Chapter 1

-당신은 아름다워요♦You'Re BeautifuL♦당신은 아름다워요-

"Before we met, I was lost as a person could be and yet you saw something in me that somehow gave me the direction again."


"When I first met you I never thought I would fall for you. After I fell for you, I never thought I would love you. But I did, and I I don't want it to change."

 당신은 아름다워요 

A fate is something you choose. You can either go with the flow or avoid it. If you avoid it, you can live your life the way you want, making it asier and live with less pain. But if you go with the flow you can end up hurt. It happens many times with love. You never know when it comes. 

                                             It just does. 

As fustrating it is its the cold truth that us humans have to believe. Once when people fall, you can't avoid it anymore. 

There are many reasons why we fall but here are two great examples:

Sometimes that one person that you fell for makes you feel speacial and that you're worth it....

                                                                    And sometimes they make you realize the blind truth that took years for you to realize.

You're beautiful.

 ♦ You're beautiful: Chapter 1 ♦


Taemin POV

We rode inside the SHINee van as our manager drove. It was a rainy day in Korea and it felt nice.

As usual, Jonghyun listened to music as he wrote new lyrics, Key read a fashion magazine, and Minho slept -trying to catch up on his sleep. Onew used his Ipad, probably reading all the messages he recieved from fans. I wonder, how the can Onew stand all of those annoying fans? As for me...well I'm just listening to F(X). I'm not listening because I like their songs but because my crush sings it. I don't care how terrible their music sounds-honestly it doesn't-I just want to listen to my dear, Sulli sing. 

4 years...for 4 years I have loved her secretly...

As unbelievable as it sounds, its true. It is sad though. The great Taemin, the Taemin that never cries and is brave, is a total coward when it comes to confessing. 

In fustration, I took of my headphones and stared out the window. was much better when I was younger...

Its true...I have always loved Seoul but now...its not the same.

My childhood memories...

My old friends...

Seeing my parents everyday...

You might think I live in regret but I don't know. I promised that I will live my life without any regrets. That is what I promised my mom. The woman who always believed in me. The woman that was always on my side no matter what. Perhaps that is why I try to live without any regrets. But...its hard. I still laugh. I still smile. I still sometimes feel happy but...its different. When I first started as a singer I was full of energy and happiness. The thing is I was really happy, to the point that I wanted to scream and cry. But now...

Why can't I feel the same happiness?

Most of the time I feel like I have to force myself to be happy. But I just can't. I can't keep on going like this. I hope one day this all changes. I believe that the day I confess to sulli it will all change. I will be happy next to her for the rest of our lives or in other words forever.

Lost in my thoughts, I decided to take my camera out and take pictures of whatever. 

After a while I grew tired of taking pictures and decided to look at some of them.

nice paper boats....

this picture looks nice

kekeke...jong posing for pic

handsome and cute...

I stopped and looked at the fourth picture. 

Mwo? Sulli? To the beautiful you already ended. What is this? She said she hated short hair. What is she doing in Seoul? She said she was going to Busan with a friend. She called me earlier today. Why is she standing in the rain?What the hell-

The car stopped at the red light and I looked at two pale arms that loooked familiar. 


I had to know what was going on. What was Sulli doing here? Why did she lie to me? The curiousity was killing me and the car began to move again. Sulli left to the oppisite direction the car was moving.

Taemin: Oh?...Sulli?....

The manager took a peek at me and then continued driving. "Sulli? Didn't she go to Busan?"

I ignored him and took off my seatbelt, preparing for myself to jump out.

"Hyung, stop the car!"

The manager hesitated and slowed down. Everyone looked at me curiously.

" Ya Taemin, kweanchana? Why all the sudden?" He murmured.

The manager stared at me curiously. "What's the problem?"

I ignored everyone's question and the car finally stopped.

"Stay here!" I cammanded them.

I jumped out of the car, the rain attacking me imediatley. It was only a matter of seconds before I was completly soaked. I ran back to where the car had gone through searching for this person. 

Who is he or she? Is that really my Sulli? Its impossible.Sulli would never lie to me. She should be in Busan...

I ran everywhere trying to remeber that places I had tooken pictures of. It was best for me to call her name. Maybe then it will be easier to find her.


Everyone's attention turned to me and in the next second a crowd of fans was surrounding me. 

