Review Sample

~SEOMATE~ Review Shop (CLOSED)




Title (?/10)

Is the title appropriate? Interesting? Related to the story? Sensible? These are all criterias I judge on. After all, the title is the first impression a reader has for the whole story! Who would bother to read it if it's bad and obscured? So it definitely worths 10 marks!



Description & Foreword (?/15)

A reader looks at the description and foreword when he/she clicks into a story. It would not help a single bit if it is too vague and uninteresting. He/she would not continue on if it is not well-writen, unable to translate the essence of the story or explain a writer's reasons for creating the story.


Content & Plot (?/30)

The heart of the story. Everything is based on the plot. No one will subscribe or continue on if it's unrealistic, boring, repetitive, not up-to-speed and so on. So, it's pretty much crucial that an author scores this part! I'm pretty sure everyone agrees with me on this part. Things that grab my attention are plot twists and ups-and-downs. Every chapter should be interesting, whether the author is trying to make it slow/fast paced. If one intends to take it slow, make sure every chapter is long enough to be a crucial scene instead of a filler.


Characters (?/15)

A character (s) is the soul of the story if the plot is its heart. A story cannot be without a character and an author must learn to bring the characters to life, whether they are idols/ulzzangs/OC. With all the reviews focusing on Seohyun's stories, I'm obviously looking for a Seohyun that is quite true to her own character: shy, hard-working, persevering, loving, down-to-earth... So don't be surprised if you get a low mark for being too deviated from her true character. For others, I will be looking at likability and realisticness (Of course 'likability' does not apply to antagonists of the story). 


Style (?/10)

An author must have style and flair if he/she is to write a kick- story that grabs the readers' heart and soul. This part is hard to explain but let's just say that an author who can get his/her story published must have a unique style of their own. One can't just straightly narrate a story without any adjectives, that's just the most basic thing you can do. So do whatever it takes to make the story interesting.


Grammar (?/10)

A story filled with grammar mistakes is just not cute. Make up your mind with present and past tenses. I understand that not everyone has perfect english but try your best. Finding a beta-reader or reading it over at least once makes all the difference. Do not make an excuse to be lazy. 


Appearance (?/5)

That's how the story looks. Are there posters? Background pictures? Are the fonts and size large enough for a reader to read comfortably? Is the color too pale to be clear? This all makes a difference in the reader's mind.


Overall Enjoyment (?/5)

My view on the overall story. Is it good, bad or mediocre? Hopefully, you'll be pleased with your score.



Total score: ?/100



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Hi...I need you help.
1. We Were In Love
2. Romance and friendship
3. Taecsica
5. Malay
6. Beta-read (Grammar correction only)

Please help me and thank you (^_^)
Hi! Can u please review my fanfic?
1. My Bestfriend's Wedding
2. Romance
3. Seokris/Seolay
5. English
6. Review

Please and thank you!
1. Origami Airplanes
2. Romance
3. SeoKai
5. Tagalog
6. Review

Thank you ^^
1. Sheer Arrogance
2. Angst, Romance, Fluff.
3. SeoKai/BaekSeo/ChanSeo.
5. English
6. Review
Thankyouuu in advance ^^
Chapter 3: Thanks for the review! ^^ it's really nice to see critique of my work :) You put a lot of work in so I'm actually gery satisfied with my score ^^
I honestly wanted to deviate from the personalities a little bit, everyone expects Seohyun to be calm and collected in all situations - its kind of unrealistic. Everyone blows at one point, she just did it at a bad time.
Though I do understand, since I like to read stories that reflect the character's real life personality as well, I did want to drift away a bit lol
Chapter 4: OMG ! Thanks for the fast review , cause I wanted some comments before I update it again , and thanks !
Chapter 2: 1. SuSeohan radio
2. Fluff comedy
3. Seohan , SeoHo
5. English
6. Review !
Can you do this alittle faster ? So that I can update my story
1. The Folded Wind
2. Angst, Romance
3. SeoKris
5. English/ Vietnamese
6. Review
Thanks hun! I meant to send this earlier but got really busy and never found time to get on AFF
Chapter 2: Whoaaaa..these things are really helpful! I'll definitely go here first if ever I need help ♡
Chapter 2: Another one I need a review there is 3 chapter ?
Story name : Is our virtual marriage possible ?
Genre : I dont know too ~
Pairings : SeoHo , Yongseo ~
Story links :
First language : English
Service required : Beta , review ~