
I was such a fool
"The most high looked definiens at the mathematic is the subject that I'm going to lecture about today. As a teacher of math course,..."

Mr.Lee's humming voice is like a soothing lullaby to my ears.maybe that is why I could never focus on the subject and have low marks at it.I should also refer that I'm an exception through all of his student because,when I glance around,I found everyone busy taking notes.
the best way to amuse myself at Mr.Lee's hour is to look out of the window nearby.
The bell rang and students were busy packing and leaving the class after the teacher quietly.
A nudge at my side take my attention,I averted my gaze from window to chanyeol,my close friend. "you seem blue sehun-ah, even though you're hiding it well," chanyeol said copying and writing down what was at the board.
I chuckled lightly,"you know me too well hyung,".
"Now that I catch you,tell me what is bothering you," he demanded,puting his pen on top of his notebook,looking at me with his oversized glass,ready to listen me. he is not a nerd or old fashoinate type,he just wears that to look charming and it indeed works.
"so?" he adjusted his glasses. What's bothering me?I wouldn't want to spill it to him,so,what should I say as a cause to chanyeol?should I blame it to weather for being too overcloudy at first day of the school?or...should I blame it to Mr.Lee's distrubing serious tone of voice?
"did you miss kyungsoo?Is it because of him?"
right. Kyungsoo can be my cause.
"I think. Maybe. Last night,sleeping alone at the dorm was like the hell," changyeol seemed satisfied with that,he loosened his posture and began packing. I,myself too packed my stuff.
"but,principal kang had promised a nice new dormmate,didn't he?"
"yeah he did but,I'm afraid he won't be as nice as kyungsoo..quiet..good cook!" chanyeol laughed at my comment. Shouldering our backpack,we left the class,walking in the hallway toward the dorm building.
"he definitely was a good cook. Too bad he graduated last year," chanyeol put an arm around me,"If you don't like the newbie,I'll ask the principal to transfer me to your dorm,don't worry man."
"Thanks dude," It was so nice of him to offer me something like that,he would always say that I would make the most irritating dormmate,Not telling me the reason though.
Reaching the dorm building,we get on the elevator and pressed the botton four then seven. Chanyeol dropped on the forth floor then I get off on seventh. treading in the long hallway,I went to room 501.
There was rumors that this building was a hotel before and had many ghosts in,specially my dorm. But who cares when I hadn't see any of then with my own eyes. Rumors are rumors any way.
Stepping in,I threw my backpack somewhere in the small living room,not caring about kyungsoo naggin and went to kitchen.
Woah!...I'm so tired of that damn so called highschool.
Why our school are not like other highschools. No blithesome student,No laughing loud group of friends in the hallway at breaktime. It's as if everyone is in challenge to have the best mark. Teachers are walking stones. And the worse is the classes.everyone would be deep listening to the teachers.It's so tiring!

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Chapter 2: Plz update if possible...:)
Chapter 2: Awwww~ thanks for updating.giant baby chanyeol as sehun's close friend, I like it.<br>Cant wait for baekhun encounter *_^
Love-sehun #3
Ma 2nd OTPXD
I got soo~ exited when i saw your know,baekhun is underrated but you made a favor to write one^^ wish you luck chingu~~ my badass sehun is BACK:-D Update pleaseee~~
I think,I will love baekhyun's character!Update sooon^^