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Park Yoo Ri POV

(You're talking in English because you're still in USA now)

"Rachel are your things are packed yet?" your mom asked you

"Yes mom, it's all ready"

YES! today is my moving day.. I'm going to move to Seoul in South Korea. You see it's SEOUL everyone!! SEOUL!! Well, in the other side i'm sad but in the same way I'M SO HAPPY!! I'm totally into korean things nowadays well scratch that I mean I'm into korean things this past few YEARS not DAYS!


"Put your thing inside the car and bring your luggage to the car"

"Okay mom!" I'm shouting from my room in second floor

So I help myself to put my own things inside the car that will delivered our things to Seoul and then I bring my luggage to the car and put in the backside of my mother's friend car.

I go back to my room to checking for the last time if there maybe things that left in there. I see my entire room, it's quiet big and I have a great window that sunshine can came to my room all the time. It just empty and suddenly I feel uneasy feeling in my heart. It just empty like my heart. 

Suddenly I remember every moment that I spent in that room. Sad and happy time always been there. I remember my dad bring me to my bed and he started to read a bed time story to me because I never want to sleep once I already play with him. And now I already turning a teenagers that hate chessy things because of something happened in my life that made me hard to believe about LOVE. 


"Rachel, what are you doing here? I keep calling

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nice story ^^
Chapter 9: Oh! I just love it! hahaha update soon! ^^ fighting~
Chapter 6: author-nim. i demand you to continue this ASAP xD i really cant wait for the next chapter :3
Omg I love your writing style! This is awesome :) keep writing <3