The nightmare (PART 1)

Love, Friendship but to many problems...

3rd person POV:

Suddenly Seungri starts to choke on a piece of pizza. I can't cough it up.

Chaerin notices that Seungri stops eating and makes weird noises.

''Are you okay Seungri..?'' She asked but no response. He kept on trying to get it out but it didn't work.

Seungri starts to panick and wraps his hands around his neck to show he's choking.

''OMG! Seungri..!? Are you chocking..!?!'' She said loudly and she seemed scared.

Seungri nodded and kept on trying. 

''Omg! What should I do?! I don't know what to do!''

Chaerin seemed frustrated and scared.

Suddenly Seungri grabs a paper and a pen from the table and starts writing.

''Help... Me...'' Chaerin said as she kept on looking for what Seungri was gonna write more.

''get''  Seungri wrote. 

''Get what..?!'' She shouted loudly. Chaerin felt useless at this point and wanted to cry.

Then he writes: ''Get   Seung    Hyun'' 

Seungri couldn't breathe. 

''Do I need to leave you here alone to get him..!?'' Chaerin said frustrated.

Seungri nodded and pointed to the door. Seungri knew that Seung Hyun knows first aid and had done a course. He might as well know to help him.

Chaerin runs with her keys towards the door and opens it.

She runs to the house of the boys and knocks very hard on the door. ''OPEN IT! PLEASE..! I NEED HELP!'' 

Seung Hyun opened the door and was wondering why Chaerin was here and that she shouted so loudly.

''What is it..?'' He said.

''Quick!! It's seungri!'' Chaerin said and ran back into her house. 

Seung Hyun followed. By the time they arrive they see Seungri laying unconscious on the floor. Blue lips and very pale.

Chaerin starts crying. ''Seungri!'' 

Seung Hyun still wondered what went wrong and asked. ''What happened?!''

Chaerin is really scared. ''He just started choking...''

''And he didn't cough it up..?'' 

Chaerin shakes her head.

''Okay we need to get it out then. Do you got a first aid kit..?''

Chaerin nodded and ran upstairs to get it. She came back down and opened it.


''Okay thanks, Chaerin please call an ambulance, and I'll try to fix this okay..?'' Seung Hyun said.

Chaerin takes her phone out and want to dial the number.

''Chaerin look at me.'' 

She looked at him and started even more crying.

''Trust me... He's gonna be okay.''

Chaerin smiled and started calling.

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