He Cares

You're Not Okay

“Chen, don’t kill me..!” Xiumin squeaked as Chen finally cornered him.

“Xiumin, why would you do that?” Chen snapped at him.

Xiumin glanced around cautiously, “I-I don’t know… Because it was cute?”

Chen’s eyes narrowed to a glare. He shook his head softly and turned around. He took a few steps forward before stopping again.

“Be more considerate next time…” he snapped at Xiumin again.

Chen left the room to try and find Kris again. He searched the entire dorm and could not find the older boy. He sighed in frustration as he sat on the couch. Maybe Kris didn’t actually like him, and Chen was right about being worthless.

“Yo, Chen, are you okay?” Suho sat beside him.

“Mmhm,” he wasn’t going to let anyone else see through him.

Suho looked at him with an expression of confusion; he wasn’t sure how to get Chen to talk like Kris had. He stood up and awkwardly left, even though he was worried for Chen. Chen sighed again and walked to Kris’ room. He knocked quickly but when no one answered, he let himself in. Chen felt a little rude doing this, but he wanted to see if Kris was asleep. When he found no one, he sighed and sat quickly on Kris’ bed. He noticed one of the older boy’s shirts laying across his pillow and picked it up. He brought it close and inhaled deeply; Kris’ scent was all over it and Chen smiled lightly.

“…” Chen breathed.

It wasn’t the fact that Chen really liked Kris that now had his heart breaking, but the fact that he knew that their relationship would never be allowed. He fell back onto Kris’ bed and pulled the shirt to rest over his head. Chen’s eyes fluttered shut and he fell asleep.

Kris returned from running to the store and ran into Suho heading out.

“Ah, Kris, I think Chen was looking for you earlier…” Suho said quickly.

“Do you know where he is now?” Kris frowned.

Suho shook his head. Kris continued to frown and left Suho to do whatever. Kris wandered around the dorm for a while before heading to his own room. He found it odd how he couldn’t find Chen anywhere now. He opened his door and threw his bag onto his chair. He glanced around and his eyes found the boy lying on his own bed. Kris froze in bewilderment. Kris couldn’t help but let a smile drift over his face; he was surprised Chen was in his room, curled up with his shirt. Kris let out a low chuckle and walked over to his bed. He placed a hand on Chen’s head and gently ruffled the boy’s hair.

“You’re too cute…” Kris breathed out.

Something about the peaceful expression on Chen’s face made Kris not want to wake him up. It made Kris happy because Chen was peaceful.

“I don’t get why people don’t like you more…” Kris sighed to himself.

It baffled Kris how many fans didn’t seem to like Chen a lot. Kris knew there were some fans that were absolutely crazy about Chen; but then why didn’t they show up at events or anything? Kris’ hand remained on Chen’s head as he thought to himself. Xiumin was the same; both Chen and Xiumin were very underappreciated in EXO.

“Kris…?” Chen’s eyes fluttered open.

Kris stood up quickly and glanced down at Chen. Chen sat up slowly and rubbed his eyes.

“S-sorry…” Kris stammered.

“Why?” Chen blinked at him.

“I- uh, was just thinking I guess…” Kris smiled sadly.

“Are you okay Kris?”

Kris stared down at Chen; he didn’t know what to say. Kris started to nod slowly but then quickly shook his head.

“I worry about you Chen. And it aggravates me when people don’t like you. I don’t get it. There is nothing to not like about you. You have an amazing voice, you’re talented, and handsome… Why don’t your fans come out?!” Kris ranted.

Chen stared at Kris shocked, but the he started to laugh.

“What’s so funny?” Kris snapped at him a little hurt.

“S-sorry… I’m just happy that you are so upset because of me…” Chen laughed.

A blush spread across Kris’ face quickly and he turned away. Chen laughed some more.

“Bastard…” Kris muttered.

Chen stopped and smiled at Kris, “Thank you…”

“For what?” Kris turned to Chen and asked.

“For caring about me…” 

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Chapter 4: Awww that is so cute~ ♥♥♥♥♥
viani24 #2
Chapter 3: this chapter was so cute ^^..thank you for update ^^
sakuraa_moe #3
Chapter 3: :3

Now give me moar!
oh-tea-twelve #4
Chapter 3: awwwh kris is so cute here haha whining for chen's presence and he said the 3 words heeee c::
i wonder why everyone think its weird for them to sleep together but its normal for the rest...?
update soon~
Chapter 2: THIS WAS TOO SWEET.! <3
Jessiebleeep #6
Chapter 2: I love it! It was soooo cute! my krischen feellings :') fighting~
viani24 #7
Chapter 2: cute..too cute..so fluffy (^ ^)
mikazuki_angel #8
Chapter 2: Oh goodness, this was adorable. I can't even!!! xD I need more KrisChen in my life. And it is delightful to read fluffy KrisChen!! I don't seem to write that genre as much as I should but I have to push myself to...

I thought this was a oneshot, so I'm happy that it's a short story of some kind. ^^ Hopeful for another update.

oh-tea-twelve #9
Chapter 2: asdfdfjlkkll omergad this was so cute like chen is all insecure and unsure a lost lil duckling trying to find his kris c:
chen sniffing on kris's shirt homg it must've smelled nice i heard yifan smells divine xD seriously chen is too cute for words sleeping like that chenris is lovely! im so glad both baozi and chenchen is getting more love nowadays ¦:333
looking forward to more chenris~