Chapter 3

-당신은 아름다워요♦You'Re BeautifuL♦당신은 아름다워요-










Chapter 3:

No one ever said forgiving was easy, but not impossible either.


당신은 아름다워요You're Beautiful ♦ 당신은 아름다워요

Earlier in the day....

 Jeong Min Jun (your uncle), walked through the hospital's halls with his precious finacee next to him who gave him information of his new patient. He couldn't really concentrate on work when he was around her. Her beauty was just too much for him and all he could do is feel lucky for having someone like her. Her soft voice was like a sweet song that he wished he could hear all day. Her beautiful smile was like the sun, so bright and cheerful. 

"Ya! Min Ju-ah! Are you listening?" She asked as she pouted. Min Ju chuckled at her cuteness and shook his head.

"Mianheyo jagi. You're just too beautiful." He confessed and she blushed deeply.

"Jagi-ah concentrate." She told him adding a smile. Min Ju nodded and they came across a room where his new patient awaited. 

"I have to go add some information at the computer, I'll be back." She informed Min Ju. He nodded that he understood and walked inside the room. He came to face a small boy, around the age of five who looked down at the ground. He looked up to meet a kind looking stranger that smiled at him. Min Ju's smiled dissappeared when he noticed that his small face resembled someone who he had no intentions of ever seeing again. That undesirable resemblence began to flood in memories of the past. Min Ju was suddenly in agony and as much as the memories pained him, he endured it. The child looked away, his thumb as he wondered who the stranger was in fornt of him.

"So you're Cho Young Jin?" Min Ju asked the innocent child who met his gaze again. Min Ju was taken aback when he saw the child's beady eyes. He gulped and continued on with his job, ignoring the thought of the man who he was now thinking of. 

"I'm doctor Jeong, the one who will be checking to see if you're in good shape!" He introduced himself to the younger boy. Young Jin, the boy, hesitated before taking the hand of the stranger before him. Min Ju forced a smile, since after all the child was most likely faultless. The boy felt his heart at ease, his innocence not yet knowing the difference between sincerity and dishonesty, and returned an innocent smile. Min Ju felt calm at the moment until he heard a voice that changed him in the same second.

"Min Ju? Jeong Min Jun?" A man asked, stepping foward from the shadows of the room. Min Ju froze at the sound of the voice recognizing it imediatley. He broke the connection with the child's eyes and slowly turned to meet with the man's eyes.

Unfortunatley he was right about before.

The child's resemblence did come from who he thought of.

The resemblence of a murder.

Cho Chi Won, you're father.

Everything about this child resembled his father, causing him to have a slight pity for the boy. 

Without breaking the eye conncetion he prepared to call his fiancee.

"Yoo Rim-ah!" He yelled. 

Yoo Rim came rushing in, looking at her fiancee who wasn't gazing back.

"Ne, Doctor Jeong?" She asked in a gentle voice.

"Please ask someone else to check this patient." Min Ju muttured

She looked at him anxiously and stepped foward. "May I know your reasons?" 

"I have to deal with something right now." Min ju answerd coldly. Yoo Rim had a bad feeling about this. She knows her fiancee too well and she knows he might do something idiotic but still decided to follow his orders.

"Ne, arasso." Smiling at the younger one, she grabbed the boy's hand and made a hasty exit from the room. Only Min Ju and your father were alone in the room. 

"How have you been?" He asked, stepping closer to Min Ju. Instead of answering formally, Min Ju answered with a scoff followed by a chuckle. His expression changed to a serious face and glared at the other man.

"How's a human's life without the people he loves?" He asked. Chi Won felt pain inside him and he sighed.

"You don't know the real truth Min Ju-ah." He murmured. 

"The truth is clear and there's evidence. You made a child with the woman you were cheating on my sister. You killed my sister, Chi Won, and I'll never forgive you. You took away the only sister I had."

"I re-married after her death. " he corrected Min Ju. "I never cheated-"

"Oh really? So the photo of you kissing that isn't true? Are you saying the man in that picture isn't you?" Min Ju stepped closer, amazed at Chi Won's lies.

"I'll tell you everything, just please listen-"

"i don't need to listen to a bastard like you. You killed my sister and that's that. Aside of that, you caused my father a heart attack. I don't need to hear any of your lies." Min Ju was beggining to leave but Chi Won grabbed his arm. 

"Please listen. Min Jun I didn't cheat, I loved-"

"You didn't love my sister. If you did then you wouldn't have done such thing." Min Ju snarled.

"Min Jun, its wrong. Everything, every detail you know is wrong. I'm inn-"

Min Ju's laugh interrupted him and he turned to face Chi Won who was at the verge of crying. 

"Shut up." Min Ju ordered him.


"SHUT UP!" He yelled, planting a punch on Chi Won's  face. Min Ju inhaled deeply, trying his best to calm down. His hands were curled into fists while Chi Won placed his hand on his busted lip. A small stream of blood oozed out of his lip and he tried to not show any sign of pain.

"I can prove my innocence if you listen." He begged.

"The last thing I want is to listen to your lies." Min Ju snapped. "Nurse Kim!" He called to the second nurse. A perky small woman walked inside. 

"Ne, doctor?"

