Who are you? I want to punch your face.

From the hell, only for EXO.


No one P.o.V
"Yah! Wake up! It's late!" HyoYeon yelled from the kitchen. 
"Mh... 5 minutes." Sunny grumble  covering her face with the blanket. 
"No more 5 minutes. I gave you five minutes before." HyoYeon said appearing in front of the door. 
"But I'm tired..." Jia said standing up slowly.
HyoYeon smiled and went to the kitchen to make breakfast. 
Jia and Sunny went to the bathroom togheter and watched their face in the mirror.
After few seconds they started to laugh. 
"Your hair are so crazy!" said Sunny looking at Jia. 
"And your make up in so scary." said Jia looking at Sunny.
They laughed. 
"Ya, come on!" HyoYeon yelled. 
Sunny and Jia washed their face and go to the kitchen. 
They sat on the table and smiling while looking at the breakfast. 
"Wo, Unny!" Jia said happily. 
"Today is our first day at the new school and we need a big breakfast." she said smiling at her friend. 
She looked around "Where is Fei?" she asked. 
"She's even sleeping." Sunny said with the mouth full of pancakes. 
HyoYeon go in the bedroom and looked at the mountain of pillows and blanket. 
"Fei! Wake up and wash you face. SOON." yelled going in the kitchen. 
She sat on the table and started to eat the breakfast while Fei wakes up and went to the bathroom. 
"Hyo, I'm tired." she groan appearing from the bathroom and satting on the table. 
She push her forehead on the table and started to said nonsense. 
"Don't groan and do your breakfast." said HyoYeon smiling. 
Fei did breakfast slowly. She was very tired and she was talking nonsense. 
The girls finished their breakfast and they dressed up. 
They're wasn't girlish but they was cute and y in the same. 
"I hate this hair!" Jia said hungrily, brushing her hair. 
"Why you dye your hair?" Sunny asked buttoning her own blouse. 
"For a contest. Aish..!" she said putting her brush on the bed. 
She had got pink hair.
Every one when she walked on the street turned the head and stared at her. 
This felt she nervous. 
"But you can dye your hair again, right?" asked Fei wearing her floral pants. 
"Yes, I can. But I don't want to spend all my money to dye." she said looking at her in the mirrow. 
Nobody talked again because they was dressing up. 
"Oh... Hyo. It's ok?" Jia asked to HyoYeon pointing to her outfit. 
"Mh. Wear the black shorts. Are better than the skirt." she said wearing her shoes. 
Jia nodded and woor the shorts. 
"Oh, you look y!" Sunny said to Jia smiling in the mirrow. 
"Thanks..." she said looking to her friend. 
"Unny. You are so cute." Jia said to Sunny. 
Sunny wore a white and girlish blouse and a blue skirt. 
She had two short blonde ponytails. 
"Thank you." she answered smiling. 
"Ehi, girls. We're done." HyoYeon said looking at their. 
She wore a pair of jeans, a shirt, a black leather jacket and two blue shoes. 
"Today Unny is so strong..." Jia whispered in Fei's ear.
Fei wore a pair of floral pants, a white tight shirt and a green hoodie. 
"Today Fei Eomma is Mother Nature." Jia thinked looking at her friend. 
Jia wore black tight short and grey blouse. 
She wore even a black baseball cap. 
She had a long pinky ponytail. 
"Take this." HyoYeon said pointing at the backpacks. 
Jia grabed her purple backpack. 
Sunny grabbed her pink backpack. 
Fei grabbed her white backpack. 
And HyoYeon grabbed her green backpack. 
They grab their cycle and went to school. 
They arrived and putted their cycle in the gate. 
In front of the school there was a lot of girls, looking at some people. 
"What's up?" asked Jia to HyoYeon. 
"I don't know." she replied.
They tried to enter in the school but the girls pushed they away.
" Ya!" HyoYeon shouted angry and annoyed. 
"Aish." Jia whispered pushed them away. 
She came through the crowd.
When she arrived she sighed angrily.
HyoYeon, Fei and Sunny arrived after few second. 
Jia looked at the girls, angrily, and shout "Stupid girls! Stop to shout and buttoned yours blouse, immediately! We aren't in a stript club!" the girls stopped to shout and looked to her annoyed.
After few second their restart to shout and ed their blouse. 
Jia was very angry.
She turned her body and looked at the person who attracted so much attentions. 
12 awesomes boys was looked at her, surprised. 
She frowned. 
"Who are you?" she asked barely raising his chin, haughtily.
A very tall boys looked at her, angry and surprised. 
"Who are YOU, Bubble-gummy hair?" asked him. 
Jia looked up. 
He was very tall. 
"Bubble-gummy hair?! How dare you? Who do you think you are?" she yelled, hurt and angry. 
Nobody, never, had calls she with that nickname. 
The boy was angry too. 
"I'm Kris! I say whatever I want!" he said looking in her eyes. 
Jia was about to beat him.
She wanted to punch him in the face, hardly. 
Fei touch her back. 
Jia looked at her. 
Fei was smiling, calming her. 
Jia smiled back she calm down. 
"No problem. Calm down." whispered Fei, gently. 
After, Fei, looked at the boys. 
"I'm sorry but we only want to enter in the school, we can?" she asked, gentle. 
The boys were surprised. 
Tao went between Kris and Fei and smiled at her. 
Kris looked at him, angrily. 
He wanted to said anithing but Tao talk, gentle. 
"Of course. You can go in your class. You're welcome." he said moving away to allow them to pass.
Fei smiled and pass on with the girls behind her. 
Jia looked at Kris, angrily, throw her tongue out. 
Kris gave her an angry look. 
They passed over and entered in the school. 
"I hate those boys. Are stupid and they have a head full of air." Jia groaned crossing his arms over his chest.
"Oh, don't worry. Ignore them and will be as if they had never been." Fei said happily. 
"How you can smile at him? I wanted to punch his face, very hardly!" Jia said, shocked. 
"Ignored them." Fei repeated. 
"Oh. Girls. Don't talk about him. Be happy. This year we are in the same class!" HyoYeon said happily. 
"Yes! I'm happy. This year we will have fun!" Sunny said jumping. 
"Sunny! Stop to jump. We can see your !" HyoYeon shouted.
The girls started to laugh. 
Sunny blushes. 
They entered in their class, smiling.
They choice four desk near to. 
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nabina22 #1
Chapter 2: Omg i lik this story plzz update soon :)
fira0430 #2
Chapter 2: Update please author-nim:(
fira0430 #3
Chapter 2: Update please this story is sooooo freakin cute!><
Chapter 2: OMG I want Fei to be with Kris...They are so matching...♥♥♥♥♥
Chapter 2: please hyohan <3
SungHaJoon #6
Non provare a mettere Baekhyun con Sunny che t'ammazzo. /fixbad.

Update soon please ^^
chanxiuhan #7
Chapter 2: You updated long~ sunny si so cute her, too cute I think
YoungRi95 #8
Chapter 2: Whoaa.. A great and long updated, Author-nim. Good job, kkkkk~
btw, I see that Luhan opp was interested in Jia and Hyo unnideul, Sehun also felt the same way as Luhan but only for Jia unn, Tao with Fei, and Sunbun unn with Xiumin (?)... TT.TT .. Updated soon..
Chapter 2: update soon ;)
Skibop #10
Chapter 1: So this story is kind of like Boys Over Flowers. How did you come up with this pairing of Sunny, Hyoyeon, Jia and Fei? Seems kinda random lol