Chapter 2

I'm a fool to love you

"Min-Hee are you done with the report on the- What are you doing?" I asked, looking at the woman who was my assistant with a curious glare. She immediately closed the computer and blushed. I had no words for what I'd caught her doing. She had been staring at Super Junior pictures on the internet, on Donghae to be more specific.

"I'm sorry", she breathed. "I'll go back to work now", she said, taking the paper out of my hands and handing me the report. I gave her a short nod and numbly strayed back to my office. I was nearly done with all the work that needed to be up on the schedule for the other workers so that the company could continue its way forward. Proud filled my body as I signed the last piece of paper and shut down my computer.

"Finally done", I exclaimed happily, stretching my stiff limbs in the air. A small knock was heard on the door. "Yes, come in", I instructed. The door opened and Min-Hee came in. My eyes widened slightly at the chock. She was wearing a tight, bright red dress with black high heels, red lipstick, lots of makeup, an expensive bag and she looked really good, even y. She blushed when she saw how I stared at her. "Wow", I uttered. "You look good"

"Thank you miss Kwon", she replied shyly. "Are you getting ready soon? We have to go", she continued. I stood up, taking my bag.

"I'm ready", I said. Seeing her eyes widen for a second I got the message instantly - I wasn't appropriately dressed to go to a concert of such high standards. Too bad I couldn't care less. I grabbed her hand and dragged her out to my car. We got in and drove off to the location of the concert. When I got out of the car I let out a groan. Min-Hee had asked millions of awkward question, constantly comparing the two of us. Don't worry, I'll dearly hear compliments but not so freaking many of them. Towards the end it was hard to focus on anything else than Min-Hee's voice squeezing its way into my brain, practically it all together. She continued talking until we reached our seats inside the large hall. I thought I was going to throw up if I had to listen to 'how I deserved the best of the best'. I would've been satisfied with her shutting the hell up and maybe not having Donghae on my mind 24/7. I played a game on my phone to shut out a little of Min-Hee's annoying sounds. After about half an hour the light finally faded to darkness. The concert started. I sceptically  watched it, not knowing if I wanted to hate it or not. I bit my lips when Donghae started singing or rapping. His dance moves were smooth, easy for him and precise. You could tell that he loved being up there on the stage, flashing smiles all over the place, earning screams from his fans. I felt a sting of jealousy in my heart. What was I to him? Why didn't he ever smile like that when he was around me? Without thinking about it I had started crying. But so did Min-Hee so she didn't find it strange. Though we cried for entirely different reasons. Donghae was shining for everyone but me. I was a toy to him. Nothing more...

"We're meeting them?!" Min-Hee exclaimed when I showed my name to one of the guards and he began leading us backstage.

"Well of course", I answered her stupid question. "We have to thank Mr. Lee for giving us the tickets", I half muttered. I wasn't in the mood to be happy, smile or even appreciate Min-Hee's nice words. We followed the guard to a room where we'd wait for the members of the band to come. Or perhaps Donghae alone. I shivered at the thought of him coming alone. Min-Hee was there, to which I was thankful. I stood by the wall, impatiently tapping my fingers to my elbow. Min-Hee on the other hand sat on the black leather couch, hands together resting in her lap, straight back, head held up high. I wondered how a hardworking woman like her couldn't have come further than an assistant, something I made her because I originally loved the way she make my coffee in the morning. I never dared telling her that. I had quickly taught her all the things she would need to know to handle the job all around and she impressed me with her clever mind and fast learning. I curved up my lips into a small smile. Maybe I should give her more credit than I do. She's always been nice to me. Coming across an older sister almost. I had no siblings so it felt both reassuring and safe to have someone that cared about you. I thought that if that someone couldn't be a boyfriend then why not have a sister? I walked up to Min-Hee and gave her a hug. She was surprised then hugged me back, smiling.

"What was that for miss Kwon?" she wondered. I shrugged and went back to where I had been standing before.

"I needed it", I whispered. I saw Min-Hee tilt her head, smiling wider.

"I'm always here if you need someone to talk to", she said. "You may be my boss but I see you as a little sister too", she truthfully told me. I lit up. I opened my mouth to reply her but I heard the door open, my smile immediately fading. Donghae, alone, came into the room. Min-Hee bowed to him and they greeted each other. Then Donghae turned to me. His face unreadable.

"Miss Kwon", he said, taking my hand in his. I looked him straight in the eye. No matter what, I reminded myself that here and now I wasn't Hana Kwon the nineteen year old girl with the bubbly personality who was curious and feared Donghae. Here and now I was Hana Kwon the co-owner of a large company. I was here because of work. Nothing else than that. I would not let my poker-face get ruined by my stupid feelings. I'm a businesswoman, I thought to myself before flashing Donghae a charming smile.

"Nice to meet you again, Mr. Lee. It's been a while since last time", I responded casually, shaking his hand.

"I'm sorry to have kept you waiting. I needed to shower and freshen up a bit", Donghae said, letting go of my hand and turning to Min-Hee.