"Make sure Choi Young Jin transfers to a different hospital. He'll be better at another hospital rather than this one." Min Ju said. The nurse felt concerned of the doctor's reasons but simply bowed and left.

Min Ju took one last look at the murder before departing. 

"Min Ju..." Chi Won called for him. 

"Don't you ever appear in front of my eyes again." Min Ju snarled.

He walked put of the room and left the hospital to get fresh air. On his way, he came across a wall which he punched violently. Unexpected tears rolled down his flushed cheeks. 

I shouldn't have let him go. I should have killed him.

He sobbed as people walked by and watched him anxiously. Yoo Rim, who followed him out, ran to his side and conforted hm.

"Min Ju-ah." She called him. She hated seeing him like this. Without hesitation, she pulled him to her and hugged him.

"Just let it out Min Ju. It'll hurt less."

Those word made him tear more up and he burried his face in her shoulder. Moments passed before she realsed him. She wiped the dried tears under his puffy red eyes and smiled.

"C'mon. Lets take you home." She brushed his cheek and grabbed Min ju's hand, leading him to his car.

"i'll drive." She murmured. Soon they headed to min Ju's home.


당신은 아름다워요♦ You're Beautiful ♦ 당신은 아름다워요


Your heart beated at an incredible pace as you panicked.

Andwe...Its not can't be...

Picking up the phone, you lighlty pressed it to your ear and only listened, without responding.

"Yoboseo? Daehyun?" He called for you. You cupped your mouth and nose with your hand so that no noises coming from you could be heard.

"Daehyun-ah please respond. I need to see you." The man on the other end sobbed. You almost gave in but decided to only keep listening.


The phone was suddenly snatched violently from you. You looked up to find an angered uncle who had the phone already placed on his ear. A familiar woman, recognized as Yoo Rim, stood besides him, worriedley.

"I already warned you didn't I? Don't you dare reveal yourself in front of us. This includes Kyuhuyn. If I ever see you near them or me I'll kill you. You don't deserve forgiveness. Arasso? Don't you ever come near us again!" He threatened him and slammed the phone on the table. You and Yoo Rim jumped in surprise and he looked at both of you.

"Minaheyo, Daehyun. I didn't think you'll come this early so i didn't make any food. Are any of you hungry, because I am. I'll make you both something so just give me a few minutes plese." He murmured. 

He walked to the kitchen and began to grab ingredients. You looked at Yoo Rim who was bitting her lip. She was worried of Min Ju, and you couldn't deny the fact that you were too. Both of you walked to the kitchen and sat down on the table's chairs.

"How was your first day of school?" He asked you.

"It was alright I guess." You smoothly lied. To a surprised he bought it, knowing how terrible of a liar you are. 

"Don't worry. Everything will get better." He smiled and turned back to the ingredients. Your attention wasn't on him anymore but on the beige phone that was sitting quietly on the table. You continuesly stared at the phone thinking about the man who called earlier. You didn't dare call this murder father nor did you dare to answer him. You can't bear the thought of having to see or hear him. You can't even hear his name without feeling so much anger. Although he's your mother's murder, you have to accept the fact that he is father. You looked away and turned to your uncle who was already cooking. The room was filled with the dinner's scent which honestly made your stomach growl, but you ignored it as you stood up. 

"I'll be in my room if you need anything." You informed him. He simply nodded and you turned to Yoo Rim, bowing before departuring.

"geuleom, i'll be in my room." (Then, I'll be in my room)

You walked upstairs, dragging your numb body. Entering your room, you locked the door so that no one would barge in and disturb you. You climbed to your bed and layed down thinking about what just happened. 


            Why after all of these years you decided to call? Maybe...just maybe I could have forgiven you back then but its too late now. You should have stayed quiet like you've had before.

A loud sigh escaped your lips and you sat up, holding your temples. All of this was only causing you a headache. Grabbing your covers and laptop, you hid under and began to check your email. You had a new message from an unknown person.


kingas5_SM5? That's a weird name. Who could that be?


This is the warning mark. Don't meddle with others if you don't want anything bad to happen to you.

You chuckled, not feeling threatened at all. There isn't a reason you should right? You can defend yourself when you have to.

You suddenly received a new message from your American friend, Stephen.


From: Stephen_559

At 6:05 PM

Guess what?! In a few days I'll be moving to Korea! I'm so happy! You must be too, huh bunny? I'll be waiting for your reply. I'll tell you the time that I'll be arriving when I know since I expect you to pick me up. I need a place to stay in, don't you think? XD well I'll be counting the days that I have until I arrive. See you then!

You finished reading the message and the ends of your full lips curved upwards. 

I will be waiting Stephen...

You logged out and began to search random things. Its what you usually do when you feel like you don't have anything better to do. There was one thing that caught your eye:


 FX member, Amber, will appear in a drama that

will be coming this here for more






You gasped when you noticed Amber's name and clicked on the link to read more.

F(X) member, Amber, will appear in a drama coming this fall called Remeber me. The drama is about a girl and a boy who were friends but after the boy, Joon Hyun debuts in a KPOP group, they start drifting apart. The girl, Byung Hee, parents pass away in a car accident and Byung Hee decides to leave Korea. She leaves Korea to America and ten years pass. She comes back to meet her old best friend who is now a different person. Joon Hyun is suffering from amnesia, which means he doesn't remeber his past. Byung Hee's mission is to help him remember his memories. But what happens when this KPOP star starts to fall for his boyish best friend? Will his memories ever come back?

