I don't need him!


If he just wants to be friends, then fine. There's plenty of guys out there who want me. Like Taemin's older brother, Jinki. He used to always hit on me. I need to get over Jonghyun, it's just a stupid crush anyways. He's broken my heart. He's so clueless. Can't he see that I love him?!

Key quickly dialed someone's number on his phone.


"Taemin, it's me."

"Key hyung?"

"Yeah, hey can I have your brother's number?"

"Yeah, it's xxx-xxxx. Why?"

"I want to ask him out.."

"On a date? What about Jonghyun hyung?"

"Taemin, he's never going to like me. I've liked him for eight years. He's such an idiot, and he'll never see that."

"Then tell him that you like him."

"He doesn't even like guys. And if I told him, he would probably get creeped out and it would ruin our friendship."

"Fine, go out with Onew. Just.. don't break his heart. He has always liked you."

"I won't, Taemin. I'm going to call him. I'll hang up now~"

Key dialed Jinki's number.


"Onew hyung?"

"Who's this?"


"Ah, Key-ah. What's up?"

"Do you want to go out with me?"




"Can you right now?"

"Uhm, I suppose so.."

"Alright, let's me at the XX mall!"

"Okay, I'll hang up now."

A date with Onew hyung. Jonghyunnie will be off of my mind soon. I've always liked the attention Onew gives me. I better go get ready.

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Chapter 4: this was so good.nice update
Chapter 4: Aw this is too cute and stupid Jjong dump that girl and go get Bummie XD
Chapter 3: short but liked it.hope u will update long chp next time
Chapter 3: Awwww sooo short ( just like jonghyun XD) I WANT MORE!!!!
Chapter 2: Aww so short but i love it already! I hope key doesn't hurt Jinki though :3 Update soon please
Chapter 1: Stupid Jjong being too dumb to notice Keys feelings
Great start already like it alot ^^
KissYo #7
Chapter 1: This is cute! But I know how it'll end from the description :( please update soon, me likey!