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So I wake up because the sunshine come in to my room, I open my eyes  little by little

"Good morning agasshi, how's your sleeping?" I open my eyes widely when I hear man voice near me

The I look around I found Joe in my room standing beside the door

"Nee.. Good morning to you too. So how come you can go inside my room?"

"Actually I was outside in your room all night. That's part of my job too agasshi"

"So you don't sleep?" I ask stupidly 

"Ofcourse I sleep. There's another guard for the night shift"

I just noded

Then I stretch up myself and still wandering around this room I open my glass door and walk out to the balcony

Ah I really like the fresh air in here.. Eventhough it's in Seoul in metropolitan city but my house has a lot of trees..

This morning is a bit freezing but the sun still shinning int his cold morning..


"So, dou you have any plan to do today agasshi?" Joe walk towards me

"Hemm.. I don't know Joe. I'm not familiar in here, can you show me around this big house first?"

"My pleasure agasshi"


So me and Joe walk outside and go down to the first floor. And Joe started to point here and there and tell me the name of the room..

My dad have  A LOT of rooms! He even have a music room and a games room with 2 sets of bowling inside and he has 2 swimming pool (one indoor and the other is on the outdoor) I have gym inside my house and a total big kitchen! My mom will really love that part because she like to cook.


Well I even remember what else that I have inside this house and when I realized we already in the backyard of the house. I have a small fountain and a comfy gazebo in the middle of the backyard and there's a stuff for BBQ and garden lamp in everyside. Big tree planted almost in every corner of this backyard.. I really love this house, it's green and it's cmfortable and quiet from the crowded of the city.


"Joe, did my dad always live alone in here or maybe he already has a wife before?" 'I'm so curious about it, I can't handle it anymore'
"Your dad has a wife before, they're really a lovey dovey couple. Altough yo

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nice story ^^
Chapter 9: Oh! I just love it! hahaha update soon! ^^ fighting~
Chapter 6: author-nim. i demand you to continue this ASAP xD i really cant wait for the next chapter :3
Omg I love your writing style! This is awesome :) keep writing <3