You smiled and began to imagine Amber in a Korean Drama.

That's so cool. I never knew she was a KPOP star...

You closed your laptop and placed it on your dresser, laying back down in bed for a few seconds before you began to get ready for bed.

After showering and brushing your teeth, you went to the kitchen and found your uncle and Yoo Rim watching TV together as they snuggled on the couch. 

"Goodnight." You murmured and head back to your room. Closing the door softly behind you, you turned off the lights and jumped on your bed.

Before drifting off, you gazed up at the night sky searching for the brightest star. After a while you came to a decision that allstars  looked the same and you just stared.

Umma...what is my destiny? Will I meet someone soon that will change me or have I already met that person? Will I still be alive tomorrow? What will become of me in the future? Do you think...I'll ever reconcile with my father? 

You sighed and chuckled in fustration.

"I must be crazy huh? How can I reconcile with a murder?" Your shoulders deflated as you sighed again.

"Then, what should I do?" You asked the sky. As usual, there was no reply but its not like you expected one either. 

You slid into your covers and closed your eyes. 

What is my destiny?

That was your last thought before you appeared in a different world.  

                                                                                                            A world called your fate.

He was there, already waiting for me. He was motionless, only starting at the purple-black sky. The only light there was the moonlight, which spin like a top, only in a much slower motion. The air was freezing, which caused me to hide my face under the thick silk scarf that I wore around my small neck. Everything was different, life has accelerated 5 years from now. My hair wasn’t the short black hair I knew anymore. Amber ringlets were crested neatly on my head, matching with my rosy cheeks. I walked closer to the unknown man and smiled. I seemed to have already known him in my dream but in reality, he was a mere stranger. He felt my presence and turned around. I gasped and his smile grew wider stepping closer to me. 
“Wae? Blinded by my beauty?” He teased and chuckled. 
He wasn’t a mere stranger anymore. He’s someone who I dislike in the real world. Someone who surely I will never fall in love with. But why all of the sudden am I dreaming of him?
“Do you remember? We kissed here once. It was under the full moon and it snowed. Your cheeks were as rosy as ever. It was around the time that I knew you were the one.” He placed his cold palm on my cheeks. 
“You’re still the warm Daehyun I know.” He whispered, before pulling me to him. His strong arms held me to him and he tightened his grip.
“Promise me you’ll love me forever.” He murmured as he let me go slowly. I smiled and nodded placing my hands on his face.
“I’ll always love you. No matter what. I’ll never leave you again.” 
His eyes watered and one by one tears fell slowly. I wiped them away and he brought his face closer to mine. Soon our lips met, moving passionately against each others. It seemed as we’ve kissed before but still need each other desperately. I didn’t realize that it had started to snow. The kiss was exactly like five years ago.
I promise to always love you. Whether its in this life time or the next, I’ll always love you….
                                                                                                                                                                     ….Lee Tae Min


당신은 아름다워요♦ You're Beautiful ♦ 당신은 아름다워요

Next day...


Ring! Ring! Ring!

You woke up at the sound of your phone. You had a feeling of awkwardness and shruddered at the thought of your dream.

I must be going crazy....I can't love him. Thats impossible. That's right. I'll-

Ring! Ring! Ring!

You was startled when the ringtone interrupted your thoughts and looked at the screen.

초 규 현:


You answered the phone quickly with a smile.


"Anneyong Donseang! Its me Eunhyuk. What took you so long to answer?"

"Oh anneyong. Mianhe I was just..asleep. Is something wrong?" You were slightly disappointed that it wasn't your brother but still glad to hear Eunhyuk's voice. 

"Aniyo. I just wanted to hear my bunny's voice. I'm using donseang's phone, heheh. He doesn't know that I'm using it. Are you on your way to school?"

"Ani. I barely woke up."

"Oh Minahe. I thought you would be awake already." "Ya Eunhyuk! What are you doing?" You heard your brother's faint voice.


"Annyeong donseang. I was wondering where my phone had went. How have you been? How was your first day of school?"

"I've been well. School is alright I guess. And you oppa?"

"I'm good. I miss you though. Too bad I can't take you today to school. Lee soo Man isn't going to allow me since I have a busy schedule today."

"Arasso oppa. I miss you too. I hope I see you soon."

"Let me talk to her now!" Eunhyuk's impatient voice was heard. You smiled and sighed.

"I have to go donseang. Sarangheo, arasso? You'll see me again, don't worry."  "Bunny, sarangheo!" "Hyung give me my phone-" The call ended and you stared at your phone, suddenly feeling empty.

I miss you oppa...

You sighed and began to get ready for school. You walked downstairs realizing that the house was empty. There was a note on the refridgerator.


  아침에 내가 좋아하는 조카를 잘! 죄송합니다 

 오늘은 일찍 떠날 수 있습니다. 됐건, 내가 안에 

        아침 식사를 떠났다.좋은 하루 되세요! ^^   

      - 당신의 삼촌은              



Good Morning my favorite niece! Sorry I have
leave early today. Anywho, I left breakfast
  inside. Have a great day!
  -Your Uncle


Babo uncle. I'm your only niece...

