Chapter 2

-당신은 아름다워요♦You'Re BeautifuL♦당신은 아름다워요-


당신은 아름다워요 ♦ Chapter 2 ♦당신은 아름다워요               

First day of school

"We refer to them as the cold ones. Although they are one of Asia's famous groups, they are probably one of the coldest and rudest people you'll ever meet."


The annoying cry of my alarm pierced my ears. I groaned and slammed my hand on the off buttoned.

I opened my eyes to some degree, scanning the room and watched as the window revealed the sunlight that danced around the bedroom. Taking a peek at my alarm lock, I decided that I still enough time to get a small amount of sleep. 

":Just five more minutes..." I told myself.

The bedroom room suddenly flew wide open and I heard a familiar cheerful voice that called my name. 



My brother jumped up and down as he walked towards me. I groaned once again and placed my pillow on my head, covering my ears. Sometimes I questioned myself if my brother was actually older than me. 

For a few seconds I thought that my brother was gone but suddenly a heavy body jumped on me and hugged me tightly. I squirmed under, feeling my brother's warm breath at the back of my neck. He burried his face in my hair.

"I missed you a lot." 

A sincere smile appeared on my face .

"Me too." 

He rolled off me, landing in bed next to me. 

I sat up, placing the covers around me and stared at my brother who was studying my room. He pouted amd looked at me.

"You've always had the coolest room". 

I smiled at him and a sudden giggle came from him. I curiously stared at him as he pointed at my hair. 

"Your hair looks like a haystack."

I cocked my head to the side and walked towards my dresser, stopping at the sight of my reflection from the mirror. I was horrified at the view of my hair. It was ridiculous how it actually looked like a haystack. I quickly combed my precious hair and faced my brother who was now standing up.

"Is uncle here?" I asked him curiously setting aside the comb.

"Aniyo. He left a while ago to work." 

I nodded as I did an "oh". I was disapointed that he was gone already since I was looking foward to seeing him.

I glanced at my brother who was already texting this early in the morning. 

"Oppa who are you texting? Do you perhaps already have a girlfriend??" I stared at him suspiciously and his faced turned bright red. 

"Aniyo! I was just texting a friend."

I raised my eyebrows,deciding to .


"Jeongmal! I'm not lying!"

I grinned playfully and shrugged. 

"If you say soooo."

He pouted cutely and I giggled. He smiled and stood up.

"Well I'll let you change. Don't take long arasso?" he ruffled my hair and I smiled as he made his way out of the room.

I grabbed the clothes that I will be changing into and exited my bedroom, heading to the restroom. I stripped my clothes of and the showere beganing tho bathe.

Monday: Taemin POV

A gentle shake and soft whisper woke me up early in the morning. I recognize the scent and turned my back on him. The nagging Kibum never gets tired of waking me up early.

"Taemin-ah, its time to wake up," he whispered and gently shook me again. I groaned and covered my ears, hoping to get at least a few more seconds of sleep. The room suddenly grew quiet and I wondered if I was already in deep sleep. In less than a second I was violently shook and my eyes opened widely that if it were possible, they can roll out any moment. I faced a fustrated blonde who had his arms on his hips.

"Lee Tae MIn if you don't get up..I swear you won't have any banana milk this week!" He threatened me. I instantly jumped off bed and stretched as I groaned.

"Well that's better! You've already wasted five minutes! Hurry and change!" He walked out of my room and I sighed. I have to deal with the same thing everyday. A nagging blonde. Annoying fangirls. Jealous bastards. Its irritating having to deal with them. I can never befriend a girl because all she wants to get with me. Guys are jealous of me, thinking that I take their grilfriends so they never want to hang out with me. This causes for me to get pushed down. And Key...that bastard doesn't even let me skip one day.

I grabbed my clothes and headed to the shower. Stripping my clothes off, I stared at myself in the mirror and sighed.

I'm not as muscular as Jonghyun.

My smile isn't as bright as onew.

My beauty isn't like Key or Minho's.

Which leaves me thinking what exactly did SM see in me?

He only takes people who are good looking but I don't think I am. 

I'm just a guy who has always been confused for a girl his entire life.

I sighed again, entering the shower and began to bathe. 


My brother and I stood outside his car, waiting for his friend to get out of the house. I guess my brother is giving his friend a ride to school but he is taking too long. I sighed and tapped my food on the concrete impatiently. I heard a chuckle coming from besides me and I looked at my brother.

