Daehyun meets Youngjae

Sweet as a Cupcake

I am walking out of Magnolia Bakery when a face pops up in front of me. I yell and nearly drop my bags.

”Your leather backpack! It’s really cool!” the face says.

”Oh! Oh,” I say, holding my hand over my heart. “Don’t do that! I scare easily.”

”Sorry.” The face looks contrite. “I get excited easily. And that is a backpack to get excited about.”

”Thank you. I guess.” I give the face and the body it’s attached to a once-over. This boy is good-looking. And the smile that lights up his face is absolutely winning. “You look pretty cool yourself.”

A blush appears on his cheekbones.

”Really?” He smiles at the floor and bites his lips. Lips I would bite as wel— stop it, Daehyun. “I’m not wearing anything special.”

”That’s the great part.” I give him a wink, another once-over, and walk off. “See you around, cupcake.”

”Cupcake! In front of Magnolia! That’s so original.” He pops up in front of me and I nearly walk into him. Again. At least now my scream doesn’t ring down 6th Avenue.

”So is it true?”

I am confused. “That you’re a cupcake?”

He laughs. It’s sudden and melodic. It would be beautiful, if not for how potentially embarrassing this situation is.

”No!” he says. He holds his stomach and spazzes. It’s like he can’t stop laughing. I really hope he’s not laughing at me. It takes the cake, to have a handsome boy laugh at you outside Magnolia. No pun intended.

”I mean,” he says, choking on his laughter, “is it true that I’ll see you around?”

Hold up! Stop the press!

Did I hear what I just heard?

My heart goes dugeun-dugeun, and I say —


His face falls and he frowns, like he wasn’t expecting that answer. The shining, laughing boy suddenly looks fierce. Scary fierce.

Something warm stirs inside my stomach. Jung Daehyun, your preferences will get you into sooooo much trouble one day.

”No?” he says. He sounds touchy. I brace myself.

”No. You can see me now.” I let out a nervous breath and grin. Maybe using these lines on Mr. Volatile wasn’t the best idea, but I can grin my way out of anything. “Got time for a coffee?”

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Chapter 2: these two are sooo cute =]
Chapter 1: heheh their first meet up... lol =]