YoonJae's POV.

Experience of a Lifetime


Park YoonJae POV.
This wasn't supposed to happen. Why did it have to be Himchan? Anyone but him would have been better. I keep thinking to myself, 'What was he talking to her about earlier? Why did he have to touch her lips? Why did he have to show up now and ruin everything?'
"Yoonjae-ah~ should I cook for you tonight? You can bring those kids we went to the karaoke bar with last time. That was fun." She's looking at me so brightly. There's no way I could reject her offer, even in my current state of mind. I tighten my grip on the rag in my hand and force out a pleasant answer.
"Oh... Sure! That sounds great. I'll see if the guys are free tonight and let you know when we'll be there."
"Okay! See you later!" She waves and leaves.
I flop down into the chair next to me and sigh. Should I tell her? How can I tell her? Just be like, 'Oh... Himchan hyung-nim isn't just a regular customer, he's my brother's best friend from high school. We're actually pretty close too because he was my sunbae...' How can I say that to the girl I like knowing very well that she likes him? That would really ruin everything. What am I going to do? Himchan hyung-nim was definitely interested in her too. He even asked me what kind of drink he should buy and give to her. With his personality, he'll definitely come back in hopes of meeting her again. I shouldn't have told him she was a regular here. I sigh again, louder this time. 
The shop wasn't busy at this hour so I just sat there with my head down on the table. Thinking in silence for a few minutes.
"Ding ding ding!"
Oh, I got a text message. I bet it's noona asking what she should cook. I smiled just thinking about it. I took my phone out and saw it was from a strange number, so I continued on to the message.
*"It was nice seeing you today, kid. Let's keep in touch, okay? Oh and that girl... you two are really friends, right? Next time you hangout, be sure to invite me! Haha -Chanie hyung"*
I didn't reply right away. I needed to think about what to say. We ended up exchanging a few messages on my lunch break. I also contacted some of my friends for the dinner party. Most of them were busy but two could make it and they were excited.
Since Dani noona and I live right across the street from each other, I decided we would meet outside my building about 7pm so we could go to her place together.
*"Noona~ We'll meet outside my building about 7 and then go to your house, is that okay? There will be 4 of us."* I texted her.
*"Awe. It's a shame more people can't make it. Oh well, it'll be cozy with less people. Can't wait!! ^_^"*
I got off work at 4 so, I went straight home and showered. Then I spent almost an hour trying to choose an outfit. I don't know why I put so much effort into it. I'm pretty sure she won't even notice me tonight. I have a bad feeling about this. I'm really going to regret it. I'm starting to feel sick just thinking about this dreadful night.
I sat down on the sofa and stared out the window toward her apartment across the street, just a few floors higher than mine. I can't see inside but I can always see when the lights are on. She never opens the curtains in her bedroom unless she's cleaning but she never closes the curtains in the living room.
She never invites me over alone either. I wonder if she's like that with all guys... Or if that's just her way of not leading me on. Everything about her just makes me more and more curious.
I finally snap back to reality when my phone dings from across the room.
It's 6:58, someone's probably here by now. I grab my phone and head downstairs. Reading that last text message really eased my nerves. I greet one of my friends and we chit chat while waiting. Just a quick 4 minutes later and my other friend arrives so, we cross the street and catch the elevator up. 
Okay, boring chapter. I know but as I was rambling on I thought of a few things.
Hopefully it'll get better? Haha
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Chapter 1: Updateeeeee..... Himchan is so sweeet