Not that kind of girl...

Experience of a Lifetime

It sent chills down my spine and then, just that quick, he was gone...
"YoonJae-ah... Park YoonJae!" I call out without taking my eyes off the chair that Himchan was sitting in.
"What's up?" He walks over.
"Right now... This... This is a dream, right?" I look up at him.
"Park YoonJae, my one and only friend. Please tell me I'm not crazy, that all this is just a dream and I'll wake up any minute now. I'm dreaming, right?!"
He just stood there looking at me for a moment before replying "Noona, you're not dreaming... but you're not crazy either. B.A.P's Himchan really just bought you coffee..."
I look up at him, shocked.
"Then... You mean... There was really cream on my lips?! Ugh, oh my god! How embarrassing! How tacky! I'm not that kind of girl!" I whine.
YoonJae just laughs and wipes the table next to me while I flail about out of embarrassment.
"Don't worry, noona. Himchan hyung-nim probably thought it was charming. He's weird like that." He mocks.
"He's not weird, he's... li- wait a minute, 'hyung-nim'? I question.
He smirks, "You really thought you were my only regular customer?"
"Well, no... I just never expected that one of your regulars was a famous person. I guess I just assumed that you would tell me something like that..."
He looks guilty. I'm not trying to make him feel bad but honestly, my feelings are a little hurt. I mean, even after I told him that my ultimate K-pop biases were T.O.P, Himchan and Onew.
"Wait... you kept it a secret because you knew, didn't you?"
"Ah, Noona~~~" he pouts. "I'm sorry..."
This isn't something to get upset over. I shouldn't waste my energy on it. Nope, I won't. Today is going to be a good day!
There was a slight awkwardness between us for a moment. I think he was embarrassed and felt bad.
"Its fine, I probably would have kept it a secret too. No hard feelings." I just smiled and forgave him. There's no point in ruining a great friendship over something so trivial.
"Yoonjae-ah~ should I cook for you tonight? You can bring those kids we went to the karaoke bar with last time. That was fun."
"Oh... Sure! That sounds great. I'll see if the guys are free tonight and let you know when we'll be there." He replied awkwardly.
This kid has been asking me to cook for him for a few weeks now and since I'm not going to work today, I have enough time to go to the market. It's perfect! Now, what should I make? Hmm, I better get going.
"Okay! See you later!"
He smiles and waves as I leave the coffee shop.

Meh. It's really short and not so great but I felt like writing out of boredom. ^^

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Chapter 1: Updateeeeee..... Himchan is so sweeet