You smiled and opened the refridgerator where a small plate was seen. Grabbing your breakfast, you ate it fast before running out of the house. 


The early day day was humid and cloudless which seemed to match the day. Before you were two roads that led to the school and with hesitation,you decided to take the road that was most taken. Along the way, you passed by many bloomed flowers and bright green patches of grass.

No wonder so many people take this road...its so pretty!

You were almost inside the school now, you realized, when you stood in front of the familiar gates which led inside the school. The gates creaked as they opened, allowing yourself to come in. Not a single student was seen at all and you only met a few people along the way. It didn't take long for you to notice that you were earlier than it seemed. You walked towards your classroom, not a single teacher upstairs seen, including Mr.Lee. You invited yourself inside the classroom, walking over to your desk. 

But there was something wrong.

Something didn't seem right...

Your eyes widened and you rushed over to the spot your desk was usually at.

Only Taemin's desk was there, yours missing. 

You looked around the area crazily while ruffling your own hair. 

"i mous-ibnikka?" (what is this?) you mumbled. Loud footsteps caused by heels were heard and you turned around to meet the sound. Soo Hee, who you didn't have any plans to meeting again, was standing in front of you with her arms crossed. 

"Well well, I see your desk is gone. Eodi ibnikka?(Where is it?)" She asked, her face was full of amusement.

"Moleugess-eoyo(I don't know).You tell me." You responded glaring at her. She looked at you as she scoffed and rolled her eyes.

'Why whould I know?" She asked. 

You cocked your head to the side and stepped closer towards her. 

"Put it back." You commanded her.

"Put what back?" She asked furrowing her eyebrows.

"Are you asking because you don't know or are you messing with me?"


"My desk. Put it back." You repeated. She smirked.

"And if I don't?" She glared at you, a crowd of students forming behind her. "Wae, what are you going to do? Hurt me? You couldn-"

"Male or female, it doesn't matter to me. If you mess with me you'll get hurt, so I suggest you put my desk back."

"Ah, so you're this famous Daehyun?" A new voice appeared. It was a male, who was tall and seemed stiff. He had small beady eyes, with an evil smirk that accompanied them. 

"Who's asking?" You asked meeting his eyes. 

"The one in charge of this class but I hear someone is trying to do my job." His smirk disappeared and a straight face took place. 

"No one is trying to take your job, so get your fact straight. I was just teaching a few people a lesson. If you're in charge of this class, why do you allow for people to mistreat another person? Does that make sense?" 

"The class is often bored so we took a vote. We took a vote of who was going to be our new toy, and almost the whole class chose her."

"And so you are toying around with an innocent person? Does that make sense? How dare you-"

"I told you already, didn't I? It was the class. They voted-"

"Who gave you the right to even do the vote?!" You yelled. Everyone jumped in surprise and you met with everyone's eyes. "I asked, who gave you the right to do something like this!"

"We did." A group of five males joined the older male. It was no one other than SHINee, Onew in the front and the others behind him.

"Why are you meddling with other people's business anyways?" The male asked behind Onew.

"Because what you do isn't right. She's an innocent child who obviously wants you all to leave her alone. Would you like me to do the same for you, since I'm starting to feel bored?" You asked, moving closer to the male.

"I'll like to see you try, kid." He said amused. He flunged his first fist towards you, aiming for your face. Due to fast reflexes, you were able to dogde it and attack back. You jumped and turned your body at the same time, while lifting your right leg up. The kick landed on his face causing him to fly back and hit the ground. You landed quickly on the floor followed by gasps which filled the room. The male grasped his face with his hands, as he let out a sudden gasp of shock. 

"Do you want to die?!" He yelled and stood up.

"Shouldn't I be asking you that?" You smirked and he threw his body towards you. Your eyes met with a nearby broom that was next to Taemin's desk and you grabbed it. As he came towards you, you turned the broom in circles quickly. Just as his body was almost a few centimeters from yours, you grabbed one end and aimed for his stomach. The other end hit his stomach and he grunted, falling to the ground. He groaned in pain and you placed the broom back. Its not like you hit him hard enough that he'll die, just hard enough to teach him a lesson. Everyone stood quietly, even more shocked of what just happened.

"You'll pay." He whispered loudly. 

"I'll be waiting." You responded and you stared at the Leader of SHINee. His eyes were wide as he stared at the male's body.

"Don't hurt anymore innocent people if you don't want the same happeining to you." You told Onew who glared at you.

"I could have you arrested you know." He muttured.

"I doubt that. I wasn't the one who attacked first. It was an act of defense, nothing more. That's not against the law, last time I checked. Probably what you do could get you arrested. Ordering others to hurt the innocent that's illegal, right?" You raised an eyebrow as his eyes widened. 

Onew was mad. No. He was furious. How dare this guy do this? He clenched his fists and only continued to glare at you. He's never felt so weak before in his life. Taemin watched as his hyung grew angry and couldn't help but feel the same way. Minho stared as SHINee's slave who held his stomach and groaned in pain.

"What did you do?" Minho whispered as he glared at you. He ran over to the male to check up on him.

"Master..." The male mumbled. Minho stood up and walked towards you.