"You haven't changed at all donseang. You are still impatient as ever."

I pouted at his comment and watched a handsome male rushed out of the house. My jaw dropped at the sight of him and he stepped in front of my brother.

"Mianhe donseang. The alarm clock didn't go off and I woke up when you texted me. Can we go now?" He sounded tired and turned to face me.

"who's this little guy? Does he go to middle school?"

My brother laughed as I stared at him, offended. 

"Aniyo. I attend Hanlim Arts, a high school." I corrected him and his reaction changed. He gasped in shock and pointed at me.

"Jongmal?This little guy? High school? Anyone would thing you attend middle school. You are so tiny. Did you ever drink milk when you were younger? You look like Sulli too."  

My brother chuckled in amusement and I looked at my brother who smiled while he shook his head.

"I still can't believe that you two can't recognize each other." He murmured. We both stared at him confusingly and stared into each others eyes.

It was an awkward silence until my brother's cough interrupted our thoughts. 

"Eun Hyuk, think back seven years. Who is bunny?"

EunHyuk POV

For a moment I wasn't sure what donseang meant until he mentioned bunny. I froze as I thought about the little girl that used to follow me like a lost puppy everywhere. The little girl who called me her prince. The little girl who wanted to marry me. The little girl that made me cry when she left for seven long years that felt like a century. Without thinking any further, I hugged her as tightly as I could. I felt her heartbeat which suddenly beated faster as a beat went by. She grew extremely warm which caused me to smile. Does she perhaps still have feelings for me?


I wasn't sure how to respond to his reaction. My heart beated faster, and I felt myself grow warmer. 

"I missed you bunny." He whispered in my ear with a soft sweet voice. I gasped and my lips curved upwards. It was no other than my Hyuk Jae.

"Oppa..." I called him and he tightened his hug. He finally let go and smiled at me as he eagerly jumped up and down.

"Donseang how have you been? When did you come? Why haven't you been answering my emails?Do you not know how long I've waited for you to come back?"

I opened my mouth, wondering which question to answer fisrt. Right before I had a chance to answer my brother stepped in between us, making me remember that he was still with us.

"Sorry to ruin the moment but we have to get to school. I can't be late again you know." He informed us. I nodded and smiled taking a glance at Eunhyuk oppa who was already smiling at me. 

"lets go then." Eunhuk said grabbing my hand. We walked inside the car, and soon headed to school.

Taemin POV

We were riding in SHINee's van as usual. Everyone except the manager who drove and I tried to catch up on their sleep. I looked out the window thinking how miserable this day will be. We stopped at a red light and I looked at the car that was next to us.

I recognized the driver.

Kyuhyun was looking at the younger boy next to him laughing about something. I tried to get a glance at the younger's boy's face but he was too short to be seen. I watched them leave first and then we followed behind them.

Finally arriving to school, a crowd surrounded our car. I placed my sunglasses on as the manager woke the other members up. They groaned and stretched as I made my way out of the car. Girls squealed and as always I ignored them. I walked passed them looking at Kyuhyun's car. A short boy and Eunhyuk hopped out of the car, locking each others arms. I grimanced at the view, not recognizing the shorter boy. I entered the school which as always I was formally greeted by fngirls and fanboys. 


Kim Eun Hae:                                                                                 You POV

I walked through the halls, looking around for my class until I found it. I stepped inside and everything was chaotic, to the point that it might scare someone of. There were paper airplanes flying around, along with crumbled paper and erasers which flew across the walls. The mess was abviously done by the most of the boys, since they were the only ones fooling around but the girls didn't seem so innocent either. Almost all of them held a mirror in front of their faces as they applied a new layer of make up while the other girls were in a huddle, surrounding a younger male who slept- or tried to- soundlessly. I took a good look around and realized that I was wrong about someone. A small girl who hid behind her glasses was being toyed around by a bunch of guys that pulled her hair. Some of the other girls joined along with them and tormented her,not feeling one bit of pity for her. I don't usually interfere with stuff but one thing caught my eye. Her eyes were forming new tears but the students didn't listen to her cries. Its as if this has happened for a while, something not new to them. I glared at them, surprise they have not yet seen me. Without thinking any further I grabbed one of the teacher's books that was on their desk and slammed it as hard as I could. The noise was louder than I expected, the slam ricosheted across the room and made its way through the halls. Everyone jumped including the boy who was alseep a while ago. I took a good glance around the room, making sure my eyes met with everyone else's frightened eyes. This was surely amusing but I couldn't keep my mind of the scared girl who was now frightened of me. 