"No worries", I said. Donghae turned to me. I managed to spot the fierce glare before his gaze returned to being blank. "We wanted to personally thank you for the tickets", I continued, ignoring the discomfort he caused me to feel.

"Okay, good. Did you like it?" Donghae asked, staring at me. I stared back.

"It was amazing!" Min-Hee thankfully interrupted our contest after a while. Donghae averted his eyes from me to go to her. He walked closer to her.

"I'm glad you liked it. Which part was your favourite?" he asked her, changing his voice to a seducing, silky one. His eyes piercing through her. Min-Hee blushed, shyly glancing down at her feet.

"I-I liked the p-part when you all were..." She paused to look up at him. When their eyes met I could nearly hear the crossbow getting loaded, ready to shoot into my heart. "...y." Min-Hee finished nervously. Donghae's smirk couldn't have shown more satisfaction than right now. I knew he sought my jealousy. He can keep dreaming of receiving it, I thought, I'm not giving him that.

"So you like y huh?" Donghae teased. "May I ask who your favourite member is?" he continued, trailing his hand up and down Min-Hee's arm. I could tell his touch made her shiver from the toes up to her head.

"Y-you", she stuttered. Donghae's smirk grew if possible wider. His hand reached around Min-Hee's waist, slowly sliding down along it to her then it went up again. He pulled her a little closer.

"I feel honoured", Donghae uttered. His voice was so y, seductive and full of lust that it could've made any girl drop to her knees right away, ready to follow his every wink. I stood there, watching the two as Min-Hee blushed even more and Donghae took advantage of her vulnerability.

"I've dreamt of seeing one of your concerts and meeting you", Min-Hee whispered. Donghae tilted his head then he out of the blue grabbed her waist and crashed his lips on hers. And there it was, the arrow. Shooting from the crossbow straight into my heart. Spreading hurt, jealousy, sadness and hopelessness. I held back my tears, refusing to let him see my vulnerability too. I wanted to hate his guts, I wanted to throw a knife at his heart so that he would feel the pain that he caused my heart to withstand. After a few seconds, or years to me, Donghae let go of Min-Hee.

"You have the softest lips I've ever encountered and I'm guessing you've longed for that too." Donghae taunted her, showing Min-Hee his wide, most charming smile.

"T-thank you... Yes I have", Min-Hee replied. Her eyes revealed that she currently had landed on cloud nine. She wanted more of this man in front of her. Donghae leaned forward to her ear.

"Would you mind leaving me and your boss alone for a moment? There's a business factor I need to consult with her about", Donghae whispered to Min-Hee, still letting me hear it. Min-Hee seemed disappointed. She had no choice but to nod.

"Okay, I'll wait outside miss Kwon." She smiled at me. Donghae made her look at him and then passionately kissed her again. Then he turned her around and slapped her making her walk. When Min-Hee had closed the door after her he spun around, facing me.

"Now miss Kwon... Tell me what you thought of that kiss", Donghae teasingly told me, stepping closer until he had pinned me to the wall. His hands were on the sides of my head. I couldn't hold back the tears for much longer now...

"What do you want me to answer to that?" I asked, having taken a minute or two to compose myself. Donghae smirked again.

"The truth of course", he replied. "Tell me what I do to you when I'm with other girls", he demanded. I tried to turn my head away from him. His hand on my chin prevented me to do so. I hated this. As if I had nothing left to lose I kept my tears behind long enough to come up with a question in my head.

"Why are you doing this to me?" I asked, releasing my tears. They sprung out of my eyes to forcefully run down my cheeks. Donghae rolled his eyes. I decided to continue. "Is it because you can or do I have some weird meaning in your life? Do I give you anything?" I was desperate for an answer, even if it might not be what I wanted to hear.

"You're an easy, great ", Donghae replied coldly. He took a step away from me. I then allowed myself to let go of all my tears, sinking down to the floor in the process.

"Why can't you just break me to the bone then?" I breathed.

"Because I enjoy the power I have over you. I love your moans and the way you're wet for me whenever I want you to be. You provide me all needs I want but you never complain one bit about it. I love that", Donghae said. I looked up at him teary eyed, swollen already.

"If I can't be more than that and you refuse to let me go then I'm going to kill myself", I hissed at him. For the first time since I had met Lee Donghae I saw panic, chock and fear spreading in his eyes. It changed into a chuckle.

"You're not serious." He tried convincing me to believe that he had everything under control, me under control.

"Give me a knife if you dare then", I told him. I stood up. "I'm sick of this game now", I added, walking closer towards him. "I want you more than anyone and anything and you won't even look at me twice or think of me with more value than a toy!" I yelled furiously. He grabbed my arm, putting his other hand on my mouth to silence me.

"Will you keep your voice down?" he growled quietly. "What the hell are you even talking about?" he asked, taking away his hand. I pushed him away.

"Don't you get that I love you, you ing idiot!" I continued to yell. His expression showed no sign of understanding, revelation or surprise.

