Call Me, Maybe?


Sehun throws a penny in a well and wishes for kisses. He walks home with his hands in his pocket, nothing in mind as he eyes the road careful to jump on the pot holes. He counts his steps, there is exactly 300 steps from the well to his house. And by the time he has reached 300, Sehun looks up. He takes another step, not to go into his house but to the neighbour's house.


He meets his new neighbour, ripped jeans, skin was showing. He stares right at his new neighbour and with his 20 seconds of confidence. He in his breathe, opens his mouth and Luhan grins. "Hey Luhan. I just met you and this is crazy but here is my number so call me maybe?"

Sehun slaps the crumpled paper in Luhan's hand.

Sehun walks back, ears turning red with each step and Luhan tries not to grin so wide.


Sehun gets a call that night from an unknown number. He picks it up hoping it's Luhan.


"I'll pick you up tomorrow at 7."

Luhan hangs up and Sehun let's everything sink it before blasting 'Call Me Maybe.'

He screams, "You are the best Carly Rae." He must've screamed loud because he could hear Luhan laughing and coughing from his window.

Sehun shrugs. "Oh well!" He giggles, holding his phone close and sleeping with a smile on his face.


Jesus, the things I write about.

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color_of_life1997 #1
Chapter 1: Lolololololol i'll never get tired of this, woman!! xDDDDD