"Enough." I spitted through my teeth, using my threatening voice. Everyone was still motionless and I walked aver to the garbage can and brought it over to the frightened girl. I picked up every crumbled paper and airplane and threw it all in the garbage can.

"The garbage goes in the garbage can, I'm pretty sure you all know that. I can't believe you missed the can by that much, to hit an innocent child." I wasn't sure if the girl was actually innocent but as frightened as she looked, who can doubt that? I pretended as if they were actually aiming for the trash can rather than the girl even thought everyone was aware that that wasn't true.

"Ya, who are you to interfere?" A girl stood up and glared at me. She was really ugly, no offense to the girl. Her eyeliner was smuged in a weird way, as if she tried to draw the line in her sleep or without a mirror. She stepped closer to me, trying to make me feel threatened but obviously she is someone I can take down easily, despite out height differences. 

"So, you're Soo Hee." I said to her.

"Mwo?" She asked, surprise.

"How did you know?" A boy asked next to her. "Do you guys no each other?"

"Aniyo. But looking at this butterfly eraser, that heas her name, its abvious that its hers." I responded, picking up an eraser that I saw moments ago. It matched with her bitterfly penicl that was on her desk.

"So what?" She asked.

"How about I let you go off easy. Next time, keep your erasers to yourself." I slammed the eraser on her desk, causing her to flinch. "I'm not afraid to hurt anyone. Whether your a male or female. Keep that in mind. Mess with this girl agian and you're dead. This doesn't just go for her in particular. If anyone messes with anyone else for no reason you'll be dealing with me. I may be small and look defenseless but when you get to know me, I'm the complete opposite." 

Everyone stayed quietly and looked at the girl who was already staring at me.

"Now apologize to this girl." I commanded them.

"Ya! Who-" Soo Hee began.

"I SAID APOLOGIZE!" I yelled at the girl. She flinched hard, looking as if she was just about to cry.

"Mianhe." Many of the students said. I calmed down a bit, feeling satisfied. I went to place the garbage can back and everyone seated, staying quiet. I walked to the girl and smiled at her.

"If they bother you agian, make sure you tell me." I said. She looked at me, her eyes glistening from the light.

"What's your name?" I asked her.

"Eun Hae. Kim Eun Hae." She murmured.

"Arasso, Eun Hae. I'm Daehyun." I took my hand out and she shook it.

It was only a few seconds before the teacher walked in.

"Mianhe I was late students." The older man apologized. He looked around the class and smiled


"I'm glad you all are quiet today. What a surprise." He added and I smirked. 

"Ah, you must be the new student. Please introduce yourself."

"Ne. Deahyun imnida. Traet me well." I said threateningly, looking at Soo Hee. She broke the connection from our eyes. 

"Well nice to meet you Daehyun. I'm Mr. lee. Please sit next to Taemin. Taemin, raise your hand." 

The young boy who was asleep earlier raiosed his hand up lazily. I walked towards him, having my hands inside my pockets and plopped next to him. I wasn;t sure why that name sounded familiar. 

Taemin...where did I hear that at?

I glanced at the boy and looked away after a while. 


Wait a minute...

I looked at him again and he was now looking at me. He gasped and the both of us pointed at each other.

"You!" We said loudly at the same time.

"Quiet down." Mr. Lee ordered us to. I lowered my head and looked at the jerk who was glaring at me. 

Taemin POV

I hate the idea of having to work with this bastard. I glared at him, still reme,bering that because of him I was dreanched that day. The cold lasted three day and it was miserable. 

"What?" You said as you pouted.

I looked away, deciding to ignore you. I can't forget about what you just did. I can't believe that my partner is a gangster. The idea frightened me so it was best to ignore you. If I did, then I wouldn't get beat up by you. 

Maybe if I sleep...

Yea, its probably the best. I placed my head down and soon reached dreamland.


My heart finally went at ease when I didn't feel Taemin's eyes on me anymore. I hate the feeling of someone staring at me. I peeked at his face and realized that he has fallen asleep. 