"I know that you love me", he muttered. "I heard you say it when you woke up when we were over at my apartment. I don't get why though. I've tried to make you hate me but you only seem to fall for me even more by each time I come over", he said. I was stunned. I stared at him with my two blank eyes, full of confusion. He had tried to make me hate him? Why?

"What?" He looked up at me, regret showing in his eyes.

"Why can't you just hate me? Force me to leave. Hit me. Yell at me. Something Hana", he said my name. I shivered. He had used his soft, kind voice and said my name. I fell down to the floor, on my knees in front of him. Too weak to stand up anymore. Donghae watched me fall without changing his expression. I could tell that he hid things from me, his feelings. I couldn't understand which feelings, therefore I got overwhelmed by the situation causing more tears to flow from my eyes.

"How can I hate you?" I huskily questioned. "You're the only one that's there for me. Even if you don't see it like that. You come whenever I need it. Even though you're rough, leave me hurt and wounded I don't care. I love you Donghae", I confessed, tired of hiding in the corner. I heard him sigh and then saw his knees in front of me.

"Do you have any idea how much I want you to hate me as much as I want to hear that you love me?" Donghae said. I met his eyes.

"Why do you want me to hate you?" I asked. "Why haven't you just let me live my life if you wanted me to hate you and forget you?!" I shouted in his face.

"Because I love you too..." Donghae's whisper stopped me in my tracks, stopped time. I stared at his hair where his face had been before he had lowered it. "I'm so sorry Hana... I know it's not enough. I needed you to break my heart. Because this won't work. We can't be together and it pains my heart but it's true. I treated you the way I did because I wanted you to push me away, stop me. You never did that. I understand now that you're too kind to ever be able to break my heart. So I decided to break yours instead. I failed... Only making you want more of me instead", Donghae explained. I stood up abruptly. I had no idea what to do. Donghae looked up at me. The sight made me pity him. His tears not affecting my heart to the sadder point. More like if I had won. I had showed that he was weaker than me. I turned to the door, stomping towards it when I suddenly felt a hand gripping around my wrist, pulling me back and around. Donghae's pleading eyes shoot an arrow at me again but this time I caught it in the air. I had no empathy for him.

"Let me go", I commanded. He didn't let go.

"Please, don't go", he pleaded.

"You were the one that said this wouldn't work Donghae. I don't care anymore. I'll forget you, erase you from my heart, mind, everything. I don't ever want to see you again", I told him. He cried. The strong, dominant man who had done his all to make me go down and kiss his feet, he cried. Pointless tears to me. "It's too late for that Donghae", I said making him let go.

"Maybe we-" he started but I cut him off in the most terrible way - I hit him. A slap, across his face, hard, cold, hateful.

"I'm not giving you another chance!" I shouted. He turned his head to me. Tears were still streaming down his face.

"I'm sorry. I'm never going to touch you again. Please forget me", Donghae apologised then bowed. I took a deep breath before opening the door, walking out. How could I forgive him? He'd been horrible to me these past few months. Then out of nowhere he says he loves me and that he did those things just to make me hate him. How can one be so stupid? I stopped when I saw Min-Hee. She sat on a chair, waiting for me. My eyes flew to her lips. The lips that he had kissed. They weren't mine. In only a few seconds I made the decision of my life. I ran back into the room where Donghae still was, sitting on the couch. He looked up at me, his eyes becoming wide from the chock. I rushed over to him, straddled him, took his face in my hands and then I leaned in to press our lips together. He carefully placed his own hands on mine, caressing them gently then he kissed me back. His lips soft, loving, caring to mine. Like I'd dreamt them to one day be. I broke the kiss after a while, having closed eyes. His forehead resting against my own.

"Tell me you love me", I commanded. His hands tightened around mine.

"I love you Hana Kwon. And I'll make you forget the old me and show you the one I know you want me to be. Show you the real me. Given the chance. Please. If you just give me a chance to prove you my love I will do so", he pleaded. I shut my eyes tight together.

"I'm begging you to not break my heart", I mumbled through the new tears. His hands travelled down to my waist and he hugged me, tightly to him. I cried into his neck. His breath wasn't anything like it had been the night before. It was calm, gentle.

"I'll kill myself if I end up breaking your heart", he whispered into my ear. "I love you Hana", he added, kissing my cheek.

"I can't believe I do...but I love you too Donghae", I answered. His light chuckle formed into a smile. I moved away to see what I'd longed for a very, very long time. His beautiful smile. His sparkling eyes. I took a photo in mind, afraid that I'd never see that smile ever again. I felt him lean in to soon feel those amazing lips again.

I love you, Lee Donghae. I'll love you until the day I die...

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Michiyi #1
I've read this a few times or so. And I have to admit this, is definitely one of the best Donghae angst short stories I've ever read. :)
Chapter 2: saranghae ;;
Chapter 2: Waaaaaaa!! DAEBAK!! I love it!! I didn't expect the end!!
Thwnks for the fic!! Fighting with the next!! ^_^