
Spring goes, Summer came.



s u n g g y u ;

I arrived at the school earlier than I usually am. There were not much students around and I took this opportunity to visit the music room. I arrived at the hall and heard a faint sound from the very end. I cautiously looked around and walked towards it. Who knows this may be like one of those thriller movies? I had my back against the wall and as I peeked through the small opening of the door, I saw her, playing the piano strikingly beautiful. I seemed to have inhaled a dust and sneezed suddenly. Her fingers stopped flowing to the keys and turned to the door.

“Who’s there?” she narrowed her eyes.

“J-Just me.” I want to appear strong but ended up stuttering as I open the door wider, bringing both of my hands up.

She smiled her brightest and laughed. “What are you doing here?”

“I’ve thought there might be someone here want to murder me.” My hand started scratching the back of my neck. Damn, why am I suddenly nervous?

“That’s weird.” She tilts her head to the side. “Why come after your murderer? You’re making his/her work easier to find you and kill you.”

I thought for it for a moment and realized how stupid can I be. I wanted to jump off a cliff now. I laughed it off and read her nametag. My lips can’t help it but curve into a wide smile. “Nice meeting you again, Eunji.”

If Chorong have found her prince, I might as well look for mine, since it was obviously she couldn’t be my princess.


w o o h y u n ;

“Wohyon.” Chorong called out with a full mouth.

“Hmm?” I answered, raising a brow.

“Woohyun.” She called out again, but with a precise pronunciation.

“Yes?” I answered her again, still not looking.

And suddenly, I felt her warm hands against my cheeks, cupping my face. I looked at her straight in the eyes. She was pouting. “I was calling you.”

“I heard it.” I grinned.

“But you won’t look at me.”

“Chorong.”  She blinked twice before I continued. “What do you really feel about me?”

Her hands slowly drop from my face, but her brown orbs linger to my direction.


c h o r o n g ;

I repeated that question again and again in my head. What do I really feel about him? About Woohyun? I met him months after I’ve met Sunggyu and in an instant we became best of friends, sharing secrets, advices, games to each other. He was a person easy to get along with to. But since when did we start feeling differently to each other?

It’s during that moment when everything was falling out in place. I’ve seen it with my own eyes how the cars tumbled on the road and causes fire. I was unlocking my door to run towards my best friend inside of one of the cars but my mother won’t let me and keeps on shouting at me. I cried so hard, so hard that it ruins my favorite dress. Sunggyu was beside me and keeps on shaking me at the same time, trying to calm me down, but the only thing I could think of was him and his safety.

We arrived at the building filled with people walking in a white gown, I also saw people crying at one place and happily jumping at the other. I tugged on Sunggyu’s hand and we kept on walking until we reached a door with the name of my best friend. I watched him lying down at the bed with strings all over his body. It aches my heart seeing him at this condition and once they’ve finished talking to him, they went out and breathe a fresh air, leaving two of us behind.

“Have you heard what I’ve told you when you were at the hospital?”

Woohyun scrunches his forehead together, giving it a deep thought. I chuckled at his expression and smiled softly. “What I’ve felt about you?”

“I’m sorry that I can’t save you at that time. Whenever I thought about losing you, it feels like I’ll lose everything else. I’ve never felt like this to anyone else before even if Sunggyu oppa. I’ve come to realize that he is more a dear brother to me as we grew up. I’ve never seen him as the man who would guide me in the aisle. Because all I see was you. I love you.”

I felt his thumb caressing my cheeks as the tears flowed down and I’ve felt his soft lips against mine, kissing me gently.

“I love you too, Park Chorong.”


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Chapter 5: oooh~ niceeeee~ <3
Chapter 5: Oh my god, ur story is very touching and beautiful authornim!
Two thumbs up for u!
I wanna cry T_T
mrschenchen #3
Chapter 5: i love your story very much!!! Gyurong couple is the best!
Update soon authornim!
Hope for WooRong!