"Alright students. Please work on the problems on the board. I expect you to talk with your partners since I'm taking two grades: Your work and how well you work together. You may begin."

I looked around, everyone getting started on their work already. The teacher walked around the class and I glanced at Taemin. I'm not the type of student to disobey the teacher's orders so I decided to wake him up. 

"Psst Taemin.." I whispered loudly enough for only him to hear. He didn't move at all and continued to sleep. I tried again, this time calling his name louder.

"Ya Taemin!"

A few students turned to look at us. They seemed irritated and I blushed.


I turned to look at Taemin who was still sleeping. I checked to see if the teacher was anywhere near us. He was still across the room which was good. Shaking Taemin, he finally woke up.  


"We have to start working in the problems that are on the board."


He went back to sleep and I glared at him. Once again I shook him violently. 

"What do you want?" He almost yelled. I continued to glare at him. 

"I said we have to work on the problems that are in the board."

"You do them yourself."

"the teacher said-"

"If you really want to work with a celebrity that bad go work with that loner over there."

He pointed to a handsome boy that was working alone. 

I pouted and glanced a Taemin before I stood up and went to the guy. He looked scared and I smiled warmly at him.

"Would you like to be my partner?" I asked him. He looked insecure, probably thinking that I'm going to hurt him.

"Don't be scared. I won't hurt anyone unless I have to." I said as I smiled sincerly to him. He finally relaxed and smiled. 

"Let's start!"

Amber POV

I had to admit that what you did just a while ago was pretty scary. I thought I was going to die of shock when you slammed the book hard on the desk. I was glad you taught everyone a lesson though because as much as I wanted to interfere, I just couldn't. Krystal was apart of the group who messed with Eun Hae. If I tried to stop her, I might end up in trouble trying to protect someone I don't even know. I looked at Eun Hae who was staring at you. Before I had a chance to look at you, she jotted something in her notebook and I swore i saw her smile for the first time. She seemed to have actually bloomed for the first time ever. It was an exotic bloom which made me curious about something. Is she perhaps intersted about you? Does you?

I never thought Eun Hae would be a lesbian surely but....oh oh. Everyone seems to think you're a guy. What if she fell for you thinking you were a guy?


"Ya unnie! Are you listening?" Krystal asked out of no where.

"Yessss." I responded irritated. She continued blabbing. 


Im not retarded. It's obvious you're a girl. The way you look. Your size. The way you looked. There's nothing manly about you except your personality but isn't that what you call a tomboy? The moment I saw you coming over here my heart beated faster. What idf you came here to beat me up? Until I realized that you were no threat to me felt at ease.

I watched as you spoke softly and almost eager to answer the questions. It's an interesting sight, watching you work. Honestly I wasn't paying attention to anything that you were saying just staring at your face. How can someone look so identical to another person and not be related? I continued staring at you as you finished working the problems. 

Taemin pov

I was still shocked at what just happened. Usually people would pick me over Kai but you didn't. I don't know why I was disappointed. Don't I hate people who are always following me? I shook the thought away and decided to sleep more. 

Ring! Ring! Ring!

Author POV 

"Class dismissed." The Mr. Lee informed the students.

Everyone rushed out of the classroom, heading to their next dextination. You headed to the gym, which you had your next class in. As you walked in the gym there were guys everywhere. Not a single girl was found.

You continued walking until you clumsily tripped over the flat surface. Unfortunatley you tripped on someone, landing on top of him. 

Our lips gently brushed against each others as the guys around us watched. 

당신은 아름다워요


Author POV

Minho's mind went blank. He was being kissed, not by a girl-or so he thought you weren't- or a kiss that was scripted, but a kiss from someone who he didn't expect from. A guy. His heart raced and his blood boiled. He can't blame you entirely since you only clumsily tripped on him, but still. His eyes were wide opened the whole time, too shocked to move or even think. 

You on the other hand were bright red, possibly the same color of a tomatoe. You didn't know how to react. You were kissing, not only just a guy, but a celebrity. Your heart was beating incredibly fast as you stared shocked into his beady eyes. Darn my clumsy-self. 

The other males stared at both of you with their jaw dropped. They weren't sure whether they should laugh or feel disgusted at how gay the scene looked. Instead they all decided to stay frozen as they stared at both of your motionless bodies.

