Chapter 2

Candy Wrappers

C h a p t e r   2


"Lunch is almost over.I guess we should go." Luhan said,but he still couldn't wipe the uneasiness that surrounded him.


Luhan headed out the door and took a few steps before turning around again. 

The girl looked up from her shoes and smiled a bit before walking up and ahead of him. He was thinking to much, she seem to normal. What type of problem does she could have? How could people be so judgmental? First of all, he was the one who really didn't believe it. Why is he questioning himself?

He shook the thought away and walked back to class. As he walk in through the doorway he nearly slipped, but caught himself before he could and walked in and took a seat next to Haeri. The teacher would come soon so, he took out his materials and turn to Haeri to see she was dripping wet. Her wet shirt could almost be seen through and he quickly turned away from her. He quickly reached into his backpack and pulled his jacket and placed it over her shoulders.

Haeri turned towards him and smiled before turning back towards the board. He shrugged and took the smile as a thank you.

The teacher walked in and glanced at Haeri, he just shook his head slightly and started to teach the lesson.


Luhan's Point Of View


Throughout the whole day, I just thought up what type of problem she has. I can't forget about it. Because everywhere I go I hear about it. It's hard to forget it.




At the end of class, I followed Haeri out of school campus and to where ever she was going. It didn't take long until she finally noticed and me and asked why I was following her.

"Why are you following me?" She asked calmly, a smile was in her voice.

"I'm just following you." I answered and she smiled.

"Why are you follow me?" She asked once more.


"You want to know what's my problem is, right?" She cut me off and my heart stopped. How did she know? 

"How did-"

"Everyone wants to know. Everyone want to know what's little Haeri's problem is." She said every word dripped with sharp rocks.

"Well, its none of my business but I just want to know what everyone is talking about." 

"Hm. Thought so." She said and turned around leaving me to catch up with her.

"I don't want to seem like a rude, but I'm just curious." I said with a small shrug.

"If you're curious. You should be able to find out yourself." She said coldly and I'm shocked and surprised by her sudden character change.

"Give me hints." I asked, maybe she would. Maybe, she won't.

"Why should I? I know you are like those other people. Once you know, you won't let me live peacefully on earth. Only when it drives me to hell. That's when you guys will leave me alone." 

I was shocked. The smile girl was gone. And replaced with a whole new person. This person was nothing like that girl in the janitor's room. 


I watched as she flung off my jacket and toss it to the ground. "Just leave me alone."


Sorry for taking so long. And For the shot chapter ; u ;. Double update it is. 




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NaddyNadiah #1
Chapter 2: Update soon~~ new reader and subscriber~ love it ♥♥♡♡
DriBSK #2
Chapter 2: Luhan is smart. He'll figure it out. =)

But I'm confused. the other people in school know what is wrong with her? or do they just think something is wrong but don't know exactly what?
DriBSK #3
Chapter 1: Hi again hihihi.
OMO this left me really curious. What secret does that girl have?
And if everyone treated Luhan well cause he was goodlooking why didn't they do the same with Tao? Isn't he atractive too? blind people, blind people I say XD.

Hmmm, I just recently started getting into Exo. I hear k-pop for a while now and tend to just stay faithfull to my first groups. and at first I thought EXO was just a clever way created by SM to promote a group in two diferent countrys easily. and even thought they wouldnt be talented. Boy, was I wrong.

I'm just getting to know them but I really like Chen's personality and I like Chanyeol very much too. But in terms of looks I a total er for Lay's dimples *.* so dreamy xD

(Sorry for the long rant.
good start on your fic. keep it up ^^)
Chapter 1: please update soon, i'm curious about the next story =3
SmileLikeAnIdiot #5
Thanks for the message on your foreword~ ♥ e u e
DriBSK #6
I'm intrigued.
I've subscribed and am waiting for the story.