In Heaven

You're Not Okay

“Jongdae, can we talk?” Kris grabbed Chen’s wrist lightly before they all went back to their rooms.

Chen paused and looked Kris in the eyes, searching for what his true intentions were.

Chen shrugged, “I guess so.”

Kris led Chen into a small room near the entrance of EXO’s shared dorm. Most people used this room for cooling off, but Kris thought it would be a good idea for him to use it to talk privately with Chen. As soon as they were both in, Kris shut the door firmly; the room was quite dark Kris realized. The pair stood in awkward silence for a while before either of them spoke.

“Are you okay Jongdae? I mean, like really okay? Not all that fake stuff you said earlier,” Kris inquired carefully.

Chen continued to stare at the ground as he spoke, “Yeah, I’m fine, like I said… I’m used to not getting gifts from fans.”

Kris stared at Chen for the longest time, Chen occasionally shifted uncomfortably under Kris’s dark gaze. Kris had usually cared a lot about s, but Chen really didn’t want to talk about this right now.

“I said I’m fine. Can I go now?” Chen whined impatiently.

Kris slightly smiled at Chen’s immature actions; he was cute. Kris continued to stare at Chen, but barred the door as the younger tried to leave.

“I know you’re not… I can see how hurt you are…” Kris said bluntly.

Chen glared at him unexpectedly. What else was he supposed to do? He sure as hell wasn’t going to break down in front of EXO fans, and there was no way he was going to talk about his frustration with the other members. No one got how Chen felt.

“Fine, you want me to tell you how I feel, I will. You and all of the other members get things from your fans; EXO fans but I get nothing. I feel like I shouldn’t even be in this band. All of the hard work I put into it gets me nowhere. Hell, I didn’t even know how to communicate with Tao, Lay and Luhan for the first month. And even now I can barely talk on shows and during fan events. I put my all into everything and no one likes me anyways. I guess I’m just worthless!”

Chen snapped, and by the end of his little rant, he had tears pouring down his face. Kris quickly wrapped his arms around the smaller and tried to sooth him. Kris was never good at stuff like this, so he felt really awkward as Chen sobbed into his chest.

“You’re not worthless… Maybe your fans are just shy,” Kris smiled down at Chen.

Kris brought his hand up to gently wipe away the tears clinging to Chen’s face. Chen just stared up at Kris, not able to say anything.

“B-besides,” Kris started, “You have an amazing voice and a great personality… There is no way our fans don’t like you. You’re adorable…”

Chen stared at Kris and Kris finally realized what he had said. He blushed deeply at the thought.

“I-I mean…” Kris stammered.

“Do you like me Kris?” a cheeky smile started to form on Chen’s face.

Kris released Chen and tried to exit the room swiftly but Chen immediately wrapped his arms around Kris’ waist disallowing him from leaving. Chen snuggled into Kris’ back and inhaled deeply.

“I might…” Kris sighed lightly.

Chen blushed and buried his face against Kris’ back. Kris felt Chen’s arms tighten around him and he smiled. He brought his own hands up to rest on Chen’s arms encircling him. Kris turned around slowly and tilted Chen’s face upwards.

“I like you, for you…” Kris smiled warmly.

Chen blushed again and tried to look away.

“But I.. I’m untalented… And people like you and Tao… And I think it-” Chen babbled.

Kris swiftly cut Chen off by placing his lips over the boy’s soft ones. Chen shut up and instantly kissed Kris back. Kris’ hands found their place on Chen’s waist and Chen’s on Kris’ neck. Chen’s eye’s fluttered shut as Kris kissed him. Kris pulled back and smiled down at Chen again.

“So now you get you aren’t worthless?” Kris said.

Chen nodded vigorously, “As long as you like me… I’m happy.”

A faint pink flushed Kris’ cheeks as the words fell from Chen’s lips. He was happy too, that Chen liked him back. The two smiled at each other again. The pair froze as the door to the room swung open rapidly and light flooded in.

“Oh wow… It’s like a game of 7 minutes in heaven…” Xiumin giggled as he skipped away.

All of the members were standing outside gaping at the two. A wild blush spread across both the boy’s faces.

“Xiumin… I am going to kill you!” Chen snapped as he ran after his hyung quickly. The room erupted into laughter as the tension amongst the group vanished.

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Chapter 4: Awww that is so cute~ ♥♥♥♥♥
viani24 #2
Chapter 3: this chapter was so cute ^^..thank you for update ^^
sakuraa_moe #3
Chapter 3: :3

Now give me moar!
oh-tea-twelve #4
Chapter 3: awwwh kris is so cute here haha whining for chen's presence and he said the 3 words heeee c::
i wonder why everyone think its weird for them to sleep together but its normal for the rest...?
update soon~
Chapter 2: THIS WAS TOO SWEET.! <3
Jessiebleeep #6
Chapter 2: I love it! It was soooo cute! my krischen feellings :') fighting~
viani24 #7
Chapter 2: cute..too fluffy (^ ^)
mikazuki_angel #8
Chapter 2: Oh goodness, this was adorable. I can't even!!! xD I need more KrisChen in my life. And it is delightful to read fluffy KrisChen!! I don't seem to write that genre as much as I should but I have to push myself to...

I thought this was a oneshot, so I'm happy that it's a short story of some kind. ^^ Hopeful for another update.

oh-tea-twelve #9
Chapter 2: asdfdfjlkkll omergad this was so cute like chen is all insecure and unsure a lost lil duckling trying to find his kris c:
chen sniffing on kris's shirt homg it must've smelled nice i heard yifan smells divine xD seriously chen is too cute for words sleeping like that chenris is lovely! im so glad both baozi and chenchen is getting more love nowadays ¦:333
looking forward to more chenris~