"This bastard-"  He was ready to punch you but someone came between you two. A small girl known as Eun Hae was protecting you from getting hurt. 

"Gumanhe!" She screamed.

The room grew amazingly quiet, a pin probably would be heard if dropped.

"Please stop..."She whisperd, teras streaming down her cheeks.

Minho looked at the frightened girl and lowered his fist.

"Eun Hae..." You called her name anxiously. You were only protecting her because she was your friend. Why in the world would she risk herself for someone who could have easily dodge the punch?

 You looked at the guy who was in pain and crouched next to him. 

"Get up." You commanded him. He glared at you and continued to lay on the ground. 

"Aish this bastard.." You picked him up and placed him on his feet. "Don't bother anyone again. You learned your lesson right?" You asked, grinning at his expression. He glared instead of answering. 

"You will pay." He muttered under his breath. 

What's your name? I'll surely be waiting for your revenge."

"His name is Jason." Amber walked in and answered. You looked at her and she smiled at you. 

"Ill kill-" You slapped your hand on his mouth.

"Hm...Jason...where did I here that before?" You found the name familiar but just shrugged.  

"Ya Amber! You know this bastard?" Key asked her and she glared at him.

"Daehyun. This bastard's name is Daehyun. And of course I know Daehyun. Daehyun's my friend." She said and smiled at you proudly while placing her arm around you.

"Mwo?" Key couldn't believe this. He felt a slight jealousy forming inside him. How could Amber be friends with soemone like you?

The door flew open and Mr. Lee walked in.

"Why are you all standing up? Sit down all of you." He commanded and the class did so, including Jason who hesitated before doing so. Mr. Lee looked at the four SHINee members that didn't belong in this classroom. Before he could kick them out, Key pulled you and the other members followed both of you.

"Let's talk." Key said to you. He let you go when the six of you exitted the classroom. 

All of you arrived outside and you placed your hands inside your pocket.

"Make it quick." You said to them.

"You really are getting on my nerves new student." Taemin muttured. 

"And you don't get on mine?" You spatted. 


"What's your problem anyways? All of you. I just came from America and you all are making life impossible. I was only teaching your slave a lesson. That's what he is right?He even called you master... Anyways don't worry about him. He will be alright. Its not like I hurt him bad enough that he will die." You turned to leave but Jonghyun grabbed your shoulder. 

"Who exactly are you? What type of bastard suddenly beats someone up?" Jonghyun asked. You scoffed and looked at him.

"First of all, I suggest you take your hand of my shoulder unless you have a death wish. Secondly, you were there to see everything clear enough. Your slave was the one who attacked first. I only defended myself." You turned to leave and headed inside the school.

You opened the door but someone blocked your way. A familiar guy stood in your way and you gasped. 


"Daehyun?" His eyes widened and you ran out of his sight. 

"Daehyun!" he called your name. He was about to follow you but he decided not to. Things were only going to get worse.

He sighed and walked out of the school noticing SHINee. He stayed at a distant, hearing their conversation before revealing himself. 

"We could jump him." Minho suggested.

"Daehyun knows martial arts. He'll break our necks before we even touch him." Taemin mumbled as he kicked a rock. 

"We should call Tao. He could do us the favor!" Key exclaimed.

"Lets call him now!" Minho took out his phone and began to dial a number.

"No need for that." Tao said causing the others to jump.

"Tao!" They grinned and came closer to them. 

"What is the favor? If you tell me I'll do it."

"Well you see. There is this kid named Dae-"

"Deahyun? Jung Daehyun?" Tao asked.

"Ne. You know him?" Jonghyun asked.

"Him? You mean he-." He stopped himself before correcting them but in the end, he decided not to. It was probably for the best anyways. "yea. I know him. Wae?" 

"Well he seems to know martial arts. Could you-" Taemin couldn't finish becae Tao's cold voice interrupted him.

"Geojeol." (No.-refusal)

"WAE?" Taemin yelled in disappointment.

"Martial Arts has rules. One of them is to never attack first. Especially one of your partners. I will never attack anyone, especially my childhood friend unless I have to."

'Mwo?" SHINee couldn't believe it.

"Daehyun and i went to the same dojo. We trained togther. Like I said sh- he was my childhood friend. I will never attack daehyun. I'm sorry, but I have to refuse this favor. Even if he attacks me first, I will never hurt him."

SHINee sighed and Taemin groaned. He will never understand Tao's resons. 

"How can you stand him? He's so cold..." He mumbled.

"Daehyun..wasn't always like this." Tao explained.

"I heard he lost his mother." Key told them. 

"That's a part that changed him. His destroyed him. You literally have no idea what he has been through. How much he has much he's suffured." Tao felt his eyes sting but he held his tears.

"Promise that you all won't do anything reckless or stupid to him." He loked at SHINee's eyes.

They weren't sure how respond or if they should. They stayed quiet for a while until Taemin had an idea.

"we promise." He said. they looked at him in disbeliefment.

"Gomawo Taemin." Tao thanked him and began to leave.

"I hope you keep your promise." He added before leaving.

Tao disappeared from their sight and the members looked at Taemin shocked.

"Taemin..." Key whispered his name. Did he suddenly have a change of heart?Thats impossible.

