What is love, really?

What is love?
The icy wind furiously slapped my cheek once, twice, thrice...I couldn't care less at the moment. The rush, the heat of my body trapped me in a mesmerizing fantasy. There were no words, no tears and my hands suddenly froze, gripping the steering wheel. At this point, the direction was set, my north was just ahead and I swear in that moment, there was nothing more than determination. 
God, please give him back. 
God, take us back.
God, let's end it here.
My walls crumbled at once, the stoic night rumbled as a hurricane. His face, his rosy high cheeks, his perfect nose, his soft lips, his vast eyes, those eyes had cried a gazillion tears for my heart. In the end this was the only thing I could offer him. His tears kept flowing and his grip on the steering wheel became so strong his knuckles were already white, so much will and yet so weak.
Have you ever loved somebody so much you could die? Just once let me give you all those things I couldn't give you being me. 
I've lied to you countless times, I despised your love, but you saw right through me. Is this my punishment? Is this you proving your point? I don't know who is weaker or more pathetic, but you're right, watch me crumble at your feet.
60, 79, 95, 101, 114 mph...the speed doesn't feel as much as my heart that's running desperate and anxious inside my chest every time you stare at me.
You will never know. Hate? Are those tears full of hatred?
At last you switch lanes and your face is right across of mine and I look once more into those eyes, this is my last act for you....and I can only smile, I won't move. And there goes the impact. What were you trying to achieve? Because that guy really loves you. This guy.
Or longing? Because you really knew I wouldn't speak those words.
I couldn't. 
You knew the truth and you knew as they say, I'd eat my way into perdition just to taste you.
In my heart I wished we could be born for a kind of love that will last forever with a path without rocks, because this path was nothing more than rocks and you deserve much more.
Kyuhyun was in love with Changmin and was aware that the feelings were mutual. On the other hand Changmin kept pushing him away because he cared and didn't want Kyu to get hurt. Changmin was out for revenge in life and couldn't give Kyu what he deserved, but he loved him so much, he could give him his life. Kyuhyun wasn't selfish, he was driving the car, he switched lanes, but Changmin could have turn in any other direction, instead, he met him upfront and so they crashed, together.
What is love, really? 
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LovingKyu #1
Chapter 1: That part from the drama's enough to break my heart, but this... With my favorite couple as the cast... T.T
Chapter 1: I love the way this was written, and it tugged at my heartstrings! It was interesting and creative, definitely a good, short read. :) criesontheinsidethoughbecauseughchangkyuangst
Chapter 1: :OOO
-Cries a river-
Soo...did they die?! NUUUUUUUUU! I love it, it's so sad though T.T
I can't wait for another Changkyu fic! I hope you keep writing! I'll be waiting :D
Chapter 1: OMG!!!! This...was AMAZING!!!! WOw...your vocabulary and writing is amazing!!!! This was soo good!!! I flippin love it!!!!! Seriously!!! I cant wait for another story from you!!!!!<3<3<3 Ah...but my Changkyu heart is in pain...i felt the angst right from the beginning and even though you did warn us...i was still hoping for a good ending^^ Thank you so much for a great story!
Chapter 1: ooohhh so poor ChangKyu :((
They loved one each other..
nice story ^^