Since Minho didn't plan on moving yet, you finally had some sense in yourself and pulled away from his stiff body. Quickly and awkwardly you stood up, helping MInho up who was still frozen as ever before, and bowed a million times.

"Jeongmal, mian neayo." -I'm really sorry!

Minho stared at your innocent face, not thinking about forgiving you but thinking about how identicaly you looked to Sulli. He just stared with his jaw wide opened, amazed.

You frightenly walked away, heading towards the coach who has no clue of whatsoever just happened. He was scolding a student who beacuse of him he has to force the student to get out of soccer. Now he is one short player so there is no way they can be able to play.

Once you stood besides the coach you stared at his angry face. He stared back at you, his expression suddenly changing. He looked up and down at you and chuckled.

"No kids allowed in this school." He began to pull you away until you stopped him.

"I'm not a kid. I attened at this school." I corrected him. He gasped and pointed at me.

"Mwo? Ya have you ever heard of the drink, milk? Didn't you drink some when you were a child?"

I sighed fustrately. Its not like this wasn't the first time he heard it. "I did."

"But you are half my size! How is that possible?"

You felt a sudden irritation. "Aish can you just tell me what I'm supposed to do?"

"Arasso. Here is your number lock. Go into the lockers and you should find PE clothes. Change into those than come back out here."

"Algeusumnida!" -yes sir!


