Chapter 1

I'm a fool to love you

I watched as he pulled up his blue jeans over his red boxers, putting them provokingly low so that you could see the edge on the boxers. He reached for his shirt, draping it over his still slightly sweaty body that shimmered in the light from my lamp hanging in the ceiling. His soft curls of brown silky hair were also a bit wet from the sweat. How his hair fell perfectly down his nape made me shiver. The way his arm muscles contracted when he bent down to put on his socks, his staring me in the face. Yet, I couldn't touch it again. My hands had only caressed it once before but then he had taken my hands, putting them over my head roughly. I never had any control when I was with him. Not that I minded the way he gave me the immense pleasure - letting me cry out his name throughout the entire session. I pulled up the covers a little more to cover my body. He noticed my movement and turned his head a little to glare at me with a raised eyebrow.

"What are you doing?" he asked, his beautiful, smooth voice oozing despise and dominance. I flinched at the pain that pierced in my heart, leaving it bleeding, crying.

"I'm sorry", I whispered. He scoffed and turned to me. I eyed him from his feet up his strong thighs to his hips and lowered abdomen with his muscular luscious abs then his upper chest with his demanding arms and his delicious chest muscles then his neck, his wonderful neck up his clear jaw line then his entire face struck me. Everything from his eyes to nose to cheekbones and forehead and the way his hair wrapped around it perfectly. I met his eyes for a short moment but the look he gave me made me turn my gaze to the white sheets. He smirked and leaned closer to me, lying a hand on my thigh and with a hard rub made a small moan escape my lips. His smirk grew wider. Suddenly I felt his teeth grabbing my ear lobe in his mouth, his tongue swirling around. I let another moan slip out. His breath caused my body to squirm, wanting more of him. But when I tried to pull away to kiss him but with his finger on my lips he hindered me. He shook his head.

"Try keeping away from around, okay?" his low, seducing whispered had so much insult in it but I couldn't care less. I nodded. He grabbed my chin roughly making me look him straight into his eyes. "You're mine, my only you just get paid by having me", he said and pecked my lips. I nodded again and then watched him leave me. I sighed when the door closed. He was gone again and I didn't have any idea when I'd see him the next time. I got up from my bed and went to my shower. I put on the warm water. It washed me clean but I wanted it to wash off my feelings too.

"Lee Donghae..." I whispered to myself, the water almost draining the name. How could a man so perfect be so cruel and do this to a girl like me. A straight A-student from the first grade and a successful woman now. I was a co-owner to a large company that sell and took care of the cafés around Seoul and Korea. I earned more than women and men in their thirties to fourties. The difference is that I'm only nineteen. How I got to where I am in my life right now I actually don't know, I never analysed my life. Only thing I knew was how he came into my life. I had a business meeting and it was about opening a new café that was going to get called 'The Grand Place'. The café was going to open up in Taiwan but it was a Korean man who wanted to open it and he hired my company. We took the job since it would make us grow as a company. At the business meeting the man who wanted to open the café was there. I only got to know that he was an idol at SM Entertainment a few minutes before I met him. From the moment I saw him he had me. Though, that was the first and last time he smiled at me, not an cocky and dominant smile that he showed me when he knew he had perfect control over me. Then I talked to him, mostly about affairs but his voice then and the memory of that still takes my breath away. I stepped out from the shower and dried both my body and my tears. I went to my kitchen to eat something quick before I went to bed. Loneliness suffocated me. Nevertheless, I feel asleep. Imagining him being next to me, as more than just someone who used me for his own pleasures. I longed for his arms to gently and lovingly hug me. His lips for merely one time not be rough but sweet, caring. My dream was him. Is him. I love him...


The next morning, a Friday morning, I got up early as usually and got ready for work. What I loved about being the boss was that I didn't have to care about what I needed to wear. I could wear anything I wanted, felt like. I put on a pair of sleek white jeans with a loose blouse with a . I know that Donghae had told me that I shouldn't be '' around but he wasn't here now. I let my hair be down my shoulders and wrapped up my outfit with white converse, colourful accessories and a big white bag. I went to my car and drove off to the office. A large building with lots of windows and a big sign where the name of our company stood. I walked in, having my sunglasses propped up in my hair and a confident smile on my lips. This was where I belonged. My workers, much older than me, bowed 90 degrees whenever they saw me. It made me feel respected. I knew that as a young woman, very young in fact, it would be even harder for me to make myself into something big and give myself a respectful, high class but I knew my . No one understood this form of work like I did in this building and it pleased me. The other owner of the company was a man in his mid-fourties that handled everything great but was unable to come up with the inventions and ideas that crossed my youthful mind. I just had to present one of my many ideas to him before he hired me and soon made me his partner. I started working right after my five weeks vacation when I had graduated from high school. I got my own apartment easily and moved from my home town to Seoul. My parents who are very proud of me wants what's best for me, at the same time as they want me to be happy. That's why they allowed me to move. Of course, they don't know about Donghae... No one does actually. We're both publicly known and if it came out that we slept together it would crush more his career than mine but mine would definitely be affected.

