
Spring goes, Summer came.





s u n g g y u ;

I let out a hearty laugh at her reaction. I love how her intimidating eyes carving holes to my head right now. It wasn’t really in purpose that I caused her to be in that condition, if it wasn’t for her mother who was frantically agitated on how her daughter wasn’t still at home and it was past her curfew time. Even though how many times I have told her that she was only with a friend, she doesn’t buy any of the other reasons and thinking about the worst case scenario considering of what happened in the past. I was left with no choice but to bring her home, myself.

I searched the whole town and even contacted my own friends if they caught sight of her. Bomi, the friend whom she was supposed to be with, replied that she already left their residence an hour ago. “Maybe she took the detour on the way home.” I made a quick U-turn even before the stoplight turns into red. I knew where she would be. I muttered under my breath as I accelerated, making a right turn at the next street and in a minute, I finally noticed the familiar figure standing beside the road. I made an abrupt stop, never intending the puddle of water to be splashed on her way.

As I rolled down the window, the smell of the earth made through my nose, making me realize that the rain has just stopped. I unlocked the doors and spoke in a higher tone, audible enough for her to hear. “Get in.”

She crossed her arms against her chest, not leaving those eyes towards mine. “No.”

That answer doesn’t surprise me; I already expected it. “Don’t let me carry you from there.” And that just gave her self in.

She harshly closed the door beside her, which made me frown. If this girl ever breaks my baby, I’ll break her piano seriously. Instead of having that classic bickering between us, I tossed my phone on her lap and started driving back. “Contact your mother. She’s been extremely worried.”


c h o r o n g ;

We arrived at the house not less than an hour if it’s not because of his mad driving skills. I almost throw up at the moment I stepped out of the car.

“CHORONG-AH!” As I turned around, I was welcomed back by the comforting arms of my mother. I felt my shoulders getting wet once again and I spotted that she was crying. I slowly pulled away and watched how she wipes her tears by her hands.


She weakly smiled and I have come to realize that she’s been aging day by day. Her hair is turning gray one after another. It scares me if one day, my nightmare will turn into reality. “I’m sorry, I was just… I thought something… Chorong... I’m sorry.”

I put a hand on her shoulder, shaking my head. I was supposed to be the one apologizing but embarrassed to do so. “Let’s have a drama marathon tonight!” I heard a snicker from behind and I almost forgot that we were not alone and he was leaning on his car, watching with an amused grin.

“Sunggyu-ah, thank you for everything.” My mother made a ninety-degree bow.

He returned the bow and his smile this time was making his eyes disappear. “I’ll be taking my leave now.”

Somehow, I wanted to tell him something. But in the end, I held back my words and watched how the car disappears in sight.



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Chapter 5: oooh~ niceeeee~ <3
Chapter 5: Oh my god, ur story is very touching and beautiful authornim!
Two thumbs up for u!
I wanna cry T_T
mrschenchen #3
Chapter 5: i love your story very much!!! Gyurong couple is the best!
Update soon authornim!
Hope for WooRong!