. My name is Kim Min Seok, but you call me XiuMin." said XiuMin shaking his hand, happily. 
"And I'm Park ChanYeol." said ChanYeol, smiling to the girls. 
The girls smiled. 
"Nice to meet you too." said the girl with rainbow hair. "I'm Kim HyoYeon." she continued smiling. 
"I'm Wang Fei Fei. But, please, call me only Fei." the girl with short brown hair said. 
XiuMin and ChanYeol nodded, smiling. 
Jia looked at their. 
"Hi~! My name is Meng Jia." she said. 
XiuMin and ChanYeol looked in their own eyes. 
The look was like 'she is gorgeous'. 
I glare at their. 
Jia returned to eat, uninterested. 
She appeared very hungry. 
I continued to eat, calmly. 
Everyone turned their head to the blonde ponytails. 
She was eating, a lot. 
Sunny P.o.V
'Who ware those boys? I don't want to talk to them. I only want to eat. ' I thinked. 
A cute boy sat near to me. 
I acted like there is nobody near to me. 
I didn't pay attention to him and to the conversation. 
Suddenly anyone touched my shoulder. 
I raised my head. 
Everyone, at the table, was looking at me. 
I had the mouth full of rice. 
I swallowed the rice. 
I looked at their, confused. 
"What...?" I asked. 
"Nice to meet you. XiuMin." the boy near to me said. 
"And I'm ChanYeol." and another boys near to him said smiling. "And he is SeHun." he continued pointing to a boy near to Jia. 
The boy looked at me, uninterested, and continued to eat. 
I turned my head to HyoYeon surprised. She smiled to me. 
"HyoYeon-ah!" I said shocked.
HyoYeon was confused. 
"They are cute!" I said pointing to the boys near to me. 
HyoYeon was shocked. 
The others started to laugh. 
"My Sunny Bunny is too cute!" HyoYeon said hugging me, tightly. 
Everyone at the table was laughing. 
I blushed. 
I turned my head to the boys. 
"Nice to meet you too. My name is Lee Soonkyu. But my friends calls me Sunny." I said shily. 
The boys smiled and shaked their hands. 
They was really cute!
We started to talk about our interests. 
Now, I know a lot of things about those boys. 
XiuMin real name is MinSeok. 
He was with EXO. And he considered their like brothers. 
He practiced Taek Kwon Do and fencing. 
He loved blueberry flavoured ice cream. 
His nickname was 'baozi'. That mean steamed bun. 
And he is the funniest in the group. 
ChanYeol liked to play guitar and drums. 
He is a romantic. 
He had a positive and bright personality. 
He liked hip-hop and rap music. 
He was a very kind and happy boy. 
He smiled ever. 
We continued to talked. 
I finished my food. 
"Jia." I told to her. She looked at me.  "Can you give me your food?" I asked. 
"No. Go to take some other food." he said. 
She was hungry too. 
"Take mine." XiuMin said. 
I turned my head to him. 
He passed me his dish full of meat. 
"Thanks~!" I replied to him. 
I started to eat. 
Jia P.o.V
They talked a lot. 
I ate my food, uninterested. 
SeHun, near to me, was in silence too. 
I like silent people. 
"Ehi!" XiuMin shouted suddenly. 
I think he was calling me. 
But he turned his head away. He was looking to anyone. 
I looked to the person. 
I started to groaned. I felt angry, again. 
"Ya!" the pointing people looked at XiuMin. "Kris! Tao! Come here!" he shouted. 
I grinder my teeth. 
I was looking to Kris. 
He make me angry. 
He smiled, devilish. 
Tao smiled, gentle. 
They walk near to us. 
Kris sat near to HyoYeon. 
I can saw him. 
Tao sat near to Fei. 
He smile to her. 
She smiled back. 
I was happy for her. 
He is awesome. She is cute and y. 
He is kind. She is gentle. 
He is intelligent. She is intelligent too. 
Bom! Perfect couple in the world!
'They are too shy.' I thinked nodding. 
"Why are you nodding, Bubble-gummy hair?" an irritating voice said to me. 
I looked to him. 
"Kris. I said 'Don't call me Bubble-gummy hair'. Is annoying." I said continuing to eat vegetables. 
'What's his problem? What I did to him?' I asked to myself. 
"But your hair are pink so I call you Bubble-gummy hair." he replied. 
'Please. Leave alone.' I thinked 'I want to go home.'
I ignored him. 
"Hyung. You don't eat?" ChanYeol voice asked to Kris. 