"Don't worry. We won't even lift a finger. I know someone who will do us the favor. He also knows Martial Arts. Aish, why didn't I think of him first?" Taemin told them.

The members looked at him confused and watched him grin to himself. 

"I said don't worry. Lets just sit back and enjoy the show while we can." He added before walking inside the school.

Because your head was clouded with many thoughts, you had no idea where you were. You only continued to walk in which ever direction you felt was right.

Umma, things aren't going so well here in Korea. Life is impossible here. I wish you were here with me..You'll no what to do.

You sight softly and came across a crying child who held a bright red balloon. His cries were heard across the streets but every person ignored the poor child. Without hesitation, you ran over to the crying boy. 

"ya kkoma ya, neo gwaenchanh-a?" (Hey kid, are you okay?)

"Appa!" (dad)  The child cried for his father and you couldn't do anything but feel pity for him.

"Where's your dad?" you questioned him. 

"Appa!" He cried again. 

"Ani, don't cry. Please don't cry. We'll find him soon." You tried to console him and it worked. He calmed down and looked at you.

"Noona, where is appa?" He asked you. You were shocked how he was able to know your gender.

"Young Jin!" An old man came running over ot his child. "Aigoo my child. I thought I lost you." He picked up the child and you looked at him.

"Gomawo for taking care of my child." He looked at you and smiled. Just when both of your eyes met, his smile disappeared. You gasped and backed away.

"Daehyun." He said your name loud and clear. Your father stood on front, at the verge of crying. 

"Who are you? How do you know my name?" You pretended as if you didn't know him.

"I'm your father. The one who-"

"I don't have a father. He died seven years ago." You glared at him. Now looking closer to the child's face carefully, he did resembled your father a lot.


"Don't take my uncle's warning so lightly." You reminded him about earlier. His face flushed to a bright pink shade.

"I don't care about Min Ju's threat."

"Then don't. Its up to you if you want to live or die. If you do, you'll be leaving a blameless child without a father. It'll probably be better for him though. He wouldn't have a father that's a murder." You turned to leave but before you could a slap landed on your face.

"I may not live with you anymore but I am still your father." You glared at him and took a step towards him. 

"Whatever." You turned to leave but he turned you around to face him.

"Daehyun, you don't know the tru-" 

You ran away from him and he began to follow. 

"Daehyun!" He called your name many times but you ignored him. You cried as you fastened your pace, making sure you lost him.

당신은 아름다워요♦ You're Beautiful ♦ 당신은 아름다워요

Kyuhyun wanted to make a surprise visit at your school so he managed to get in without getting in trouble. He sneaked passed his classroom and peeked inside your classroom. Everyone was working with other students and he began to search for his little sister. He looked at Taemin's partner desk but no one was sitting down. 

Donseang isn't here? Wae?

"Yah! Its kuyhyun oppa!" Soo Hee called as she pointed to your older brother. Before he had a chance to leave, a crowd of fans was already surrounding him. 

"I'll sign autographs if you answer a question." He made a deal with the other students. 

"Ne oppa/hyung." They responded.

"Have you all seen my donseang, Daehyun?" He asked.

"He's not here today. Tao said-" Kai didn't get to finish because Kyuhyun's gasp was too loud for him to finish.

"MWO! WHERE IS MY DONSEANG?!" He shouted to everyone. Everyone jumped at his sudden reaction, including Kai.

"Daehyun ran...away." Tao confessed, coming from the hallway. He had accidently heard Kyuhyun scream so he couldn't hide the truth.

"Donseang...ran away? Wae? Where? When?" He panicked, grabbing Tao's shoulders.

"I don't know." He admitted in shame. If it weren't for SHINee, he would have surely have caught up to you.

"I tried to catch Daehyun but I couldn't." he finished. Kyuhyun sighed and left the classroom, forgetting about the deal he made with the younger students. He pulled out his cellphone and dialed his uncle's phone number.


"Uncle, Daehyun's not at school." 

"Mwo? What are you talking about?"

"Tao said Daehyun ran away. I don't know where she is. I'm worried, uncle."

"Where are you at?"

"In front of her school."

"Arasso. Don't move. We'll look for her together. Aish where could she had gone?"

"I'll wait for you then. I'm hanging up!" Kyuhyun began to call of his friends to see if anyone has seen you. Unfortunatley, not a single person have seen you, not including earlier today. 

Where are you Daehyun?

Your father's voice grew fainter as you ran through Seoul's streets. You weren't sure exactly how far you ran from home or how long you've been running but most likely long enough that the bright day turned dark so suddenly. Your paced slowed down when his voice wasn't heard anymore. You hid in the shadows of the night, just to be safe so that he wouldn't catch you. As the night grew darker, the air grew chillier and you began to shiver. Dried tears were on your cheeks and your eyes felt puffy and swollen from all of the crying. Your legs were ridiculously numb, almost causing you to collapse in the cold hard ground. Lucky for you, a bench was spotted in between two similar houses and you rushed over to sit on it. Your legs felt relieved and relaxed but something was weird.

Uncle should have called by now...

You decided that you should call before he gets worried. The thing was is that your phone was gone. It vanished from your pocket.

Where's my phone?

You thought back until there was a possibility of where you could have dropped it.



