Youngjae meets Daehyun

Sweet as a Cupcake

I am walking out of Magnolia Bakery when a face pops up in front of mine.

”Your hat! It’s really cool!”

I smile and pat my beanie. I am quite proud of it.

”Thank you.” I give him a once-over. This boy is quite good-looking. “You look pretty cool yourself.”

His skin is too dark to show a blush, but he looks shy.

”Really?” He looks at the sidewalk like he’s looking for a crack to swallow him up. It’s cute – his looks are the last thing he should be bashful about. I’ve met him for two seconds and I know this. “I’m not wearing anything special.”

”That’s the great part.” I flash him a smile and start walking off. “See you around, cupcake.”

”Cupcake! In front of Magnolia! That’s so original.” His face pops up again. Big, maniacally round eyes stare into mine. “So is it true?”

I am confused. “That you’re a cupcake?”

He laughs. It’s loud, sudden and melodic. “No, silly!” He can’t stop laughing. “I mean, that I’ll see you around.”

Ah. So this is how it’s going to be. I look at my watch.


His face falls, his mouth drops open and his eyes go blank, like he wasn’t expecting such a harsh answer. This is the most expressive face I’ve ever seen. I just want to get it between my hands and smush it. Like Play-Doh.


”No. You can see me now.” I grin. “Got time for a coffee?”

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Chapter 2: these two are sooo cute =]
Chapter 1: heheh their first meet up... lol =]