Part 3

Unstoppable Love

Flashback 2 years ago.....



                            When Nauen is still in her 3rd middle school around 16 years old and kai is in 1st high school 17 years old ( kai is 1 yr.older than naeun ).

It's lunchtime, a lot of students inside the cafeteria, so very noisy,some students are singing,some of them chitchatting with friends. Some students also just standby in the corridor. Middle school building and high school building are actually separate but in Naeuns point,its not a hindrance for her to come and visit her beloved Kai. On that day, she brought sandwich for him.

He is in the corridor when he saw her.  What are you doing here? Kai asked with an irritating voice. 

I just brought some sandwich for you kai because i made 2 of it to give one for you, she said while smiling.

will you stop giving me food everyday? its very irritating you know?! I can buy food on my own! kai scold at her.

Will we dont know if the food u buy is clean or safe to eat,atleast the one i give to you is clean because my mom made it,she said.

Why are you doing this?! Kai ask almost out of patience.

Naeun grow up spoiled and pampered by her parents, she only have one big brother,so anything she want her parents will give it to her. And she have this personality that she always speak whats in her mind as long as it wont hurt or offend othe people's feelings. She is the type that wont tell a lie just to please other people. And at a young age she felt somewhat connected to kai. Maybe because he's the first guy that she is fond with aside from her dad and older brother,she cannot expalin it but she feel that kai is the only one for him. That's why when he ask her why is she doing this,she answered, -Because I LOVE YOU!.

 Kai was shocked and his mouth is wide open because of her answer,he did not expect it. He frantically looked at his friends and when he is sure that nobody hear what she said he sigh in relief.

I just want to tell you that i dont want you to come here again and i dont want you to disturb me and bring some food to me every lunchtime.  And do you know what you are saying? you are still young to think like that. You better go back to your classroom now, kai said in a serous voice.

He turn his back unto her and was about to go when she said. Why you dont want to believe what i say? I can prove it to you! I did not said now but atleast just wait for me until i grow up,"she said in pleading voice.

 Go back to your room now Naeun,and please stay away from me!, he said in a cold voice before turninig back.

I LOVE YOU KAi, DO YOU HEAR ME? she say again while kai was walking away.

when kai still not listening and continue walking she did not think twice and shouted, I LOVE YOU KAI! and oneday ,you're going to love me too and marry me!"

He stopped walking, even his friend nearby was shock and look at her. Even the other students who passby stop and schock upon her confession. It seems like the world stop spinning because of what she said. Coming from a 16 years old, truly it was a schocker.

She come near to kai whie he still in shock, she recieved a very loud applause from the students.

Everybody !" chanyeol, his one of kai's friends. We have to wait for the day if what Naeun said just now will come! We will wait for that day if  she can win kai's heart and become his husband....hoooooo!'  the other students cheered loudly for them.

End of Flashback.


Because of that incident they were asked to go to the guidance office. It spread all over school and even in their neighborhood of what she did. Even there neighbors finds it amusing and also anticipating for that day . Her mother got angry but her father and older brother just laugh of what happen. They find it cute and amusing coming from there only princess. Eventhough her father is the principal in their middle school department he did not get angry to her. Although, he ask the teacher to advice her. Because of what happen they became famous couple in there schol and place. It seems that all the people are very happy for them. Unfortunately, not for Kai.

He avoid her like plague. But it did not affect her, she still come and go to see him eventhough he try to avoid her,she always follew him around.

In her young heart, she knew she loved him. At she really believed that day will come when he tell her that he love her too.

Maybe he just find it irratating because she is very vocal about her feelings for him. But once he realize that she did it bcause she love him, he will see what she truly feels.

He would learn to love her one day, she whisper in her heart.





note: sorry for my bad english its not my first language..hehe..hope you like my story.Thank You! (",)



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updated my story, and final


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Ydvvfjkch #1
Chapter 20: I really like this author ❤️ ❤️we want more kaieun
blackmyungeun #2
Chapter 20: This story is great. I love it so much
Chapter 14: nyaaaa~~~~~
Chapter 20: awwww...
that was sweet.. I felt my heart fluttered :3

p/s: you wrote cool stories.. I'm particularly following hiding inside myself..
update the story soon please?? I really hope their love would blossom soon :D
maybe with the help of kai's stepsister? hehehe >.<
Chapter 19: uwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Chapter 16: bad krystal
bad. BADDD krystalll.. humph!

I. Hate. that.
Chapter 7: GO Naeun!!!! yeah!
Chapter 4: whyyyy??
why kai, why???
Chapter 3: thats sad... naeunnie~~~
Chapter 2: Oh ! My name at there ? How you do that?