Damn. Maybe it wasn't...

In a blink of an eye, I was surrounded by colorful umbrellas which fans held. They all spealed and didn't allow me to escape from them making it impossible to look for you. Just as I was about to give up, a familiar orange shirt caught my attention.


She walked under an umbrella that an older male held. I suddenly felt jealousy and dissappointment. 

Did Sulli lied to me to get with a guy?

I shoved past the fans, probably making some fall to the ground, and ran to the person. Without thinking, I pulled the person violently and forced him or her to turn around. The person's jaw dropped in shock and as their eyes widened.


"Mwo?" You looked at me confused and frightened. 

"Didn't you say you were going to Busan?" I asked you, my grip on you tightening.

"Do..I k-know you?" You asked in a soft voice. 

What? Its not Sulli?

I felt a sudden disappointment and embarrassment.

Taemin: What is your name?

You: J-eong-ggg D-daehynnn

I sighed in fustartion. A guy. A guy I mistaken for my Sulli. 

Babo Taemin..he is almost the half of you, how could you not realize that?

I glared at you. Because of you... AISH!

"You. Are you a fan of Sulli? Why are you dressing like her? Do you know the trouble I just went because I thought you were Sulli? Jeez. Look at me! I'm drenched beacuse of you!" I yelled at him. 

The little guy suddenly looked angry and stepped foward. He literally reached to my shoulders, making me a head taller than him.

"First of all I have no idea who this Sulli is. Secondly why do you care if I dress like someone else? Also you were the one who came running all the way over here! Because of you I can't find my brother!"

He walked stomped his way to the direction he was just going to.

Geez what a diva...

I sighed in fustration and ran back to where I came from searching for the SHINee's van.


You walked away angrily and looked around to look for your brother.

Stupid guy. Because of you I lost my brother and am all drenched.

I ran around searching for my oppa. 


There was no sign of him and I kicked a trash can that was near me. 

Stupid jerk. If I ever see you again...AISH!

I continued searching for my brother

Taemin POV

I ran around the streets looking for the van. I groaned at the thought of you.

Stupid jerk...why did you have to loook like Sulli?

I look around to find the SHINee van but didn't see it anywhere. 

taemin: Aish..

I ran around, hoping no one will recognized me. Because I couldn't find the van, I yelled in fustration.

Jerk...if I ever see you again you are dead...wasting my time..

I ran to find the van, hoping that I will find it soon.




      A day went by and today was very different from yesterday. The weather seemed to be very bipolar In  Korea. I gazed up at the clear, bright blue sky. Not a single cloud was seen which was really strange. The brightness of the sky blinded my eyes and caused them to water which forced me to look away. I found myself outside my uncle's shabby house in his garden. I enjoyed this place because it was very different, more like peaceful and quiet. Now I understand why my mother used to love this place. Not a single thing can be heard here except my guitar's strumming and my voice. I sang a song I composed which is called Hello To myself (originally from JYP and sang by Yenny-wonder girls). The song wasn't too bad but not my best. It did give me strength though, when I needed it. I grew bored and stopped at once. I sat there enjoying the view of the beautiful garden. I suddenly thought about the first day of school which will be tomorrow. My oppa(Kyuhyun) is only one year older than me so he might show me around the school. He commented to me that many celebrities currently attend the school Hanlim Arts. I felt butterflies in my stomach and I clutched it. 

     "Aigoo...I don't know why I suddenly feel nervous..." I mumbled to myself. Honestly, I have no idea how korean schools are. Maybe I did once when I was younger, but because I have lived in America most of my life, I forgot. It makes me sad, realizing that I have forgotten half of my chilhood that happened in Korea. I sighed in fustration and grabbed the granola bar that was sitting next to me. I munched gloomily on the granola bar as I set my guitar gently on the grass. I laid on my back allowing the sun rays to hover on me while I slowly closed my eyes.

 당신은 아름다워요 

After what seemed forever, I finally opened my eyes. I wasn't facing the bright blue sky anymore but I found myself in the living room, watching my younger-self laying on the blood red couch. I looked around noticing that this memory was from seven years ago. I heard a familiar chuckle coming from behind me. Time froze and I gasped faintly. Slowly I turned to the direction that the chuckle came from and my jaw drop.