You ran from street to street, using all of your speed until you accidently bumped into someone. Your phone slipped out of your pocket, but you had no idea.

"Mianheyo!" You apologized to who ever it was. You didn't have time to look at the person's face. 

"Yah!" The person-he was most likely a male by the way he sounded- called for you to stop but you didn't even look back once and continued to run.

Flashback End*


"Aish babo." You muttered under your breath. You felt your legs ache and you began to massage them.

"Aigoo my legs." You whined and as you massaged the memory of what happened earlier began to flood back in.



"Who are you? How do you know my name?" You pretended as if you didn't know him.

"I'm your father. The one who-"

"I don't have a father. He died seven years ago." You glared at him. Now looking closer to the child's face, he resembled your father a lot.


"Don't take my uncle's warning so lightly." You reminded him about earlier. His face flushed to a bright pink shade.

"I don't care about Min Ju's threat."

"Then don't. Its up to you if you want to live or die. If you do, you'll be leaving a blameless child without a father. It'll probably be better for him though. He wouldn't have a father that's a murder." You turned to leave but before you could a slap landed on your face.

"I may not live with you anymore but I am still your father." You glared at him and took a step towards him. 

"I'll never forgive you."

"Daehyun, you don't know the tru-" 

You ran away form him and he began to follow. 

"Daehyun!" He called your name many times but you ignored him. You cried as you fastened your pace, making sure you lost him.

Flashback End*


Your eyes began to sting and tears already began to roll down your warm cheeks. You looked up at the sky and began to talk to your diceased mother.

"Mianheyo. Jeongmal mianheyo uma. I know you'll want me to reconcile with appa but how can I when it hurts so much? I can't forgive him. Mianhe. Mianheyo umma!" You began to sob and a strong breeze suddenly blew to your face.

"Daehyun." A familiar voice called your name. You began to look where the noise came form but found nothing but darkness,

"Umma?" You called. No. That's impossible. Your mom is dead. She can't come back anymore. Out of no where, you began to scream to the sky as you sobbed loudly.

"Umma." You whispered before quieting down. You held your knees close to your chest as you laid down on the cold bench.

12 young men, 6 living in each house, woke up as soon as they heard your screams. The first house on the left, lived 6 Koreans.

Sehun jumped in shock when he heard your scream and the light. He ended up finding the leader curled under his covers, shivering. 

"You heard it too huh." It wasn't a question. Just by looking at Suho shiver like crazy, there was no doubt. They both rushed downsatirs to find the other four members panicking.

"You all heard too?" Suho asked them. They nodded and felt frightened of what might be out there. 

"Do you think its a seseang fan?" Baekhyun asked, remebering the incident of his brother's wedding. 

"Dude, I'm not even sure if its a guy or girl. Lets just hope its not a seseang fan." D.O replied.

"What if someone is getting hurt?" Chanyeol asked the members. They shrugged and felt pity for whoever it was getting hurt, if there was actually anyone getting hurt. 

"Lets go check it out." Kai said. Suho pouted and stomped.

"Must we?" 

"YES!" The members exclaimed.

The other house contained the rest of the 6 members who didn't act much differently form the other koreans. Xiumin literally fell out of his bed as soon as he heard your scream. Tao woke up in defense, jumping out of the bed and grabbing the alarm clock to protect him. On the other room, Kris tried to calm down Chen who was frightened but Kris himself had to admit that he was too. Luhan and Lay ran out of the room, gathering the four members from the room. They met in the kitchen, wondering what could be outside. 

"Was it a girl's scream?" Luhan asked. Lay shrugged as the others began to make more suggestions. 

"Lets go check ot out." Kris said.

"I'll go get the flashlight!" Xiumin murmured, rushing to go find one in his room.

Both groups went towards each other, not imformed that all 12 members were actually outside. They crept in the dark to make sure that whatever was outside wouldn't hear them. That is until Xiumin's stomach decided to growl at a time like this. The 5 other members panicked and wonder what that could be.

"Did you guys hear that?" Chen asked.

"it came from in front of me." Lay informed them. 

"Hehe mianhe." Xiumin apologized as he smiled in embarassment. They glared at him and continued searching for the one who screamed.  

The other Korean members heard the growl too.

"What was that?" Suho asked, getting closer to Kai.

"I don't know." They responded. They were afraid that something might pop out and swallow them. Kai stepped back, accidently stepping on leaves causing a loud crunch sound. The others stared at him and shushed him.

"Yah, do you see that foot?" Xiumin asked pointing the light on Kai's foot. The other 6 Koreans freaked out when a sudden light aimed at Kai's foot. Both groups pointed the lights at each other and screamed as they were firghtened of seeing each other.


Your uncle and brother have probably been around the whole city. Not a single person has actually seen you which was making them go crazy. Your uncle was worried if your dad took you somewhere from them, not caring a damn about his threat. Just by thinking about that made him angrier. 

Kyuhyun walked out the police station and sighed. "They also haven't seen her. The cameras didn't catch a girl that ran away. Daehyun wasn't kidnapped either, which makes me think that she left on her own.

Your uncle groaned and placed his hands on his head. He was furious that you left without saying a word.

"Lets keep looking for her." he suggested and Kyuhyun nodded. They entered Kyuhyun's car and continued to go through Seoul again.

