First Sparks of Love

Titanic Remake (Japanese Ver.)

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Yuto's room-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

After a while they both get tired of the arguing..

Helen: Lets stop the arguing, I don't want to talk to you anymore.

Yuto: Same here, you are too annoying to the point that I don't want to see your face.

Helen: Thats it, I'm leaving and I hope I will never see you again.

Helen storms out leaving Yuto alone in his room by himself.

Yuto: OMG shes so annoying, but shes cute.....

Yuto shook his head.

Yuto: Whats wrong with me?



Helen stood outside the door, standing there motionless thinking about why her heart is beating so fast.

Helen's thought: Must of been because of the argument. Yeah thats probably it.

So then she walked to the 'all you can eat buffet' since she was getting hungry. Plus it was free.

Once she was there she took lots and lots of food.

She sat down in the closest table.

After 10 mins of eating, she sees Yuto sit on her table.

Helen: Why are you sitting on MY table?

Yuto: If you haven't noticed, its the only table available.

Helen looked around

Helen: Oh, whatever

She continues to stare at her food and continue eating the wonderful food in front of her.


------------------------------------------------------------------------30 mins later--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Helen: Ahhhhhh I'm so fullllllll!!!!! :)

Yuto: Your such a pig

Helen: No I am not, your the pig

Yuto: Says the girl who ate 8 plates of food, and can't you see I only ate 2 plates. Therefore, it does not make me a pig.

Helen: Your turning into a nerd.


Helen: Ahhhhhh I'm so fullllllll!!!!! :)

Yuto: Your such a pig

Helen: No I am not, your the pig

Yuto: Says the girl who ate 8 plates of food, and can't you see I only ate 2 plates. Therefore, it does not make me a pig.

Helen: Your turning into a nerd.

Yuto: Ah no I don't think so, I am just stating the obvious

Helen: Just get away from me, I'm not in the mood to talk to you.


Helen then stands up and walks away from Yuto and to the deck.

She leans onto the railings to see the soon to be dark skies above her and saw a few birds flying in the skies

Helen: (sigh) I want to fly like the birds

What Helen didn't know was that Yuto was close by and overheard her when he was walking back to his room.



The jump members are 'stalking' Yuto to see if he is alright from his recent relationship.

Yuto began to walk faster and then it turned into a run.

All of a sudden, Chinen walked faster and almost broke into a run as well.


Daiki pulled him and told him

Daiki: Chinen don't run after him or he is going to find out.

With a sad face Chinen agreed.

And with that they stopped 'stalking' Yuto







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