Chapter 1- The First Encounter

Betraying or Being Betrayed?
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Our first meeting was pretty normal. It was at the first day of high school and we happened to be seatmates.

He had caught my eye the second I saw him so I was very content of the seat arrangement.

A happy “Hi!” was the first thing he had said to me.

Then he had offered his hand saying “I’m Jung Daehyun.”

God, even his name was wonderful. And his satoori dialect…

Simply, I was going nuts because of my seatmate named Jung Daehyun. I wanted to know him better.

“I’m Yoo Youngjae.” I took his hand and shook it, my smile never disappearing from my face.

The first impression was important, I knew it and I wanted to leave a good first impression on him. So that he would think that I was very friendly, which I clearly wasn’t.

I had given my other classmates cold stares whenever they tried to come near our seat. I didn’t want to be bothered by annoying girls or even more annoying boys. I wanted to make the best out of my time together with my seatmate, and that meant he wasn’t allowed to talk to others in my dictionary.

Of course, he didn’t know that and he still doesn’t know it. He had just thought that the others were rude bastards that didn’t even bother to introduce themselves and being the stubborn guy he was –even his stubbornness was attracting me to him- he had refused to take the first step.

It took me three ing months to get to know him almost perfectly. I say almost, because I knew that he had some hidden secrets even when we he had claimed that we were the best of friends.

He was someone stubborn, that was the first thing I had learned about him and it was at the first day of school.

He was touchy, he liked hugging and kissing people’s cheeks. But I never saw him getting near to someone who he

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Chapter 3: Mother of god.. How could they? O_o
Chapter 3: Sequel? ^0^;;
Chapter 3: In my eyes, it's both of them...
Daehyun was never exactly - as far as I can see it - nice to Youngjae in a way that made him secure, so when Himchan came along and Daehyun was spending seemingly more and more time with Himchan, it pushed Youngjae to feel how he did...

However, Youngjae should have never enlisted a woman to make Daehyun jealous when their relationship was already close to snapping... And he should have been more honest to Daehyun that he wanted more time with him, too etc.

You know what I mean? :(
Chapter 3: I think none of them is a betrayer, they just failed to comunicate. But it seemed like dae didnt feel too much for jae since he just let it go so easily...
Chapter 3: its quite written well, although I feel like some garbage can now o-o I know about sad endings; as far as I should I guess - but the story feels empty...
The writing pattern was good, but something is missing in the plot. No- im not exactly saying I wanted Daejae kiss to happy end; but .. it feels like too much emotion pored into a feeble relationship; which I don't quite understand... D:
Sorry if I sound rude, but I'm just speaking my mind.
I feel empty?

LOL. Maybe that was your plan... who knows?
Chapter 3: For me, the real betrayer is Daehyun.
Ugh. He's too self-centered and oblivious of Youngjae's feelings.
Asdjiawdajd *throws a grenade on no*
Everything was just too quick.

Anyway, this was written well and I couldn't ask for more because the story was just right. <3
Thanks for this story and thumbs up!
Chapter 2: For now it feels like dae is just trying to get his own back on jae... oh no!
This is thrilling. I can't wait~~
Update soon juseyo ; u ;