I raced into the locker rooms hoping that they weren't any guys around. Everyone seems to have mistaken me for a guy so it'll be awkward and embarrassing if a guy saw me change. Fortunately, the place looked clear of any males so I quickly changed just in case any guy walked in. I successfully changed without having any problems and headed out to the gym where everyone stared at me. I noticed that they were sitting in rows of 7, 5 males in each row. They continued to stare at me, some chuckled as others stared at me in disgust. I blushed and tried my best to avoid them. I looked for the coach who was looking at his clipboard, writing things down. I walked towards him, waiting for him to give me instructions. After a few moments of waiting, I cleared my throat hoping that will get his attention. He looked at me startled, and I tried my best not to laugh at his expression. 
"Sorry kid. Didn't see you there." I pouted at his comment as he laughed by himself. 
"Geez can't take a joke. What do you want?" He asked impatiently as he continued to write things in his clipboard. 
"Well what am I supposed to do?" I asked him and he pondered for a second 
"Well everyone seems to have an exercising partner- oh wait. There is one student who doesn't have an exercising partner. Go sit besides Minho. He's the one in the grey PE uniform." 
I looked to where he pointed and his finger pointed directly to the guy from earlier. I gasped and looked at the coach horrified. I shook my head and arms crazily. 
"Please let me be by myself. I am probably better off without him anyways."
"Just do what I told you kid. You're wasting my time."
I sighed and walked towards Minho. He stared at me curiously and angrily as I headed towards him. I plopped down next to him and the atmosphere suddenly grew awkward. 
"What do you want?" He mumbled. 
He sighed in frustration and glared at me. 
"Why are you sitting next to me? You have the whole gym and you decide to sit next to me? What are you crushing on me?" He asked as he continued to glare. I furrowed my eyebrows and looked at him weirdly. 
"Aniyo. I'm not here 'cuz I want to but because I have to. If I wanted, I would've chosen to stay away from you. Maybe sit way on the other side."
"Do that then. You'll be doing yourself a favor and me too." He was ready to move until the coach stood in front of us. 
"Minho this will be your new partner. I hope you two become friends and work well together." He said in a boring way. Minho stared at him shocked and stood up angrily. 
"I'm not working with this ert! God knows what he can do to me next!" He exaggerated. I rolled my eyes and stared at him disgusted. 
"Mwo ert? Ya you think I wanna work with you? You're a cold bastard. Why would I do anything to you? I tripped you jerk. Acting like I wanted to kiss you...psh as if." I said irritated. He glared at me again and I flinched. 
"I said you two are working together and that's final." He walked away grumpily. 
I stared at Minho who was giving me another death glare. I swear I thought I saw lasers come out of his eyes. I took a step back, hoping he wouldn't attack me. He walked towards me and pushed my head with his finger. 
"Just stay away from me ert." He said coldly. He walked away heading towards the lockers and I sighed. Great. First day of school and two people hate me. I sat down on the ground and awaited for further instructions. 
The bell rang and I rushed to go to my next class. I tried my best to avoid people so that I wouldn't cause another person to dislike me. I arrived safely to theatre arts, an elective class. I looked around recognizing a few faces from before. My eyes met with a handsome girl who smiled at me. I looked to see if there were any seats empty but the only seat empty was the one next to the handsome girl. I took a deep breath and sat next to her. She looked at me and held he right hand out. 
"Anyeong. You must be that new student. You're Daehyun right?" She murmured. I nodded and grinned. I shook her hand and she smiled. 
"I'm amber. You seem pretty cool."
"Gomawo." I was still grinning at her. I glanced at her blonde hair and felt a slight envy. Blonde hair really suits her. 
The teacher arrived and he smiled at us. 
"Good morning students. As you know we have a new student. Joung Daehyun?" He asked looking directly at me. I nodded and smiled at him. 
"Please introduce yourself Daehyun." He ordered and I nodded. 
"Annyeonghasseo. Jeoneun Daehyun eyo. Please treat me well." I bowed and glanced at everyone. They all seem nice except for a girl who glared at me. I avoided her gaze and sat down. 
"Alrighty then. I was informed that in your past school you were an amazing actress."
I nodded and he proceeded. 
"Well I hope I see in you in next week's auditions. We'll be having a play and I'm curious of your talent."
"Ne." I responded. 
I felt a gentle tap in my shoulder and I looked at a shy looking girl. 
"Uh?" I asked. 
"Excuse do you mind if I sit with you?"
"not at all." I told her. I smiled to her and she blushed. 
"Gomawo." She murmured. She buried her face in her scarf and I thought I saw her smile. I shrugged and ignored her peeks. 
The rest of the period passed, blissfully, without an incident.
I couldn't feel anymore happier when I heard the lunch bell. I rushed out of the class, Amber tagging along behind me. She chuckled as she watch how eager I was to eat. I can't deny the fact that I love food. I felt another soft tap on my shoulder and I saw the girl from before. 
"Is it alright if I hang out out with you guys?" She asked. I nodded and Amber smiled. 
"Sure Eun Hae." Amber and I answered. 
As I and the other girls hurried to get our lunch, I clumsily tripped over someone's feet. I failed to maintain myself from falling but luckily a pair of strong hands caught me. I looked up and saw a familiar guy form earlier before. Kai.
"Woah, kweanchana?" He asked as he released me.
"Ne. Gomawo for catching me."
I went to grab my lunch, Amber, Eun Hae and Kai tagging along with us. After we grabbed our lunch the four of us say at an empty table and began to eat our lunch. 
I quickly ate my lunch like I've haven't had a meal in decades. The other three stared at me in shock as I was almost through with my lunch. 
"Yah Eun Hae are you going to eat your rice?" I asked her and she shook her head. 
Without asking any further questions I took her bowl of rice and ate all of it in ten seconds. 
"How can a small person eat so much?" Kai asked as his eyes widened even more. 
I looked at the three of them who haven't yet touched their food. Noticing how they were shocked, I slowed down on my eating. 
"Mianhe. I have a habit of eating fast."
Amber chuckled. "It's okay. Just don't eat like that. You can easily choke." 
The others nodded in agreement and finally are their food. 
We ate our lunch as we had a conversation about random things. I smiled until my eys met with a another pair. 
His eyes were filled with hate and I noticed another pair of eyes join him. Together, Minho and Taemin glared at me, causing me to almost flinch.
"There looking at you like you are something to eat." Amber whispered. Kai chuckled and met their gaze. Minho looked away but Taemin was now glaring at Kai who didn't do anything. 
"Who exactly are those bastards anyway?" I asked.
Eun Hae leaned closer towards my ear and began to whisper. "We refer to them as the cold ones. Althouth they are Asia's famous group, they are probably the coldest and rudest people you'll ever meet." 
I nodded and looked at Kai who kept on staring at taemin.
"Just ignore him Kai." Amber told him and Kai turned around letting out a sigh.
"He's not going to forgive me is he?"
"I doubt it."
"What are you to talking about?" I asked confusely.
"Its nothing big." Kai murmured, his expression changing. 
"They used to be friends, Kai and Taemin." Amber said softly. I looked at her and she looked ate me seriously.
"what happened?"
"Kai didn't know that the girl Taemin liked was also the girl he liked. When Taemin found out he felt like he was betrayed by his best friend so he was mad. He didn't give kai a chance to explain. He just ended the friendship. Kai though forced himself not to like her anymore. Soon he got over her." She explained. Kai sighed and ate his food silently.
"Taemin is a bastard." I almost yelled. I grinned when Taemin stared at me in anger and he dropped his chopsticks. It wasn't my intention to grab his attention but I'm glad he knows it now. I looked at Kai who stared at me in disbelief.
"You don't like Taemin?"
"Nope." I ate a spoon full of my rice. "He's a bastard." I repeated the obvious again and he grinned.
"I'm glad you can see that." Amber mumbled and I smiled. The rest of the lunch, we ate silently, feeling SHINee's glares.

