

Jwa Ho Sook and Wu Yi Fan, they're married. The cliché arranged marriage. As usual, the girl probably fall in love with the man who was forced to marry her but he don't love her. Actually, Kris don't know what is exactly his feelings towards her. He sometime disgusted to look at her, sometime he would like to see her. He's confused.


"Kris! You cheated on me?!" She yelled at Kris when she found he's sleeping with another girl.

"O-oppa, who is this woman?" The girl asked while holding Kris' arm.

"Shut up!" He yelled. Then he looked at both of the them.

"You. Go home." He demanded the girl to go away before he do something stupid. The girl took her clothes and wear it then walked out of the house.

"Kris, I asked one more time. Do you cheated on me?" She asked again, more calm this time. She seem relaxed a bit.

"Why is it have something to do with you?" He asked back. He don't know how those careless words could flow out of his throat.

"You are my husband, I am your wife." She stated the obvious. He looked away from her.

"Thanks for stating the obvious. But you need to remember one thing, we were forced to marry each other." He said back.

"But you need to respect me as your wife!" She yelled.

"Would you shut up for awhile?!" He yelled back at her.

"Who am I to you? Why you do that to me?" She asked in a low tone, not expecting something soothing to hear.

"You are just a that always bothered me with problems. I hate you. That's the reason why I do this to you. I really hope that you could get out of my life!" He couldn't stop himself from saying those words. He want to say something opposite to it. But that's the things that came out of his mouth.

"Okay. I will. Thanks for everything. I just need to hear that words honestly from you." She smiled making him widened his eyes. She took her luggage and packed her clothes and thing in front of him. He looked at her with a wide eye.

"What are you doing?" He asked silently.

"Get out of your life, of course." She replied making his jaw dropped. He hold her wrist.

"I'm sorry. I don't know that I could say that to-"

"You don't. Your heart is the one who told that to me. Follow your heart. You're really hate me." She pushed his hands away.

"Please don't leave me." He said suddenly while staring at her action. She doesn't replied. She zipped her luggage then carried it and walked out of the room. Kris wrapped the towel around his waist then ran to her. He hold her wrists again and spun her around.

"Please. I'm sorry. I don't have any intention to say that." His breath hitched.

"No need to be sorry. It was my fault for being your wife. This is for you." She gave him a letter making him let go of her hands. She took the opportunity then walked out of the house leaving Kris. He watched her sillhoute that was threathening to disappear.

He hold the letter then started to cry. He walked to the couch then lay down while clutching the letter on his chest.

He opened the letter then started to read it.



When you are reading this I bet that I've already leave you alone so you could be happy. I knew it for so long that you've been cheating on me. I noticed that. But probably what can I do? You are not mine. You were forced to marry me.

For your information, I love you. I love you so much with all my heart. I don't know how I could fell in love with someone that doesn't love me. It's okay if you don't love me. I don't have the right to force you to love me, right?

When the first day we met , I started to like you. I remember that day clearly. The day we met at my house without our parents around. Eventhough you was so cold towards me, I don't care because you looked very cool in that way. How you treated me, even it's hurt, I don't care because I already like you that time.

I remember our wedding day, when you be my first kiss. That's the best moment in my life. Eventhough I knew you don't like the kiss, I'm okay as long as you're the one who kiss me. I remember how you was forced to dance with me at the party. I love it so much. The way you touched me, the way you hold me. I love it so much.

I still remember that one day when I saw you with another girl. She's beautiful. Much more beautiful than me. You seemed to like the way she talked instead of me. I saw you hugged her, I saw you kissed her, I saw you feed each other. I can't denied that I was so jealous that time. But, what can I do? I can't do it with you.

I knew that you was cheating on me for long time but I just kept quiet because I'm scare we might divorce. I just can't let go of you that time. I was deeply in love with you, my love. But now, I must move on. I need to give back your life to you. You can enjoy your life without the selfish me who want to claim you by myself.

You just need to remember one thing, I love you.

From your wife, Jwa Ho Sook.

After read her letter, he crumpled the letter then threw it away. He screamed as loud as he can. His precious wife left him.

"I love you. How can I not realise it earlier? You are beautiful. You are the kindest person in this world. I'm the stupid one. I'm fool for not realise your love, your beautiful face, your sacrifices. Come back to me." He mumbled while crying.

"I'm regret."

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britt29able1 #1
Chapter 1: This is so sad. Sequel please!!(:
Chapter 1: OMG!! im seriously crying my eyes out
Chapter 1: ajhfebercjs sequel please~ OuO