You: Umma....

My mother smiled at me and just when I was going to return the smile, she magically went through me.  My eyes widened and I looked faward, watching her walk towards my younger self. She caressed my cheek and I saw myself wake up. 

Mom: Have you been losing sleep? You even fell asleep on the grass...Do you know how much you weight? You have to start losing weight...

The younger me rubbed her eyes and nodded. 

My eyes began to sting. The woman that I haven't seen for years...was in front of me, scolding me.

Mom: Aish..see I told youYou go to sleep early..

I wiped my tears and and watched my mother smile brightly


I heard the front gates open and watched my younger self hop off the couch and run out the door. I followed myself out the door and froze once again. The man I once called father was standing in front of me. My younger self jumped on him and he received me with a big tight hug. I kissed his cheek and greeted him. 

you: Anneyong appa! how was work?

He smiled widely and walked towards inside the house. 

Appa: It was tiring but now that I see you I am all better now!

Both of me smiled and my brother came out the house.

Kyuhyun: Anneyong appa!

He ruffled my hair and I pouted. 

You: Oppa!

My father chuckled and my mother also came out of the house 

Umma: Yoboe!

She kissed my father's cheek and my father kissed her back on the lips. I smiled at the sight as tears exit there way out of my eyes. 

I knew that this was a dream. There was no way going back in time even though it's my greatest desire besides bringing my mother back to life. 

I wish this weren't a dream.

Or even if it was, I wish to never wake up.

But something told me to wake up. 


My eyes fluttered opened and I faced the now dark blue sky. The happiness that I used to have was gone. Taken away from me. My heart frowned and I clenched my fist. I wish I could go back to that time, because even though my mother was sick at that time I was still happy. Ever since I found out that my father had a secret affair I can't even look into my father's eyes without feeling hate towards him. A layer of water formed in my eyes and I tried my best not to cry. Its useless crying. I've cried everyday because of this memory. As hard as I try to forget everything, my efforts are thrown away when it suddenly comes back to me. I stood up, tears unexpectedly coming out. I felt irritated, how I couldn't be strong at times like this. I hate being weak. I hate hating my father. I only allowed myself to come back here for one only that reason. My brother and uncle. For more than half of my life I haven't seen them. Our mother had migraine-a powerful headache that occurs on one side of the head-and had to go to America so that our uncle could give her medication. She decided to bring me with her and I gladly accepted her desicion in bringing me. When we arrived to America, my father obviously didn't have to be as sneaky as he used to be to meet with his lover. A close friend of my mom found out and told my mother, knowing that do to her illness, it could kill her. Just as she thought, my mother died of shock and the powerful headche. The pain was too much for her to bear. I still remember finding her, laying dead on the kitchen floor. I also remeber hearing the conversation my uncle had with my father. My father sobbed as he confessed that he killed her and that this haunts him, which he deserves. No matter how many times he apologizes to me, I have no intensions for forgiving him.

Two reasons.

1. He didn't cheat on me, he cheated on mom.

2. He took away the person that can never be replaced. My mother.

I wiped the tears off my cheek and grabbed my guitar. I was heading inside the house until my uncle came out reading the newspaper.

 He stopped and looked at me.

 Uncle: Oh Daehyun. Keanchana? 

 He stared at my crying eyes. 

 I looked away and cleared my throat, hoping that my  voice wouldn't crack.

 You: Aniyo. I think ts the pollen thats irritating my eyes. 

 He looked at me suspiciously and sighed.

 Uncle: Don't lie. You at lying. You were thinking about noona weren't you?

 I  couldn't lie to him. He was aware of how I feel. I slowly noded and stared at    him. 

 He placed his hand on my shoulder and looked into my eyes. I could see   sadness in his eyes, feeling my pain since he also lost his older sister.

Uncle: Don't be afraid to cry or admit anything. If you need to cry, cry. Its better than having to hold everything inside you. 

He smiled sincerely and took his hand of my shoulder.

Uncle: By the way, I made dinner. You are getting too skinny so make sure to eat, arrasso?