I had three periods left. I couldn't help but grow impatinet. This day was really going slow, and if it weren't for kai and Amber, surely I would have skipped the whole day. I headed to my next period, cooking class, which I had hopes that it wouldn't be so bad. I entered the classroom which was already filled with students that wore aprons. I looked for Ms. Kim, who had already noticed me. She smiled at me and introduced herself and I did the same.

"Please sit over there." She pointed to a seat that was next to a blonde angel. I walked towards the seat, noticing how concentrated he was on cooking. He was so concentrated that he didn't notice me. I cleared my throat and he stared at me curiously.

"yes?" he raised one of his eyebrows.

"Uh...I will be sitting next to you. I'm guessing I will be your part-

"No you won't." he interrupted. He looked angry and I pouted.

"I work alone. I'm the only one in this class that knows how to cook. I can't have a partner who doesn't know how to cook." He continued to cook and I rolled my eyes.

"Aish is SHINee this rude? Stop being a diva and just be my partner. Its not like I want to either so it up!" I glared at him and he dropped the spoon. I wasn't in the mood to deal with another SHINee member.


"Did I stutter? I said diva. You are such a girl...psh not even I'm like that.." I mumbled the last part and he gave me a threatening look.

"Are you a gangster? Who are you to tell me to be your partner? Do you want to work with a clebrity that bad?" 

"Wow. You really are not much different from Taemin." I said to him. He furrowed his eyebroows and clenched his fist. I smirked and stepped forward towards him.

"Wae? Are you going to hit me?" I couldn't control myself. I wasn't going to allow a celebrity to think that they were so great.

He smiled and grabbed me by the colloer. "Aniyo. You'd probably go cry to your mommy." 

Anger took over me and I glared at him. He continued to smile which really irrtated me.

"Sorry to burst your bubble but she's dead." I coldly informed him. His expression changed to sorrow and he placed me down, taking his hands off my collor.

"I'm sorry I had no idea-"

​"I don't need pity, especially coming from you." I spatted

He stood quietly and continued to cook. For the whole period I only watched him without saying a single word.                                          

Two more periods to go and this miserable school day will be over. I headed to choir which I wasn't expecting for it to be any better than my day has been. I walked inside the room, the air conditioner blowing hard on my face. The room was cold, causing me ot shiver and I looked around. Many students were seated, looking into their music as others converse. I on the other hand looked for the choir teacher who was speaking to a student. I glanced at the student who looked awfully familiar.

Jonghyun. SHINee's Jonghyun.

I sighed in disappointment, realizing that I have to deal with him too. I sat down waiting for the teacher to finish speaking to him. She seemed like a nice person, since the tone of her voice didn't sound mean nor threatening. After long minutes of waiting , I decided that she clearly isn't going to end the conversation even though class has already started. 

Finally after she finished, she walked past me not even noticing me. Jonghyun moved, sitting next to  me as he stared at me seriously.

"You're Daehyun." It wasn't a question, but I simply nodded.

"I heard a lot about you."


Before he had a chance to proceed, an angry lady faced me.

"Jeoung Daheyun." Her eyes were filled with envy and hate.

"You are new here and the first thing you do is talk. I'm disappointed."

I opened my mouth, ready to protest but she did a 'tsk'. I crossed my arms and pouted while Jonghyun chuckled.

Teacher's POV

I wasn't fooled. This was obviously a girl. I could see the small pecks coming poking from her shirt. She was messing with my Jonghyun. I'm not that older than him. I'm 30 years old, married, but still young enough to date. I hated how he you seemd interesting to him. You're trying to steal him from me. I'll make sure you don't have him. No ones going to have him. 


Before turning around she glanced at me once more than sashayed. I felt a gentle tap on my shoulder and I turned around meeting a small girl, not much taller than me.

