
The Wait

"MAIV XIS! Get up right now!...it's already morning, why aren't you up yet!?"

*grunts* "Mom...I'll get up in a bit..."

"Who told you to come home so late?...were you with that poor guy!?"

"Mom...don't say that." Maiv Xis says while trying to sit up. "Why do you always judge the guys I date by their looks?...Mom...I know he's poor, but he has a nice heart."

"That's what you say about all your other ex's...'he ugly, but his heart this...he short, but his heart that...' Maiv Xis...all guys are the same. One day Lis Ceeb's going to leave you just like all your other ex's. They just want you for your money and when you don't look beautiful anymore they're going to leave you."

"I know mom...but...Lis Ceeb's a little different...he's...he's...he's just different from my other guys, mom."

"...what?...so are you going to marry him since you like him that much?..."


"What is he going to feed you?...dirt and grass?..."

"...mom...stop!..." Maiv Xis says with her morning voice.

"Just dump Lis Ceeb. I know he's just like your other ones!...I'll find you a better one, OK?." mom sits on Maiv Xis's bed next to her trying to convince her.

Maiv Xis looks at her mom in the eye, then looks away. "No, mom you can't, because Lis Ceeb and I love each other."

"What did you say?"

"I said I love Lis Ceeb!" Maiv cries out.

Mom then slaps her. "What a daughter!...who doesn't listen to her mom!" she gets up and walks towards the door. "I'm finding you a man no matter what! I will not accept a poor man like Lis Ceeb as my son-in-law!...hurry up and come help me in the kitchen!" mom yells as she walks toward the door and out.

Maiv Xis then cries off with her head down to her knees.




Days later...Maiv Xis had went over to Lis Ceeb again. Lis Ceeb was embracing her in his arms. "Lis Ceeb?...do you love me?" she asked curiosly.

"Why do you ask? You know I'll always love you no matter what." He smiles.

"Mom still doesn't like you, Lis Ceeb..." Maiv Xis told him sadly looking down. "Mom said that she was going to find me another man. Please don't let this happen!"

"I'll head to your house tomorrow morning. I'm going to ask mom and dad for you, Ok?" Lis Ceeb said. "No matter what, I'll do anything for you." he made a strong fist.

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dimskie #1
ill wait on your updatesss