"Good morning miss Kwon", my assistant greeted me with a bow and a cute smile. I smiled back to her.

"Good morning Min-Hee", I greeted back. "What's the plans for today?" I asked as I took the coffee she was holding and sat down by my huge purple and silver desk. I really needed to clean up the mess that lay on it. I opened my computer and drank a gulp of the warm coffee while listening to Min-Hee. She talked about meetings and boring paperwork but suddenly I choked on my coffee, starting to cough. She ran to my help but I stood up abruptly startling her. "What did you say? Where are we going?" I demanded for her to repeat her last sentence even though I didn't want to hear it at all.

"You and Mr. Park and some others have been invited to go one of Super Junior's concerts because Mr. Lee wanted to show his gratitude toward the company", Min-Hee repeated. "Are you okay miss Kwon?" she then asked a little worried. I fell down on my chair, the air getting out of the room made me feel dizzy.

"Get out", I told Min-Hee. She obediently went out without a word. I was in complete chock. What the hell was Donghae doing?! I couldn't understand why he'd do something so risky. Or was it? Did he really want to only invite us to show how thankful he was? I had a hard time believing that to be honest. I can't say I know Donghae but there's something going on here, I suspect mischief. If anything I was scared. Not that he did things that didn't go away after a while, like marks and bites but... I sighed loudly, burying my face in my hands. I heard the door open and for a minute composed myself enough to first of all be able to handle my job. Mr. Park stood in front of me with a huge grin plastered on his face. I raised an amused brow, crossing my arms and leaning back in my chair to meet his funny behaviour. "Yes?"

"Good morning Hana. I heard that Min-Hee told you about the concert tonight huh? Too stressed to go?" he asked, finding it amusing. These Koreans and work, studies and just keeping themselves busy all the freaking time!

"Yes I heard. And actually yes. I am too stressed to go. I have tons of papers to go through, meetings to attend and all has to be done by next week. Besides, concerts shouldn't be held on Fridays. I'd prefer to go if it was on a Saturday because I cannot afford to lose hours", I replied Mr. Park. He chuckled.

"I hear you speak like a true businesswoman now Hana. But I'm still in a higher position than you and I'm telling you to go to the concert. You work too much for a girl your age. Have some fun, enjoy yourself and life in general", he said, placing two tickets on my desk. I stared at them.

"Aren't you going?" I asked him, looking up to see him raising a brow in total disbelief. I sighed. "Then who?" I questioned. He shrugged.

"Anyone you want. But I'd suggest Min-Hee, she works a lot too and has a lot going on in her life. You know, she got divorced only a week ago or so", he said. Okay, I could somewhat understand that she felt horrible about it but to talk about divorce with a girl who hasn't even had a proper boyfriend yet, yes I know that's why this thing with Donghae is so screwed up, isn't really neither appropriate nor has it meaning, I won't understand her feelings anyway. I nodded to Mr. Park and called in Min-Hee. She jumped in excitement when I asked her to come with me to the concert.

"Oh thank you so much miss Kwon!" she squealed and ran out of my office with the two tickets in her hand. Min-Hee was in her late twenties and still loved boy bands. I'm nineteen and don't get why people love them at all. I get that they own talent, charisma and all that. It's probably Donghae's fault I don't like them, I thought. I thanked Mr. Park for the tickets being my polite self and then returned to work. It helped me focus, not wanting to think about that man who caused my heart to feel like daggers were piercing through it whenever he'd look at me, talk to me, even curse at me. His breaths on me was a sensation in its self. It bothered me how much I'd grown to love this horrible, abusive man. Although, I'd give anything to be his.

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Michiyi #1
I've read this a few times or so. And I have to admit this, is definitely one of the best Donghae angst short stories I've ever read. :)
Chapter 2: saranghae ;;
Chapter 2: Waaaaaaa!! DAEBAK!! I love it!! I didn't expect the end!!
Thwnks for the fic!! Fighting with the next!! ^_^