"No. Thanks. I'm not hungry." He replied smiling. 
He was rude. But he was awesome too. I admitted. 
I turned my head to SeHun. 
"You ate the meat?" I asked him. 
He looked at me with no expression. 
He nodded. 
"Yeah. I ate it." he replied washing his dish. 
"Good. How was?" I asked again. 
"Good." he replied. 
I smiled. 
He was gentle with me. 
Kris was different. 
Kris P.o.V
'How much annoying can be this girl?' I thinked. 
I started to look at the girls at the table. 
They was very very gorgeous. 
There was a girl cute and childish., near to XiuMin. 
There was a beautiful and gentle girl, who was talking with Tao. 
There was a happy and cherish girl, near to me. 
And there was the y and strong girl, Jia, near to SeHun. 
'I hate her.' I thinked angrily. 
"Ayo, gurls!" ChanYeol started to said, rapping. 
Everyone at the table started to laugh but he continued. 
"I'm here to show you something..!" he said making some noise with the mouth. 
He looked to me.
'Why is he looking at me?' I thinked, confused. 
"He is Kris." he said pointing at me. 
My look was like 'don't say me'. 
"He likes to play basket and drawing." he said. 
XiuMin started to laugh a little bit. 
SeHun smiled, amused. 
Tao smile too. 
I was confused. 
"But Kris is not his real name. His name is Wu Yi Fan. He is Chinese." he continued. 
I was too confused. 
"But... There is anything you don't know. He have got an English name." he said. 
'What? Don't say it!' I thinked. 
I goggle. 
"His English name is Benjamin." he finished. 
XiuMin started to laugh.
Everyone looked at XiuMin, confused. 
Only Jia, Fei, ChanYeol and SeHun was smiling, amused. 
"Why are you laughing?" Sunny asked looking at him, confused. 
He stopped to laugh. 
I wanted to stop him but I was too shocked and embarrassed. 
"I laugh because Ben, in Chinese mean--" he stopped, continued to laugh with ChanYeol. 
Luckily he stopped. 
"Ben mean stupid in Chinese." Jia continued.
Everyone looked to her. 
"It's right, Ben-Ben?" she asked looking at me. 
"Ben-Ben? Good nickname!" said ChanYeol continuing to laugh. 
"I'll call you Ben-Ben." she said smiling. 
I hated her. 
I want to punch ChanYeol and XiuMin's face, hardly. 
Everyone at the table started to laugh.
I blushed a little bit. 
Anyone patted my shoulder. 
"Don't be so serious. Be happy." the beautiful girl with brown hair said to me. 
She was smiling, gentle. 
I nodded, uncertainly. 
"HyoYeon. I go to the bathroom." she said to HyoYeon who was laughing. 
HyoYeon nodded. 
"Me too, Unny!" Sunny shouted smiling. 
The two girls goes to the bathroom. 
Everyone stopped to laugh, slowly. 
"Don't be so serious. You call me Bubble-gummy hair and I call you Ben-Ben." Jia said, smiling. 
I glare at her. 
"I pay back. You'll see." I whispered to her. 
She frowned and looked to SeHun, talking to him. 
This make me angry. 
I looked around. 
"Where is XiuMin?" I asked to ChanYeol.  
He looked around too and raised up his shoulder. 
"I don't know. I think he is in the bathroom." he said. 
He turned his head ad started to talk with HyoYeon and Tao. 
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nabina22 #1
Chapter 2: Omg i lik this story plzz update soon :)
fira0430 #2
Chapter 2: Update please author-nim:(
fira0430 #3
Chapter 2: Update please this story is sooooo freakin cute!><
Chapter 2: OMG I want Fei to be with Kris...They are so matching...♥♥♥♥♥
Chapter 2: please hyohan <3
SungHaJoon #6
Non provare a mettere Baekhyun con Sunny che t'ammazzo. /fixbad.

Update soon please ^^
chanxiuhan #7
Chapter 2: You updated long~ sunny si so cute her, too cute I think
YoungRi95 #8
Chapter 2: Whoaa.. A great and long updated, Author-nim. Good job, kkkkk~
btw, I see that Luhan opp was interested in Jia and Hyo unnideul, Sehun also felt the same way as Luhan but only for Jia unn, Tao with Fei, and Sunbun unn with Xiumin (?)... TT.TT .. Updated soon..
Chapter 2: update soon ;)
Skibop #10
Chapter 1: So this story is kind of like Boys Over Flowers. How did you come up with this pairing of Sunny, Hyoyeon, Jia and Fei? Seems kinda random lol