"Ghosts!" Suho cried when he saw the pale members that Baekhyun's flashlight pointed. 

You heard the males cries and gasped. Ghosts?

You stood up and the screaming stopped.

"Guys?" Kris asked to the other members when he took a closer look at them. They all stared at each other making sure that it was actually them.

"You scared us!" Suho said, placing his hand on his chest.

"Look who's talking!" Lay said feeling relieved. 

You took a step back when you heard males talking.

What if its a gang?

You took more steps back until you stepped on a twig. The twig snapped in half causing Exo's attention to you.

"Who's there?" Kai asked in his manly voice.


You tried to look for him but two lights were pointed at you. The other twelve males gasped in shock.

"Daehyun?" Kai asked stepping closer. 

"Kai." You stepped closer and someone else did too. Your eyes met with Tao's and you stopped. 

"You know him?" Kris asked Kai. Kai nodded and smiled.

"Why are you hear? Were you the one screaming?" He asked.

"Mianhe. I didn't think I would wake you up." You looked at the ground as you apologized.

"Thank god it wasn't something else." Suho's heart felt at ease and you smiled a little.

"Huyng you're always scared." Kai chuckled and Suho glared at him.

Tao stepped closer to you and looked directly into your eyes.

"You saw him didn't you?" Tao spoked in English to you (Pretend they were actually speaking Korean) 

You knew he was referring to your father.

"Yea." You replied back in English, the others confused and curious of what you were talking about.

Tao sighed and hugged you unexpectedly. 

The warm hugs weren't different from when you were children. He was the only one there for you.

"Don't run away from me again." He whispered softly in your ear. 

"I only felt sorry towards you." You admitted, remembering the incident from the past that separated the both of you. 

"Wae? I know it wasn't your fault Daehyun so  please don't run away again. Because it hurts."

The other members were curious of what you were talking about. Xiumin stepped foward and crossed his arms.

"Ya! Why do you have to speak in english? Ugh so rude..." He walked towards the both of you as Tao released you. Exo followed Xiumin and decided to get answers. 

"You guys know each other?" Luhan asked curously.

"Daehyun is my childhood friend." Tao informed Exo.

"Oh so that's the kid you always talked about." Lay said, finally knowing the person who Tao always talked about. Tao shushed him and turned to look at you. 

"Are you alright?" he asked you and more tears came out.

"can I answer honestly Tao?" You asked him. 

"Of course."

"This time I am not okay." You sobbed quietly and Tao gasped. He grabbed you and hugged you again, comforting you.

"Don't cry Daehyun. Please don't."

"Daehyun..." kai felt pity for you and he placed his hand on your back, patting gently. The other members watched and Xiumin stepped closer.



"Lets take him inside." He looked at your face and cocked his head.

"I mean her." 

Your eyes widened and you stared at him in disbeliefment.

"huh?" All of the members were confused. 

"Impossible!" Kris yelled.

"Xiumin, you need to start wearing glasses." Chanyeol muttered. 

"I am a girl." You mumbled and the others gasped.

"Jeongmal?" Chen asked surprised.

"No offense but look like a boy." Luhan murmured.

"Shut up Luhan. You look like a girl." Lay said to him causing the members to chuckle.

"Ya!" Luhan yelled and began to chase him around. You chuckled and Tao looked at you.

"Oh? You're laughing!" He smiled and hugged you tighter.

"Don't you think you've been hugging her too long?" Kai mumbled and Xiumin chuckled.

"You're jealous, aren't you?" He teased.

"ani. I'm just saying..." Kai blushed and you smiled.

"Lets go inside." Tao said, the both of you standing up.

"Excuse me but...who are all of you?" You asked to the other 10 members. They looked at you surprise and Xiumin smiled.

"We're Exo. Your new friends."

Hehe sorry it took so long to update. I'll try to update every Thursday or Friday as do it were actually a drama.  Thanks for reading!

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I promise to update tomorrow. ;-; mianhe to many projects and homework :'(


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ExOtIc43v4 #1
Chapter 6: AYAAAA, there's absolutely nothing wrong with this chapter!
I loved It a and the chapters before...
This made me cryyyy and smile again at the fluffiness....
Oh and btw I love how you put the quotes at the beginning.
Ok sorry...
I hope you update again soon~!
Angelaa_0919 #2
Angelaa_0919 #3
Angelaa_0919 #4
Chapter 4: Omo Jagi. The feels. And Xiumin bby. Unf~ Why must you do this to me, Daniela?! TT.TT SO UNFAIR UGH SOB s BCUZ PERF ASDFGHJKL
umidek #5
Chapter 2: ohmygosh this is so perfect i am sobbing all over my keyboard atm. ; u ;
Angelaa_0919 #6
Th opening had me wanting to cry! It was so powerful.
GabyMarie #8
Chapter 3: Wow that was a terrible day that I had! Lol. I wonder what SHINee's plan might be. Well I think its a great story and I hope you update as fast as possible!
Jpopforlife #9
OMO?! SHINee are going to take revenge on me? Waeeeee??!!! I hope they don't hurt me too bad though. I love the idea of SHINee being cold guys. I hope you update fast!
Fabilala #10
I really like the story. I hope you update soon!