I nodded and he walked towards the garden. He was right. Ever since my mother died, I haven't eaten as much as I used to. The thought of her pained me. I walked inside the house and headed towards my room. I was glad that my uncle allowed me to live with him. He kept my mother's house-which my father also used to live in after my father moved out-so that he could take care of the garden that my mother loved so much. My father lives miles away, which makes me feel a bit better. Of course it would be better if we didn't even like in the same country but I guess that isn't possible. I opened my door's room and shut it, placing my guitar in its place. I jumped on my bed and grabbed my laptop, placing the covers on me. I began to email my friends in America who've been curious how I've been.

From: Eun_Hae258

At 10:53 AM

How was the flight? Did you see Kyuhyun Oppa? 


From: Vhenyse_Encarnation789

At 4:03 AM

Have you arrived yet? Did you see SHINee's van?? I miss you though :`(


From: Stephen_559

At 7:09 AM

Hey Bunny! How are you? Did you arrive safe? Have you seen your brother? I miss you so much! email me as soon as you read this!

I smiled as read my three best friends email. I had more emails but I felt like only reading theirs. I replied back to them quickly.

From: Eun_Hae258

At 6:53 PM

How was the flight? Did you see Kyuhyun Oppa? 

From: Daehyun_bunny240

I miss you tooo! ^.^The flight was looooooooong but I caught up on my sleep! And ne, I saw Kyuhyun. I didn't recpgnize him though when I was at the airport. 


From: Vhenyse_Encarnation789

Have you arrived yet? Did you see SHINee's van?? I miss you though :`(

From: Daehyun_bunny240

I arrived already. Actually I had an incident with the maknae. He isn't who you think it is, that jerk. Anywho I miss you too! I miss your kpop obssesion, which I usually get irritated. Email me every chance you get, arrasso?


From: Stephen_559

Hey Bunny! How are you? Did you arrive safe? Have you seen your brother? I miss you so much! email me as soon as you read this!

From: Daehyun_bunny240

ne, I arrive safe. I saw my brother and he is handsome! Too bad he is my brother...kekeke. I miss you too! Send me all of your football games, arasso? 

I closed my laptop and laid on my bed. I smiled to myself as I thought of my friends. They are amazing people who will be extremely hard to forget about. I heard a knock on my door and I stood up.

You: Come in.

The door opened and my uncle came inside, turning on the lights as he held a tray with dinner.

Uncle: Didn't I tell you to eat? I brought you your dinner.

He placed it next to my bed and sat on my bed.

Uncle: Why do you keep the lights off?

You: I like the dark plus I am already used to it.

He nodded and took a look around my room.

Uncle: It didn't change much to you, did it?

You: Aniyo. I'm glad you didn't change anything. It would be hard for me to get used to a room that I wasn't familiar with.

He smiled.

I was suddenly curious about my uncles feelings. 

You: Uncle, do you miss umma?

His smile disappeared and he stared at the floor. I saw him slowly nod. 

Uncle: She was the only one that was always on my side. As nagging as she was, she was still the sister that I loved with all my heart. When that bast-I mean your father killed her, my heart broke. I miss her. A lot. i would do anything to bring her back alive but its impossible. 

He stared at me and I looked into his red eyes. I know how he feels. Losing someone who you love is the worst pain anyone could ever feel. He cleared hsi throat and stood up.

Uncle: Make sure you eat your food, arasso? If you need anything, I'll be in my office. 

He walked away, closing the door behind him and I suddenly felt empty again. I sighed and chewed on the food my uncle brought me. This moment, I wanted to cry again. Although its tiring, it never ends. At this rate my eyes will wear out. 

I thought about my new life that I will be starting in Korea. Tomorrow I will start school. I'll have to make new friends and am going to have to get used to this routine. I'll have to forget my life in America. I continued eating my food and drank a bit of my orange juice. Finally when I felt full, I sat on my bed, staring in space. 

My life has changed now, and it'll never be the same, sadly. It breaks my heart having this feeling of emptiness. I hope one day this all changes. I hope that I one day find someone who isn't cruel like my father but someone like my uncle or brother who can fill my heart and help me forget these times that I felt like this.

And I hope I find that Person soon...


After we arrived to our house, everyone sat on the couch. Taemin coughed and Key tsk.

"Aigoo. I don't know what was so important that you had to run in the rain like that. Hurry and change clothes you babo!" He nagged.

Taemin rolled his eyes and groaned as he walked upstairs to grab a new set of dry clothes and to wash. He was fustrated of what happened today. 

