
          The next morning, Hanbi woke up with bags under her eyes.  She stayed up all night trying to study off of her calculus notes from the previous day and now here she was feeling like complete .  Hanbi hated mornings, but for some damn reason her body always woke up by itself.  No matter how late she went to bed, she always woke up extra early.  Hanbi pulled the covers over her head, hoping to fall back asleep.  Her first class didn’t start until 10 a.m. anyway so that meant she still had an hour and a half left to do whatever she wanted to.  Hanbi could use that hour and a half to her advantage and put on some make-up like any normal girl would.  But her boring complexion wasn’t a big deal to her because she thought she looked decent enough to be seen out in public, just as long as people didn’t stare too long at her face.  Since Hanbi’s body didn’t want to cooperate and sleep in she grumpily got up, dragging her feet along the tacky carpet.  Hanbi dreaded days when she had class with Luhan.  She never looked forward to it, not at all.  Not when she wanted to rip his throat out so that she didn’t have to hear his sugar-coated voice.  Hanbi then opened her dresser, throwing on a long-sleeve plaid shirt and some ripped up blue jeans paired with some Toms.  How attractive.  Not.  But that was Hanbi’s style: boyish and plain.  Hanbi liked that look even though it made people question her gender, but she shrugged it off.


         Hanbi’s legs moved in a rather slow pace on the sidewalk, every ounce of energy was drained out of her.  The campus grounds started to fill with students who were ready to start a new day or more like ready to party after the day was over.  People dodged around Hanbi as she walked straight in one direction as if she was the only person there.   Besides, no one really wanted to be in her way, she looked like she would devour them whole.  Her backpack slung on one shoulder while her hair was balled up underneath a cap, making it easier for her to slip in ear buds.  Right now, she only wanted to listen to music than hear overly-obsessed fangirls screaming Luhan’s name from miles away while they follow him around campus.  Hanbi checked her flip phone.  She had at least eight minutes before her first class started.  “Hanbi.” a voice called out from behind.  Oh .  Hanbi turned around and came face to face with a beautiful male: Baekhyun.  He always tried asking her out on a date every month.  She didn’t know why he still even tried after she rejected him every time he asked.  What was wrong with this guy?  Did he not get the memo or what?  Baekhyun his lips nervously.  “Do you want to get some food later?  I know this really cool place-“Hanbi brushed past his shoulder, not even giving him a chance to finish.   Sure, Baekhyun seemed like a nice guy with good intentions and everyone looked up to him, but she didn’t know him that well enough to go on a simple date with him.  That just wasn’t her.


         “Xi Luhan?” said the professor who was taking attendance while holding a clipboard in his hand.  “Is Xi Luhan present?” he asked once more.  Fangirls cried hopelessly as they saw no sign of their precious Prince.  Hanbi was napping at her seat while Daehyun sat next to her trying to wake her up before her name was called.  The professor was about to mark Luhan absent when the door flew open.  Fangirls shouted in excitement like they haven’t seen Luhan in years, this caused Hanbi to stir in her nap and slowly she got up.  "Damn it." grumbled Hanbi, sitting up in her chair.  She then caught Luhan staring at her.  Why was he staring at her?  There was something about his eyes that said he was hiding some secret and for some reason it made Hanbi feel uncomfortable.  But then she figured he was probably just trying out a new image to impress his fangirls.  “I’m glad you can make it, Luhan.  Please take your seat.” the professor smiled, not even mentioning how he came in late.   


         Throughout class Hanbi listened to the professor’s lecture word by word, down to every syllable.  It was calculus this, calculus that.  Too much information was being thrown at Hanbi, but she made sure her notes were detailed.  Because truth was, she had a ‘C’ in that class and that meant she had to work even harder if she didn’t want to get kicked out.  If she failed any upcoming tests then she was done for.   Her grade would drop to a ‘D’ and there was no way the college was going to accept anything below a ‘C-’.  Hanbi would be completely horrified if she failed calculus.  But she very well knew that college was harsh; it was nothing like high school where tests were curved, where it was okay to turn in month old late homework, or where getting extra credit points was easy.  In college, it was less lenient and more cut-throat.


         Students flooded out the door once class was dismissed, except for a few. “Hanbi please stay after class.” the professor said.  Hanbi scoffed, she didn’t even do anything.  Daehyun would of stayed with her but he already left because he had to meet up with another professor.  Hanbi headed to the front of the room where a podium was placed perfectly in the center as well as the hunched professor behind it. “Yes Mr. Kang?” Hanbi tried saying nicely, but anyone could tell it was forced.  The professor pushed his dainty glasses up with his pointer finger.  “Hanbi, I’m worried about your grade in this class.  I know you’re not failing, but I still think you need help.  You know as well as I do that your average test scores don’t even place above 70%.”  Yeah, it was unpleasant to hear but no thanks, she didn’t want help, she refused any form of it.  “Look Mr. Kang, clearly I’m not failing right now so I don’t need to hear any of this.” she replied fiercely.  “No can do Hanbi, I already made up my mind.  You're going to get help.” stated the professor.  Hanbi rolled her eyes and turned her body away from him.  As she was ready to leave she immediately stiffened when a figure towered above her.  “Say hello to your new tutor!” exclaimed the professor with joy.  Too much joy actually.  There stood none other than Luhan wearing a smug look on his devilish face.  "It's such a pleasure to be your tutor, I hope we can get along well."  Hanbi stared in disbelief.  Why him? 



 ❀ Author's Note:

It's almost 2 a.m. here.  Ugh, this is a y chapter.  I might edit it later when I wake-up so don't be surprised.  LOL.  Oh, I start college in like two weeks T_T  *sniffles*  TWO WEEKS!  My life is going to be hell since I'll be working at my job too.  I can already feel the life draining out of me.  But dem eyes & dat face below makes me forget everything.  Gahhh.  I'll throw my whole life away just for mah baby Luhan.  Who am I kidding, maybe next time.  Ciao, loves <333

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Chapter 4: Come on author, please update :(
Irok2156 #2
Chapter 4: Plz update
Coolcutiedj #3
Chapter 4: WAAAAHHHHH!! Well... Welcome to Hell Hanbi! XD
-redridinghood #4
Chapter 1: screams you got me addicted ; ;