"Uh?" Was the only sound that came out of my mouth.

"She's like that to all girls. You can't talk to Jonghyun without her getting jealous." She whispered in my ear. My eyes widened when she knew that I was a girl. 

"How do-"

"You're not much different from Sulli. Plus I can still see your a-cup bra."

I blushed and she smiled.

"I'm Taeyoen. The main vocalist of SNSD. I'm also part of TTS." She introduced herself. She came to the other empty seat that was next to me.

"Daehyun imnida. I'm glad you can tell that I'm a girl."

She smiled. Maybe today won't be as bad as I thought.

"quiet you two!" The teavher snarled. Both of us jumped in surprise an dthe teacher continued to write on the board. we ducked out heads feeling everyones eyes on us and giggled.


Finally, I have reached to the last period of the day. I walked into Art, realizing that I was the first one in the class. I looked around staring at many art paintings. I smiled and I heard a cough. I turned around looking at a guy who stared at me weirdly.

"So you must be Daehyun." I looked away feeling my heart dying just a little. This is just great. I have to deal with all five members. 

"And?" I asked, tired of having to SHINee's faces. 

"I heard a great deal about you. I don't think Taemin's a bastard. Actually no one does"

"Actually, there are a few poeple who think he is, but from my perspective, you all are. And whether you think or someone else thinks if Taemin's not a bastard that's them. I really don't care."

"Why so cold?" He raised an eyebrow, giving me a look that made him looked amused and was almost, in a way, threatening.

"I've already dealt with the other four members and because of you all, I'm going to have a terrible year."

He stayed quiet, a few students coming in. They all greeted him formally and smiled to him as if he were a god. He turned and looked at me.

"People don't think we're so bad. Maybe its just you." He smirked as a girl handed him a box of chocolates.

I smirked. "Maybe... Just stay away from me." I coldly said and took a seat that was at the back. No one was around which was great. 

I glanced at SHINee's leader who was glaring at me but when our eyes met he suddenly smirked. His smirk, without a doubt, was threatening, as if I was his new target. I really don't think I'm going to be able to get along with SHINee. There goes my year.


The school day ended and I was walking home from school. My brother and Eunhyuk were called to go to the comapany so I walked home by myself. Today was a terrible day and I'm pissed hpw I'm going to have to deal with this everyday. I reached my uncle's shabby house, the door creaking opened as I stepped inside. The phone suddenly rang, causing me to jump in surprise. 


He had no idea we followed him home. Now we knew where he lived so we can make his life a living hell for calling our Taemin SHINee bastards. He was even erted enough to kiss our Minho's precious lips and he is going to pay. He WILL pay. No one messes with SHINee. We drove away, are plan awaiting for us.



"Daehyun-ah? Is this really you?"

"Who is this?" I asked, anxiously. I don't recognize the voice so it frighten me how someone knew my name.

"Its me, your father."

The phone slipped from my hands, falling to the ground. The sound of the fall vibrated and echoed all around the halls.

당신은 아름다워요 


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I promise to update tomorrow. ;-; mianhe to many projects and homework :'(


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ExOtIc43v4 #1
Chapter 6: AYAAAA, there's absolutely nothing wrong with this chapter!
I loved It a and the chapters before...
This made me cryyyy and smile again at the fluffiness....
Oh and btw I love how you put the quotes at the beginning.
Ok sorry...
I hope you update again soon~!
Angelaa_0919 #2
Angelaa_0919 #3
Angelaa_0919 #4
Chapter 4: Omo Jagi. The feels. And Xiumin bby. Unf~ Why must you do this to me, Daniela?! TT.TT SO UNFAIR UGH SOB s BCUZ PERF ASDFGHJKL
umidek #5
Chapter 2: ohmygosh this is so perfect i am sobbing all over my keyboard atm. ; u ;
Angelaa_0919 #6
Th opening had me wanting to cry! It was so powerful.
GabyMarie #8
Chapter 3: Wow that was a terrible day that I had! Lol. I wonder what SHINee's plan might be. Well I think its a great story and I hope you update as fast as possible!
Jpopforlife #9
OMO?! SHINee are going to take revenge on me? Waeeeee??!!! I hope they don't hurt me too bad though. I love the idea of SHINee being cold guys. I hope you update fast!
Fabilala #10
I really like the story. I hope you update soon!