"Aish...I need to get Sulli of my mind. I keep seeing her evrywhere. I eaven thought that guy was her.." He mumbled to himself. He shrugged and continued to wash himself.

Minho was in his room, laying sown on his bed,  throwing a ball up and down as he pondered. He wasn't sure how he was going to tell Taemin the truth. 

Should I tell him....or should I not?

He's been asking himself this question ever since he and Sulli began to date. He knew what taemin felt for her since he shared his secret. Honestly, how can you not like a cute girl? Its almost impossible! All korean guys love girls that are tall, cute, girly and so on. That's basically the ideal type of girl. he sighd and sat up.

Taemin is going to kill him if he finds out that they have been going out. He's asked Sulli to keep it a secret form everyone, including F(X) members and SHINee members. Its been hard having to meet up in secret but not impossible. He laid down again and continued to throw the ball up in the air.

Jonghyun wored his reading glasses and read his favorite books. Its been a while since he's read so he must catch up on his reading. Onew often made fun of him and called him an ahjumma because he looks like an old lady with glasses.

Key wore his pink apron and began to cook the SHINee members a nice warm meal. Its been a while that they've eaten Key's cooking so they were all looking foward to eating it. He began to place the dinner and as expected, Onew was already sitting down waiting for him. 

"Agoo. Such a pig.." Key mumbled as Onew chuckled.

"Taemin! Minho! Jonghyun!"Food's ready!" He informed the other members. They imediatley rushed to the kitchen and sat.

"Gomawo Key!" They all said happily. He simply nodded and ate along with them. 

"Taemin remember ot drink medicne, arasso?" He reminded the maknae who was already close to finishing his meal.

"Neeeee." He responded.

All of them ate in silent until Onew interrupted the silence.

"Have you heard any news from the presindent?" He asked the members.

"Aniyo. Shouldn't he be back form Japan already?" Jonghyun wondered. 

"He's the tyoe to come back when he feels like it." taemin mumbled.

"I heard he had some auditions there. I haven't heard anything else." Key informed them.

They nodded and wondered for what other reasons he could have gone there.

"Mianhe for changing the subject but why did you suddenly had the urge to run out of the van?" Minho asked Taemin. He stopped eating and looked at him.

"I mistaked someone for someone else."

"Let me guess you thout you saw Sull?" Onew teased.

Taemin nodded, admitting that he was right.

"Aigoo, our maknae is growing up." Jonghyun clapped his hands and smiled causing the members to chuckle.

'And so what happened?" Key asked.

"What do you think? It wasn't Sulli." taemin said and pouted.

"So what happened to the person you mistaked as Sulli?" Minho asked.

"I don't know, but I hope I never see that bastard again." Taemin said followed by a cough. They ate finished their meal and headed to their rooms.


"No one ever said Love starts of as love-at-first sight...

                                                                                                       ...But love doesn't have to be perfect, to be true....













 당신은 아름다워요 




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I promise to update tomorrow. ;-; mianhe to many projects and homework :'(


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ExOtIc43v4 #1
Chapter 6: AYAAAA, there's absolutely nothing wrong with this chapter!
I loved It a and the chapters before...
This made me cryyyy and smile again at the fluffiness....
Oh and btw I love how you put the quotes at the beginning.
Ok sorry...
I hope you update again soon~!
Angelaa_0919 #2
Angelaa_0919 #3
Angelaa_0919 #4
Chapter 4: Omo Jagi. The feels. And Xiumin bby. Unf~ Why must you do this to me, Daniela?! TT.TT SO UNFAIR UGH SOB s BCUZ PERF ASDFGHJKL
umidek #5
Chapter 2: ohmygosh this is so perfect i am sobbing all over my keyboard atm. ; u ;
Angelaa_0919 #6
Th opening had me wanting to cry! It was so powerful.
GabyMarie #8
Chapter 3: Wow that was a terrible day that I had! Lol. I wonder what SHINee's plan might be. Well I think its a great story and I hope you update as fast as possible!
Jpopforlife #9
OMO?! SHINee are going to take revenge on me? Waeeeee??!!! I hope they don't hurt me too bad though. I love the idea of SHINee being cold guys. I hope you update fast!
Fabilala #10
I really like the story. I hope you update soon!